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People are generally more reserved on camera. Growing up in Wallsend I've seen and heard alot worse, still do. A few of my mates who have decent jobs etc. have said they wouldn't like for their sons to be gay. It's a common hidden feeling along with people in general being a bit racist, alot of the time without even knowing it. Fear of the unknown and new, common human trait.



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I reckon you'd get nastier responses today like. Not just in sunderland but the country in general.


The most unusual thing by today's standards is the apparent assumption on the part of the interviewer that everyone they spoke to would be straight themselves. Had to have a little chuckle at 1:22, asking the bloke with the puffed up cravat and ostentatious hat how he would feel "if" his best friend was gay.


Also, man with scowly face: "are you being personal like?" Interviewer: "yes" :lol:

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