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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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Chris Babalooba's post history for the past three months:


1. Today, following defeat to Sheff Wed

2. 12 March, following defeat to Fulham

3. 28 February, after we went 1-0 down to Brighton. Although, he stopped posting after we equalised and then went on to win the match.

4. 1 February, following a 2-2 draw with QPR


And yet people do not realise that he's just a total WUM and they continue to respond to him.

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The way I see it we HAVE blown away the league. It's just Brighton have also, it's that simple. The chasm between us two and the rest is huge.


This is the season most 'pro commentators' predicted Rafa would come undone due to his "lack of experience in this league". Now that he hasn't we're hearing "he should be doing far better".


Fuck off.

Most of the ones I heard thought we'd win the league at a canter

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Chris Babalooba's post history for the past three months:


1. Today, following defeat to Sheff Wed

2. 12 March, following defeat to Fulham

3. 28 February, after we went 1-0 down to Brighton. Although, he stopped posting after we equalised and then went on to win the match.

4. 1 February, following a 2-2 draw with QPR


And yet people do not realise that he's just a total WUM and they continue to respond to him.

Nobody has responded to him seriously

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The way I see it we HAVE blown away the league. It's just Brighton have also, it's that simple. The chasm between us two and the rest is huge.


This is the season most 'pro commentators' predicted Rafa would come undone due to his "lack of experience in this league". Now that he hasn't we're hearing "he should be doing far better".


f*** off.


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Squad is s****. Rafa assembled the squad. Way of playing is s****. Rafa has us playing this way. No wonder the powers that be don't trust him anymore. I think I'll be proved correct with my predication from early on this season that this team won't be promoted.

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Backs Pardew, doesn't rate a non Barca/Real La Liga-title winning manager who also won the Champs League vs a World XI.


I think it's safe to say Rafa knows a bit more than you, Babaloobawooba.


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Chris Babalooba's post history for the past three months:


1. Today, following defeat to Sheff Wed

2. 12 March, following defeat to Fulham

3. 28 February, after we went 1-0 down to Brighton. Although, he stopped posting after we equalised and then went on to win the match.

4. 1 February, following a 2-2 draw with QPR


And yet people do not realise that he's just a total WUM and they continue to respond to him.

Nobody has responded to him seriously


Aye, some clearly have like.

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Squad is s****. Rafa assembled the squad. Way of playing is s****. Rafa has us playing this way. No wonder the powers that be don't trust him anymore. I think I'll be proved correct with my predication from early on this season that this team won't be promoted.



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Squad is s****. Rafa assembled the squad. Way of playing is s****. Rafa has us playing this way. No wonder the powers that be don't trust him anymore. I think I'll be proved correct with my predication from early on this season that this team won't be promoted.



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Always fun to re-quote this:


I dont know why everyone is so negative towards this bloke. After all after the portsmouth game you were all licking his arse stating how much of a good job he has done etc etc etc. Now after a poor xmas period (which we never f***ing do well in anyway) you want him out. From reading this forum for a while everytime we go through a bad patch the majority of regular posters want the manager out. Joe Kinnear has done a decent job considering the state that the club is in. Had we won those tight games in which we drew we would be level on points with Wigan who by all accounts are having a great season.


What we need is a little bit of stability and if Kinnear is going to give us a few seasons of mid table consolodation while putting in place a quality scouting network and continue to develop our academy then so be it.


The last thing we need is to get rid of him and bring in another high paid so called savoiur only to be in the same position. The problems we have are not going be fixed by changing the manager, its much deeper than that. If it wasnt for Kinnear lets face it we would probably be bottom of the league right now, but with Kinnear we are in 11th position.


The problem with this forum is that the majority of posters only know Newcastle United from KK first reign in charge and therefore havent seen or experienced the dark days of the eighties and early ninety's where we were really s***. I am not saying this position that the club finds itself in is acceptable but it could be a lot worse....look at Leeds United.


Kinnear done miracles at Wimbledon, give him a chance to change us around..... we may be suprised


:lol: This can't be real surely? Surely this level of erm...intelligence....is unheard of?

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Absolutely making a hash of this season. Said it from week 1 of the season. Resources we have versus the turgid s**** he serves up week in week out is unacceptable. I'll say it again, if Pardew was in charge there would be up roar. I don't get the support for Rafa.


up roars m8

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I do despair however at some of the comments I read about performances via social media and sometimes I wonder if I should heed the advice of some mates and just ignore it completely and withdraw from it as it all appears to be extreme, knee-jerk, flamboyant expressions of joy or unhappiness which verge on the bi-polar.


I’ll put my cards on the table. I regard the presence of Rafa Benitez as one of the single best things that has happened to Newcastle United in my life-time. In terms of prestige and achievement in the game, he is the best manager we have ever had. That is not to diminish the great achievements of Joe Harvey, Kevin Keegan and Sir Bobby Robson but take your Black & White goggles off and Senor Benitez is on a completely different level to those marvellous club servants.  Without Benitez we might be looking at a position similar to Aston Villa or worse. Probably worse. Instead, we are looking at a return to the Premier League.


