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Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely  

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  1. 1. Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely

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Until he went on strike. Cabals can fuck off. Great player but his lack of stick for that is odd.


can't hold it against him myself, he was sold the club as a stepping stone to come on the cheap...PSG and whoever else were in for him and the club were playing silly cunts from his perspective


it's not ideal but it's the reality of the way we operate

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Until he went on strike. Cabals can fuck off. Great player but his lack of stick for that is odd.


can't hold it against him myself, he was sold the club as a stepping stone to come on the cheap...PSG and whoever else were in for him and the club were playing silly cunts from his perspective


it's not ideal but it's the reality of the way we operate


Two wrongs and all that

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Until he went on strike. Cabals can fuck off. Great player but his lack of stick for that is odd.


can't hold it against him myself, he was sold the club as a stepping stone to come on the cheap...PSG and whoever else were in for him and the club were playing silly cunts from his perspective


it's not ideal but it's the reality of the way we operate


Two wrongs and all that


nah sure, of course, would have been nice if he'd acted differently...alas

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That's not the point I'm making - clubs like PSG and Arsenal are/were always going to be a lot more attractive.


They are still gives you no right to not play for the club paying your wages or the supporters.

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I’m fine with that. He refused to play for us to engineer a move though. Who the fuck knows mind could all be a pack of fucking lies.

I don't believe for a second that he "refused to play", reckon it's another lie from the regime and they probably told him not to play to avoid injuries as they thought a sale would be imminent.

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The club was being sold to players as a stepping stone to bigger things back then, but people are surprised that one refused to play to move to a bigger club when we wouldn't let him leave? Loved Cabaye when he was here and at his best, pretty much forgotten he exists now. Move on.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The likes of Cabaye and Ba would be as committed as could possibly be in the right environment, they were top players. Certainly too good for us. Create that environment and they wouldn’t want to leave. They joined us in the first place because we sold ourselves as a stepping stone. I’d rather have someone not committed long-term who is talented over someone who is but has no talent. Barton or Cabaye? It’s a no brainer.


Again, it’s about creating an environment where the better players don’t want to leave or feel they can fulfil their goals here. Nothing will ever stop a player leaving for say Barcelona or an exceptional talent wanting to play for a better team or on a bigger stage, but Ba and Cabaye joined us because they were sold a stepping stone.


Their commitment or lack of was decided when they signed and when it become obvious they were too good for us. Their ability more than compensated for that, however, whereas someone like Barton was and always would be found wanting because no matter how committed, if you’re not very good at your job...


Mind, Cabaye and Ba certainly put in committed performances and effort, maybe not towards the end, but in most games. Same applies to Remy.


All 3 together would transform our team considerably, as individuals they would all walk into our side and improve it.


Ba could do what Rondón brings us, but he could put the ball in the back of the net as well. Cabaye could do what Shelvey brings us, but was more of a goal threat and more mobile. Remy’s pace and finishing would allow us to play with one up front in him and give us an extra dimension the way Gayle never could or Perez.

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Agree 100% with that, particularly the first paragraph. The likes of Cabaye, Ba & Remy had ambition. They wanted to win things. We were a gateway to that. Had we shown the same ambition as them then they'd have had no reason to go anywhere else.


The likes of Barton though, we were their limit and ceiling. Even after we sold Carroll he wanted a new contract because he knew we were as good as it was going to get for him. A weird loan move to Marseille aside, he was right too.

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The Cabaye saga is a weird one for me. 100% he was sold the club as a stepping stone, he was almost definitely wanting to leave to win things. But there's a way to go about it. When he 'refused to play' whether that was club lies to put fans against him or not; when he wasn't playing games and the club were saying he didn't want to play games, he had a Twitter account, media sources, interviews, all he had to do was open his mouth and deny those rumours, and he didn't. Which probably tips it toward being true.


Mahrez is a good example for a player that wants to leave, was still putting in good performances for Leicester and at no point have rumours swirling around him that he was refusing to play for the club. But y'kna. In the past now. Sell/die Ashley, pls.

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Yup to HTT and ON. I've fonder memories of the 'mercenaries' than the try-hards most of whom, don't get me wrong, I have respect for. But if the owner of our club actually wanted to move forward, those mercanaries wouldn't have been so desperate to leave.

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Mahrez is a good example for a player that wants to leave, was still putting in good performances for Leicester and at no point have rumours swirling around him that he was refusing to play for the club. But y'kna. In the past now. Sell/die Ashley, pls.


Mahrez did go on strike though and missed two Leicester matches





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The Cabaye saga is a weird one for me. 100% he was sold the club as a stepping stone, he was almost definitely wanting to leave to win things. But there's a way to go about it. When he 'refused to play' whether that was club lies to put fans against him or not; when he wasn't playing games and the club were saying he didn't want to play games, he had a Twitter account, media sources, interviews, all he had to do was open his mouth and deny those rumours, and he didn't. Which probably tips it toward being true.


Mahrez is a good example for a player that wants to leave, was still putting in good performances for Leicester and at no point have rumours swirling around him that he was refusing to play for the club. But y'kna. In the past now. Sell/die Ashley, pls.


Didn't Mahrez miss about 2-3 games in February in a sulk?

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Guest Howaythetoon

When we finished 5th the obvious thing to have done was strengthen further and try and go one further and finish 4th. We all know what happened...

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When we finished 5th the obvious thing to have done was strengthen further and try and go one further and finish 4th. We all know what happened...

Only brought in Anita, really. Amalfitano and Bigirimana don't count. Pardew then tried to convince us all that being in Europe was a bad thing. Wanker.
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When we finished 5th the obvious thing to have done was strengthen further and try and go one further and finish 4th. We all know what happened...


To be fair, that was never going to happen. Liverpool & Chelsea were always going to be back within a year or two. We should have at least strengthened so that we were in that sort of position where Everton are most seasons though.

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