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Robert Madley 3-0 Newcastle - 25/10/15 - Post match reaction from Half Time


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How do we manage to make this team look so much better than us when it comes to converting chances and getting the right decisions. I don't get it, we beat Norwich 6-2 and they can barely cope with West Brom and even then this is so inevitable.


Maybe because they are better than us at converting chances :lol:  You squander as much as we squandered first half, this is what's going to happen like

But come on, look at Adam fucking Johnson, he has two games a year where he is doing like a couple of great things, always against us.

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Weird how everyone has just accepted that Sunderland have a paedo playing


i'd be fucking embarassed to even have him playing for our team, never mind treating him like a fucking hero when he scores - they all need a fucking good look at themselves like  :fool:

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