Let’s put a few things into perspective. On Wednesday night Rafa brought on Sammy Ameobi as a substitute. Now, I’d have loved Sammy to have been a success at United but clearly that is just not going to be the case and he has hardly covered himself in glory with loan spells at Cardiff and Bolton. Yet, such are the resources available to Rafa that he’s getting a run-out in an absolutely vital promotion game in front of over 48,000 at St James’ Park. That is part of the legacy Rafa has inherited at United. Let’s not forget, our club remains in the recovery position after years of mismanagement, stagnation and decline. Rafa is the best chance of a half decent future at United but he isn’t a magician. He will make mistakes but what he has achieved in one transfer window has been nothing short of miraculous even if the style of football is somewhat functional. It is achieving the results we need.


The quality of club Rafa inherited means he is being forced to use players like Anita and Goufrann who will be released on free transfers at the end of the season and who I’d wager will not find Premier League clubs to play for next season.


Rafa coaches the players every day. He knows what they are capable of and that is why it is only desperation that brings Mbemba into the side who has not inspired confidence at all. Mitrovich finds his way back into the first team blocked by a 34-year-old striker, Daryl Murphy for whom the Championship is his level. According to a now invisible section of our support, Mitro started the season “on fire” but has hardly lived up to the billing of his fan club and who would argue he has what it takes to get us the goals to get us back into the Premier League? He’s had numerous opportunities and the stakes are just too high to continue to play the Serb because he doesn’t work hard enough, isn’t tough enough to dominate defenders and whose finishing is appalling.


I hear calls for Rafa to play two up top in what can only mean a 4-4-2 formation and despair at the lack of appreciation for how much the game has moved on from that and the absence of players the manager has at his disposal to make that happen. Gayle and who? Murphy? Lacks the mobility and pace or endurance it seems to play a full game. Mitro? Lacks everything.


The kind of club Rafa inherited has absolutely nothing coming through the academy the manager could put into the team. Frankly, this jam tomorrow I constantly hear about prospects from the Academy is wearing a bit thin. Big questions need to be asked about the whole purpose of the academy because Paul Dummett aside I’m struggling to see what it has produced in a very long while. It is an area that Rafa will need to address because no-one else at the club has had any positive impact upon it at all if the measure is in graduates to the first team squad.


Rafa has a small squad but it is one where Haris Vuckic and Curtis Goode have been on the books for years and look as close to a first team call up in 2017 as they did three years ago. They are nowhere near but the long term deals they are on mean we are stuck with them.


These are the cards the manager has been dealt.


Tiote was on the books until February and contributed zip. Big money but produced nothing for our just and righteous cause and stunk the place out for years with his face tripping him and wanting out for a big pay-day from some mugs who will put up with his nonsense.


What has been evident from this campaign is how inexperienced this team is, the nous it lacks at times and the edge it has missing to get us out of difficult spots. We don’t have the players to run the clock down in the last moments of games and it took Rafa to tell, to even push Lascelles to talking to the referee on Wednesday night when Stroud had his brain fart. Imagine Chris Hughton having to tell a Kevin Nolan, Joey Barton et al to get in front of the referee and point out the error of his ways in similar circumstances? No, me neither.


What I observe on match-days is a manager working his nuts off, wringing everything he possibly can from his players to get Newcastle United promoted. He is the leader and it’s a quality we seem to lack on the park at the moment. I do detect a fragility about the team and that is why they need us more than ever to get the club over the line and back to the Premier League because the consequences of that not happening could be absolutely catastrophic for Newcastle United for years to come.


Some in our support need to wake up and smell the coffee.


We will be promoted. It isn’t a piece of piss but you know one of the best seasons I’ve ever had following United was in the 83/84 season with Kevin Keegan, Chris Waddle, Peter Beardsley, Terry McDermott and Glenn Roeder in the team. We finished third that season. But we went up. It was a fantastic season of some of the most memorable football I’ve ever seen. But we were third. Rafa’s team is doing better than that with players who aren’t as good as that team or the one of 92/93 or 09/10 and in a division which is much tougher.


There are five games remaining. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the football club we all love and drag us over the promotion line.


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Guest firetotheworks

It's been a while since I've completely agreed with something in True Faith, but aye, that's spot on.

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It's been a while since I've completely agreed with something in True Faith, but aye, that's spot on.


I agree. There's some really well thought out analysis there. Very good read.

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I do despair however at some of the comments I read about performances via social media and sometimes I wonder if I should heed the advice of some mates and just ignore it completely and withdraw from it as it all appears to be extreme, knee-jerk, flamboyant expressions of joy or unhappiness which verge on the bi-polar.



This part is especially true :lol: It's part of the reason i stopped reading twitter and such like.

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I mean, it's hardly an impressive statement to say that "some people on the internet are a bit mental".


I don't agree with the "game has moved on from 4-4-2" line. Holier than thou nonsense iyam. As per usual, it doesn't have to be all bad or all good, but people love painting it that way on the Internet. Personally, I'm very happy with Rafa being our manager, and I'm more than convinced he'll get it right in the long run. However, in my opinion, his stubbornness with regards to tactics is proving to be a negative at this point in the season. I understand the limitations of the squad, but in my books that's not an excuse to never try anything other than his 4-4-1-1. It took him about 40 games to brave trying Diame in the central midfield. The complete lack of adventure is a concern to me, that's all.

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Guest firetotheworks

In all seriousness, are there any teams playing at or near the top level who are playing 442 or playing 442 regularly?

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