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The other games today 2019/20


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Got the feeling Spurs are going to win this. No rationale whatsoever, just that after yesterday they seem to have the Mandate of Heaven.


I’d they get to the final.  They will conspire to lose.


Still no trust in Tottenham’s mettle.


Look, sooner or later we are going to go out of the CL and then you'll get to talk about Spursiness, ignoring the preceding months. And let's say it's in the next round, against arguably the most exciting team in Europe, with no Kane, Son missing the first leg, and probably a couple more critical injuries. Or as you suggest, maybe we get to the final, against one of the other four or five best teams in the world in Liverpool or Barca, and then lose.


But it will be our mettle that's the problem.


:lol: Stop.

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Looks like handball to me.


What an incredible game and good luck to Spurs going forward. The PFMs will probably give it the "Pep effed up again" narrative, but with margins like that, you can't say very much.

Spurs barely had a midfield for most of the game. Guardiola will be rightly criticised

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Looks like handball to me.


What an incredible game and good luck to Spurs going forward. The PFMs will probably give it the "Pep effed up again" narrative, but with margins like that, you can't say very much.

Spurs barely had a midfield for most of the game. Guardiola will be rightly criticised


Agree he got the first leg wrong to change to a system he had never used before.


People forget he made the same type of mistakes in the first leg against Liverpool last season which cost them going into the 2nd leg.

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Looks like handball to me.


What an incredible game and good luck to Spurs going forward. The PFMs will probably give it the "Pep effed up again" narrative, but with margins like that, you can't say very much.

Spurs barely had a midfield for most of the game. Guardiola will be rightly criticised


Agree he got the first leg wrong to change to a system he had never used before.


People forget he made the same type of mistakes in the first leg against Liverpool last season which cost them going into the 2nd leg.

He’s made big tactical mistakes in basically every big CL game since he left Barca

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It's been a consistent theme for Guardiola his whole career, he overthinks things and makes weird and stupid decisions in at least one of the legs and since leaving Barca he's been consistently punished for it.


De Bruyne's performance last night just makes not starting him in the first leg even more dumb, i don't really have much issue what he did in the 2nd leg really but they lost the tie because of what happened in the first leg.

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It's been a consistent theme for Guardiola his whole career, he overthinks things and makes weird and stupid decisions in at least one of the legs and since leaving Barca he's been consistently punished for it.


De Bruyne's performance last night just makes not starting him in the first leg even more dumb, i don't really have much issue what he did in the 2nd leg really but they lost the tie because of what happened in thee first leg.

I dunno like, when they went 4-2 up they should’ve had more control of the game against that midfield. Whether that’s Pep’s fault or the players’ fault I don’t know

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It's a question of whether you think it happened because of tactical/structure issues or individual mistakes, i genuinely don't remember clearly enough to say :lol:


If it's the former we can blame him for it, if it's the latter then it's on the players.

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Guest neesy111

It's a question of whether you think it happened because of tactical/structure issues or individual mistakes, i genuinely don't remember clearly enough to say :lol:


If it's the former we can blame him for it, if it's the latter then it's on the players.


As usual it's a mixture of him making errors but his players especially at Bayern let him down badly at key moments.

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His head is 3 feet from the ball.


That is quite clear, thanks. But did he mean to handle it? I would say no, therefore not a handball.


Nobody will ever know. But what we can assume is that at some point he realised he wasn't getting anywhere near it, and possibly also knew it was heading in the direction of his hand. Doesn't need to deliberately handle it, just deliberately position his forearm in a manner that will ensure the ball moves towards the goal. If he moves his hand outta the way it hits his hip and goes who knows where.


But he didn't, he tucked his arm into his body. Watch the replay again.


I've watched it, thanks. Looks like a Tyrannosaurus playing volletball.


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I understand and appreciate all sides of the argument but that's made me think less of VAR. Folk are eventually going to be too afraid to celebrate properly.


Aye, as much as I am a fan of VAR, the instinctive celebration of a goal will wane through time as it get more prevalent.


Yeah, and that's the main thing that makes football great. You score a last minute goal that looks like it might be borderline offside? Had on a minute, let's check first. It'll really be a kicker for the game. The effect might be dampened for TV audiences and it'll be fine for neutrals, but terrible for fans at the game.

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I’m genuinely surprised so many of you guys seem to think we’ll get to the final. Ajax look shit-hot, and we won’t have Kane at all, or Son for the first leg. I’m buzzing that we got through but Son missing is a massive blow.

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I'd hate two all English finals like


I hope they all get knocked out in the semis anyway


I’d love it. Do what Spain have been doing for years. It’s about time England get their act together and start winning thing. It’ll pay dividends.

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