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The other games today 2018/19


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I agree, but what's the alternative? Whenever you have a black and white rule, you're going to get people slicing up time and space at microscopic levels to see if the rule was in violation or not. Is the alternative more based on intent? How would you legislate this? A striker has to be actually goalhanging to be considered offside, but if he's marginally offside when he takes off to chase a throughball, we should let him run and score? I'm not sure there is a laissez-faire way to implement this. You're only going to create more controversies.

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I understand the romantic sentiments regarding the "spirit" of the offsides rule, but what exactly are people suggesting the rule should be? It is fine to play by the rule of " Don't hang near the goal or we will smack you/no longer play with you" in a casual game, but this is not realistic for serious football. By definition, the offside rule will refer to a certain absolute point (based on the position of defenders) that your body or certain parts of your body will not be allowed to cross. It will inevitably be a matter of a heel or a nose being 1 cm in a certain direction unless you are asking the linesman and referees to make even more difficult judgement decisions than those they are already tasked with.


The rule is perfect as it is, and if VAR is going to become the standard, the issue is how we apply VAR. We have seen this issue seriously hurt NFL, a sport that brought video review in decades ago. The standard has to be that there is a decision made by the linesman/referee (or an egregious incident missed) that VAR can demonstrably prove to be an error. If we are just looking to VAR to actually be the arbiter for any difficult decision where the differences are microscopic and difficult for the bare eye to see, the sport will be seriously damaged and the officiating badly compromised, as in the NFL.


edit: Essentially I agree with DJ_NUFC

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Totally with Rory Smith on this, it's fucking preposterous.



Totally agree with that. The obsession with "his nose was 1 cm offside!"-style controversies is missing the point of what the offside is supposed to achieve.


Me too when it’s put like that. Should be the opposite way, if any part of the forward is online with the defender it should be onside. If there’s daylight then it’s offside and you’d think VAR could work for that.

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Guest Howaythetoon

This comeback against Levante is going to be pretty pointless if we end up expelled from the Cup...



Could be a blessing in disguise though, means yous can focus on staying up and not run the risk of picking up any injuries or players being tired due to extra games/extra time.


It’s the same with us mate, I wouldn’t worry about it. A good cup run and a trophy would be lovely though for both our clubs.


Ah, there is always next year eh!

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