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FIFA World Cup


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Does Blatter even need cash bribes tho ? I bet his FIFA expense account pays for every thing him and his family possibly need. It might be a bit harder to nail him but I hope they do.

Of course he does. Ok FIFA might pay for a lot of things on expenses but there will be things they can't be seen as paying for.

Also what happens when he does finally leave FIFA? He is used to a very expensive lifestyle, he needs to pay for it somehow in future.

How an accountant with no known interest in football was able to be the head of world football for so long is beyond me.


As much as I don't want Blatter to win on Friday, I can't see much change coming from the prince of Jordan. The problem with FIFA is that the alternatives are equally as corrupt and have as little in interest in football than anyone else there and more concern about money. Blatter has managed to stay as president for so long because people running against him have been Blatters mates who have been making the deals for Blatter and when they have decided to go for a power challenge they have either conveniently step aside just before the elections to allow Blatter to win unopposed, or have been thrown under the bus by Blatter.

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I guess if Blatter was guilty he would have been arrested unless there is more to come and one of the numerous arrested will sing like a bird to take him down


Even if Blatter is guilty and he quite clearly is, they would never go straight for him because in all likelihood they would never have the evidence. It's just how things are done, get the smaller ones first get them to some confess some crap and hopefully that gives you enough ammo to take Blatter down.

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If he isn't actually guilty of corruption itself, he will at least be guilty of 'turning a blind eye' to it all, whatever the legal term would be for that would be. No way he didn't have any idea of suspicious activity that was happening below him.

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Guest chopey

If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.

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This been posted?


FIFA scandal stretches to Traffic, agency involved in Barça's Douglas signing


Brazilian agency Traffic, who were involved in Barcelona's signings of Henrique, Keirrison and Douglas, is under suspicion for bribing FIFA officials.


The multinational marketing company, which has subsidaries such as the football agency Traffic Sport International, has been caught up in the investiagtion which saw several FIFA officials arrested on Wednesday morning.


Traffic's owner and founder, Jose Hawilla, is one of the men who is suggested to have paid the FIFA officials in order to win contracts.


The Brazilian subsidary of traffic is an old acquaintace of FA Barcelona, with several players, including Douglas last summer, being signed through them. However, the signings have always been linked with poor performances.


According to sources close to the investigation, Hawilla is accused of paying officials in order to gain sponsorship deals and the television rights to various tournaments in the CONCACAF region.




They're probably involved in 95% of Brazilian transfers as they own all of them. Bunch of pricks the lot.

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Guest Roger Kint

If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.


The voting procedure is a total joke mind. CONCACAF having about 11 less votes than UEFA or whatever it is plus those you mention and its little chance he would be fucked off. Its about time votes were linked to the FIFA rankings so New Caledonia dont have the same voting rights as Brasil, Germany or Spain. Utterly mental how much value is put on these backwater nations just to help swing the vote

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If he isn't actually guilty of corruption itself, he will at least be guilty of 'turning a blind eye' to it all, whatever the legal term would be for that would be. No way he didn't have any idea of suspicious activity that was happening below him.



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If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.


The voting procedure is a total joke mind. CONCACAF having about 11 less votes than UEFA or whatever it is plus those you mention and its little chance he would be f***ed off. Its about time votes were linked to the FIFA rankings so New Caledonia dont have the same voting rights as Brasil, Germany or Spain. Utterly mental how much value is put on these backwater nations just to help swing the vote


I'd rather we had no vote at all, bunch of corrupt oldies sitting there collecting bribe moneys. Rather Spain wouldn't either. Be better if World Cup could be hosted everywhere but only northern European countries could vote for a president :lol:

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Guest Roger Kint

If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.


The voting procedure is a total joke mind. CONCACAF having about 11 less votes than UEFA or whatever it is plus those you mention and its little chance he would be f***ed off. Its about time votes were linked to the FIFA rankings so New Caledonia dont have the same voting rights as Brasil, Germany or Spain. Utterly mental how much value is put on these backwater nations just to help swing the vote


I'd rather we had no vote at all, bunch of corrupt oldies sitting there collecting bribe moneys. Rather Spain wouldn't either. Be better if World Cup could be hosted everywhere but only northern European countries could vote for a president :lol:


:lol: Theres some horrendous pricks lurking in every FA mind. Ours is full of dithering old twats as well. Whole of FIFA stinks, makes UEFA look amazing.

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If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.


The voting procedure is a total joke mind. CONCACAF having about 11 less votes than UEFA or whatever it is plus those you mention and its little chance he would be f***ed off. Its about time votes were linked to the FIFA rankings so New Caledonia dont have the same voting rights as Brasil, Germany or Spain. Utterly mental how much value is put on these backwater nations just to help swing the vote


I'd rather we had no vote at all, bunch of corrupt oldies sitting there collecting bribe moneys. Rather Spain wouldn't either. Be better if World Cup could be hosted everywhere but only northern European countries could vote for a president :lol:


Harsh, but fair.

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If he wins today then what's the point in FIFA ? According to the BBC he already has the Asian and African votes which is almost half of all votes so no matter what happens with today's vote the football world is split between corrupt lesser countries and Europe and the USA so surly that can't work .


FIFA needs to disband with a new organisation set up and every 4 years each federation gets the chance to host.


The voting procedure is a total joke mind. CONCACAF having about 11 less votes than UEFA or whatever it is plus those you mention and its little chance he would be f***ed off. Its about time votes were linked to the FIFA rankings so New Caledonia dont have the same voting rights as Brasil, Germany or Spain. Utterly mental how much value is put on these backwater nations just to help swing the vote


I'd rather we had no vote at all, bunch of corrupt oldies sitting there collecting bribe moneys. Rather Spain wouldn't either. Be better if World Cup could be hosted everywhere but only northern European countries could vote for a president :lol:


Harsh, but fair.


:lol: I've learnt that any country speaking a language derived from Latin should have no vote.

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