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Guest firetotheworks

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Speaks volumes that only Lascelles, Dummett and Elliott have shown themselves on Twitter since last night. The rest have gone stone dead quiet.


Because those three will get away pretty lightly in terms of stick on Twitter. Imagine Sissoko or Wijnaldum coming out saying they were gutted. :lol:

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I know a lot of people have suggested Lascelles as captain but I think if he was to stay, I'd put De Jong as captain. Yes maybe Lascelles looks the part and he should get it but De Jong was captain of Ajax and even before the emergence of Lascelles, there were times De Jong looked like a leader when playing.


He might have his health and injury issues but I remember we had Nicky Butt as captain with Alan Smith as vice captain the last time we were in the league and they were sometimes out injured. Have someone who has been captain before and a young gun as vice captain. It's a tough league and a long season ahead. We need some experience and enthusiasm to lead the charge for promotion.

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I would imagine that our's in 08-09 or QPR's was more expensive than this tbh.


Relatively speaking possibly, but Coloccini, Mbemba, Janmaat, Shelvey, Townsend, Thauvin, De Jong, Mitrovic, Wijnaldum...£90m there alone.


I think the last one was about the same. Owen, Luque, Martins, Enrique, Viduka, Duff, Beye, Smith, Barton, Nolan, Coloccini. That was a lot more money at the time like, but yeah you're probably right in terms of the amount.



Guess it depends on inflation and what the true fees actually were...think, Enrique was anything from 5.5 to 7, Nolan was a bit of an oddity because of the swap with Insomnia, so as far as Im aware no-one really knows what he actually cost...estimates around 4 million? Owen was pretty consistently reported as 16.5, Smith 7, Martins 13, Beye...can't remember; 2?, Barton 5.8, Coloccini 11ish...That's before getting into the fringe/reserve players like Xisco


Was almost certain Luque had gone to Ajax at the end of 07 season but would have to look it up to be sure.


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I know a lot of people have suggested Lascelles as captain but I think if he was to stay, I'd put De Jong as captain. Yes maybe Lascelles looks the part and he should get it but De Jong was captain of Ajax and even before the emergence of Lascelles, there were times De Jong looked like a leader when playing.


He might have his health and injury issues but I remember we had Nicky Butt as captain with Alan Smith as vice captain the last time we were in the league and they were sometimes out injured. Have someone who has been captain before and a young gun as vice captain. It's a tough league and a long season ahead. We need some experience and enthusiasm to lead the charge for promotion.


I definitely think De Jong is a player we should be trying to utilise more in the championship. He'll probably score a shedload of goals and in our side that's no small attribute. Plus he does look a decent character.

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I think the conflict with the fact that you find so many of these players utterly reprehensible and want to watch them slowly drown in an icy canal, is that although they've been abymsal all season, a lot of them would still manage to be amongst the best players in the championship, and it is players fitting this description you need to hang on to.


Similar thing going on for us. I'd like to drive a train over Bacuna, for example, but would he be decent at that level?






actually, thinking about it, no, no he wouldn't

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De Jong will be one of the first few gone.


Tbh, there's not many in the squad who I'd be arsed about leaving. If De Jong goes and we get some decent money for him then he's hardly irreplaceable. Lascelles is probably the only player who doesn't have weak aspect to his game. The rest are all flawed, even Townsend, although he's definitely one of our better players.  And to add to what brummie just said, if the majority of the squad hang around next season we will be too good for the rest of the sides in the championship to handle, bar our strikers.

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Not a clue why De Jong is so liked. Just as useless as the rest and made of fucking paper mache.


I'd have liked to see what Rafa could've gotten out of him, seeing what he was able to do with players with half of de Jong's talent.

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Not a clue why De Jong is so liked. Just as useless as the rest and made of f***ing paper mache.


Agreed. He's shown nothing to justify some of the praise he gets.


We play better with him in the side basically.  He's very good at dropping off and linking attack and midfield and giving an option.  He's one of the few players we have who can move intelligently off the ball.

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still cant get over de jong vs.villa. think that was a big moment in the season and I hate him for it.

La Manga tops them all. 


On the pitch? Aye that, Everton defeat and Norwich defeat spring to mind. 


Lucky to win against Bournemouth, Spurs and Liverpool tbf. 


Don't think we were lucky with the latter two at all tbf.



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