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Steve Brute


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Guest neesy111

Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that shite.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of shit to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every fucking day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the piss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


Fuck. Me.


The lack of self awareness is strong in this one

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Guest neesy111

Fwiw a causal reminder that everyone on here wants the club to thrive. I absolutely despise that I don’t want to go to games anymore.


f*** off you mercenary.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of shit to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every fucking day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the piss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


Look :lol:


It’s not me posting the same stuff every day, unlike you. A couple of you on here are relentless with your agenda against those who are sick of Ashley’s regime (which includes Bruce) who just want something to change. And as for the sacred ‘few’, it’s pretty clear it’s you and a couple of others in the minority. Also, my position has been consistent while yours has been all over the place since the start of the season, so don’t be giving it all the holier than thou schtick.

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Fwiw a casual reminder that everyone on here wants the club to thrive. I absolutely despise that I don’t want to go to games anymore.


:thup: Don't know why this needs explaining. We all still have a stake here, that's why people still post. Many have stopped, obviously, absolutely fair play to them. Personally I still need this place to vent cos no one irl seems to get it. Plus I like chatting other footy.

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Sad to see Steve let down his fanclub at Christmas. As paid for and instructed by Mike, he has made Newcastle great again and still they get angry that others do not approve.


Write more deeply unfunny brexit parodies please. They are so funny and clever.


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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that shite.


Fuck off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat cunt" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.


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Guest Howaythetoon

Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of shit to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every fucking day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the piss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is fucking grim man.


I don't why the toxic cunts even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A FUCKING FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.



I’d rather want SD FC to lose than gan to the metty with Wor lass, fuck that.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that shite.


Fuck off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat cunt" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.



Because it’s vindication towards the sheep. Those people you’re slagging off for posting here have been posting on here as long as you, been going to matches as long as you and love(d) the club as much as you. If they are happy because they feel a lose will push us closer to going down and costing Ashley money then good on them tbh. I’m not at that point, I’m happy when we win but enjoy it when Bruce gets called out as the fraud he is and when Ashley starts getting twitchy that his club are nervous about relegation again. It’s people like you and covmag though that are starting to make me wish the club would just fucking crash & burn.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that shite.


Fuck off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat cunt" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.



That’s canny bad like wanting the fat cunt to have a heart attack. The NHS doesn’t deserve that like.

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Sad to see Steve let down his fanclub at Christmas. As paid for and instructed by Mike, he has made Newcastle great again and still they get angry that others do not approve.


Write more deeply unfunny brexit parodies please. They are so funny and clever.



Will do boss. I’ll tag you :thup:.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that shite.


Fuck off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat cunt" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.


Telling people to fuck off doesn't leave you a leg to stand on tbh.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that s****.


f*** off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat c***" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.


Telling people to f*** off doesn't leave you a leg to stand on tbh.


I'm not allowed to respond? He called me the most pathetic poster on the board. I can tell him to fuck off in response.

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Fella hasn’t got a clue.


His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020.


Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive.


How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of s*** to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.



Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews  position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read.


Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all  night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh?


The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man.


I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD.


I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends.


But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess.


You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that s****.


f*** off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score?


What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad.


Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat c***" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man.


Telling people to f*** off doesn't leave you a leg to stand on tbh.


I'm not allowed to respond? He called me the most pathetic poster on the board. I can tell him to fuck off in response.


You're allowed to respond, just don't even start trying to claim the moral high ground in the future :thup:

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I absolutely despise him. One of the most transparently inept managers in the football pyramid. Horrendously fortunate to have such thick cunts operating the club


And those in the ground, endorsing the appointment...and those filling away ends, again endorsing it.

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Can someone explain what Bruce has done in the last couple of games that has led to 4 gifted opposition goals, complete incompetence by Lee Mason and VAR deciding not involve themselves in clear errors?


This place would be up in arms with the players and officials defending Rafa but because Bruce doesn’t fit the bill then he gets the stick for whatever goes wrong.


It will unravel at some point but there’s some absolute horse shit being spouted around here. I’m sick of saying this but Ashley should be the target, at his work, in the media, when he’s on the street, rinse and repeat his broken promises at some point he will break.


The fractions within the support, divide and conquer is shocking given we all have a common enemy.


We played well at times yesterday, were a goal up and should have been playing against 10 men at OT when we decided to dish out presents. Rafa couldn’t have stopped these errors, they may not have happened but that would be the fates not the manager making the officials getting decisions right or players not under hitting passes.



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