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Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely  

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  1. 1. Will Sunderland Be Promoted from LEAGUE ONE? 0 = No chance 10 = Definitely

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Got the pleasure of these at the Ricoh a week Saturday. Family coming down from Bishop especially.  Fearing for my liver already.


tempted to go but no i couldn't bring myself to watch them, filthy racist fuckers  :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

It could well take Sunderland over 100m and over half a decade just to get back into the PL and even then it will take almost that again just to keep them up, likely in just one season the way things are heading.


The new owners to me are opportunists and have picked up Sunderland for pennes really and think by getting fans inside, hiring a young manager and with 20-30k gates and the tag of being a big club will see them make a swift return to the Championship.


That could easily backfire in them and another season in League One will extend their own finances to a point where they will have to borrow to not only keep the club solvent, but to try and get promotion.


The othe investor won’t pump millions into a League One Club. He is on bias to assist in getting them back into the PL where they all will hope to be recompnesated and very well indeed, should they get there and stay there for a few seasons.


But to get there again, could take over half a decade and 100m or so and the new owner and his sideckick don’t have that kind of money and the other inevestor would not risk pumping millions into a League One club.


If they did have the money those two and the other guy willing to support them, they would have went all out to make as damn certain as possible to make it out of League One.


Their choice of manager and signings may well be promoted as building for the future, cutting their cloth accordingly and getting finances in order, but if you believe that you would be an idiot.


They have bought the club for pennies and are in football terms broke living a champagne lifestyle on lemonade. They are chancers hoping to take the club up straight away on the cheap with their investor waiting to help fund, as per his equity, promotion to the PL. Where they will all hope to cash in.


If they don’t get promotion this season, gates will drop, money will dry up even quicker and their investor won’t bail them out, he will not bail out himself because he can sit on his shares which he probably paid pennies for too.


I can see even darker times ahead, without promotion more so, and with promotion just as much.


It’s good to cut your cloth accordingly and I’ve always said Sunderland need to accept their situation and come out at the other end the hard way if they are to become a sustainable, independently run/financed club which is built on solid foundations and not a financier like Short who took it on not to make money or to get his money back or high risk quick fixes. He genuinely tried, but was failed by his inability to appoint the right people to run the club and sign to play for the club.


And he could afford it, but for only so long.


These lot can’t and will try and cut their cloth accordingly because they have no choice to, but in their delusion that is all they have to do, while hoodwinking everyone into believing because they have replaced a few seats, attend some local bars and slag off their closet rivals, they cannot fail and if they do, their backer will put a few quid in the meter.


If he was genuine and believed in the club, why didn’t he buy it? Why hasn’t he put in the kind of money that would wipe off their debt or strengthen them so much promotion would be a dorwgone conclusion. Debt which still exists btw, Short is still owed money, but like this lot won’t see a return until they rejoin the gravy train.


Unlike the, however, he won’t have to pump more in to get there and can’t lose really because if it does happen, he gets some money back. The others though may well be out of pocket so much, they like him will never get the majority if it back.


Not that I can see them lasting long enough to ever get to that stage. A season or two in League One would wipe out all good will, see attendances fall to league cup levels and bankrupt them. Fitting for people who have taken over a bankrupt club...

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Aye, been accused of being that a few times by lads at work now. I reminded them that if you don't take action at the right time there's a reasonable chance you'll end up playing Oxford and Gillingham in the third tier in front of 11,000 :)

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the shop shouters is quite funny tbh, best thing to do is just laugh at them and remind them they are a 3rd division team then just walk away  :lol:

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Aye, been accused of being that a few times by lads at work now. I reminded them that if you don't take action at the right time there's a reasonable chance you'll end up playing Oxford and Gillingham in the third tier in front of 11,000 :)


They're rewriting their 'boycotts' in the Champo as the reason Ellis Short got rid of the club....No shouting, no tantrums, just walked away marra.

The fact that the club was hemorrhaging money and he'd been trying to offload it for years are merely incidental apparently.


Thankfully most of the Sunlund fans I've met in real life, are nothing like the utter melts that get on RTG.

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