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The other games today 2017/18


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Guest Howaythetoon

What the hell has happened to R Madrid? Love Zidane, but this is crazy levels of going backwards given the strength of their squad.

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Guest neesy111

I seriously didn't expect Madrid to be this bad this season, really thought they had the squad to win everything this season.

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Guest neesy111

The one big thing Valverde has done is he's made Barca very organised now back, they were a mess last season under Enrique.  Then when you have the talent of Messi and co attacking wise you should win 90% of games.

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I think they are just hitting the stage of going to late into every competition for last few seasons and not really freshing the team up.


They've been the same team for like 4-5 years, at a certain point you need to evolve the team even when you are successful and they never did, i think getting rid of players like Morata and Pepe didn't really help either as it weakens the depth of the team.


Ferguson always said that if you don't improve when on top you will eventually go backwards, also a little bit controversial but i don't think Zidane is an amazing coach when it comes to tactics and in game adjustments either. What he was good at was motivation and sometimes a motivator will struggle to revert a slide once it starts.


Not to mention a lot of their key players are starting to enter the back end of their careers, just a lot of things happening at once.


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Isco is a fan favorite, but I don't think he's the player they should be building their offence around. Too ponderous, tends to overdo their buildup.


A Real Madrid fan friend of mine always says - and I agree with him to a degree - "whenever Isco is the best player on the pitch, it's a sign we're having a bad game". I think that works for today, too.

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