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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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Kaka does tend to get an inordinate amount if abuse for being optimistic, mind, even if it is a bit sickly :lol: Not even like that optimism always turns out to be wrong either.


How optimistic am I really being even?


I said the guy is talented and has attributes that are very useful in the premier league, which could cause a lot of problems when alongside Joelinton and Almiron, as the combinations could be really dynamic. At the very least it will be exciting to watch.


There really is nothing that groundbreaking about that.

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Kaka does tend to get an inordinate amount if abuse for being optimistic, mind, even if it is a bit sickly :lol: Not even like that optimism always turns out to be wrong either.


How optimistic am I really being even?


I said the guy is talented and has attributes that are very useful in the premier league, which could cause a lot of problems when alongside Joelinton and Almiron, as the combinations could be really dynamic. At the very least it will be exciting to watch.


There really is nothing that groundbreaking about that.


Yeah but all that ignores Steve Bruce is manager :lol: the bloke is a moron. If the manager was even decent i think people would be more positive.

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Kaka does tend to get an inordinate amount if abuse for being optimistic, mind, even if it is a bit sickly :lol: Not even like that optimism always turns out to be wrong either.


How optimistic am I really being even?


I said the guy is talented and has attributes that are very useful in the premier league, which could cause a lot of problems when alongside Joelinton and Almiron, as the combinations could be really dynamic. At the very least it will be exciting to watch.


There really is nothing that groundbreaking about that.


“the team is going to be an exciting one to watch, and are likely to do well this season”

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People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


You guys that are getting wound up are the ones having the strongest reactions to every single signing, but continuously claim you "don't care" and you "feel nothing".


Come off it.

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People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


Buy assets, sell assets and soak up losses on ones that don't work. Who wins, Ashley every fucking time we turn up. Only one thing brings him out and that's criticism

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People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


You guys that are getting wound up are the ones having the strongest reactions to every single signing, but continuously claim you "don't care" and you "feel nothing".


Come off it.


Not sure I’ve had any strong reaction to any of these signings.


But no-one said we didn’t care about the club. We are so pissed off because we care about the club and it’s destruction under Ashley.

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Guest neesy111

I'm more pissed off that some scout/agent/owner wants this signing than our previous world class manager would have.

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People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


Same, but TBF this guy falling out with Big Steve could provide some light entertainment.

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People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


Same, but TBF this guy falling out with Big Steve could provide some light entertainment.

:thup: If he's going to be a pain in the arse to manage, he gets my vote.

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Guest neesy111

People giving a single fuck about any signing man..have a fucking word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


Same, but TBF this guy falling out with Big Steve could provide some light entertainment.

:thup: If he's going to be a pain in the arse to manage, he gets my vote.


This x 1000.

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It's disheartening because if we made this level of transfer under Rafa I would be genuinely excited for the new season, right now I'm couldn't be more disinterested, everything about Ashley FC is very partridgeshrug.gif


I thought about watching my hometown Fleetwood this season but if it's not NUFC I don't feel like I can commit. I'm probably going to go back to watching NFL when that gets underway and keep in touch on here but not really follow the PL this season.

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Kaka does tend to get an inordinate amount if abuse for being optimistic, mind, even if it is a bit sickly :lol: Not even like that optimism always turns out to be wrong either.


How optimistic am I really being even?


I said the guy is talented and has attributes that are very useful in the premier league, which could cause a lot of problems when alongside Joelinton and Almiron, as the combinations could be really dynamic. At the very least it will be exciting to watch.


There really is nothing that groundbreaking about that.


The biggest question is why the fuck do you care whether he's a dud or a world star? If he does poorly the club is stuck with a sulking primadonna with no professional integrity that no PFM is going to touch with a wooden stick for the 6 years they have him and we can laugh at how much money he fleeces off Ashley. If he does good he'll most likely be a big part in the club doing bare minimum to stay in the PL until he is sold on for a profit under laughable management and ownership.

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People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


You guys that are getting wound up are the ones having the strongest reactions to every single signing, but continuously claim you "don't care" and you "feel nothing".


Come off it.


f*** off, some of us want our club back and aren't prepared to put up with any old s****.

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Kaka does tend to get an inordinate amount if abuse for being optimistic, mind, even if it is a bit sickly :lol: Not even like that optimism always turns out to be wrong either.


How optimistic am I really being even?


I said the guy is talented and has attributes that are very useful in the premier league, which could cause a lot of problems when alongside Joelinton and Almiron, as the combinations could be really dynamic. At the very least it will be exciting to watch.


There really is nothing that groundbreaking about that.


The biggest question is why the fuck do you care whether he's a dud or a world star? If he does poorly the club is stuck with a sulking primadonna with no professional integrity that no PFM is going to touch with a wooden stick for the 6 years they have him and we can laugh at how much money he fleeces off Ashley. If he does good he'll most likely be a big part in the club doing bare minimum to stay in the PL until he is sold on for a profit under laughable management and ownership.


So your claim is that even if he is good or bad, it will all end in tears right?


Well, guess what I really don't care either way. That's why I can comment on the players coming in just like I would others at any other club. It's all just football to me this season and my God, am I looking forward to it.


You claim you don't care but you're the one that actually does care. That's why you're still getting so angry about players, the manager, the tactics etc etc.


I am no longer tied to any result and contribute in no way to the club or the owner's businesses. It's the best I can do from where I am. If it all goes tits up I will have a good laugh. If these players do well I will watch along with all the other games and observe honestly, without letting it get to me.


It's really that simple.


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People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


You guys that are getting wound up are the ones having the strongest reactions to every single signing, but continuously claim you "don't care" and you "feel nothing".


Come off it.


f*** off, some of us want our club back.


Yes, I'm sure berating people on an internet forum will help. Good luck with that.

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I’m not having any of this bad mouthing of Gucci.


Those of you who don’t care please keep reminding everyone you don’t care in every thread and please keep trying to shut down conversation in a football forum made for discussion and banter away from normal in person human interaction.


This place is insanity. If you don’t have the same burn everything don’t talk about anything attitude then you are outcasted. We get it man. I’m certain Most of us feel the same. We lost Rafa and MA owns us. Fucking blows. Fuck everything.

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People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


People giving a single f*** about any signing man..have a f***ing word.


I feel like I’m watching another team make signings. I feel nothing.


You guys that are getting wound up are the ones having the strongest reactions to every single signing, but continuously claim you "don't care" and you "feel nothing".


Come off it.


f*** off, some of us want our club back.


Yes, I'm sure berating people on an internet forum will help. Good luck with that.


Some of us care so strongly that it f***ing hurts to see others carrying on like nothing is the matter, we've got an owner who has just got rid of Rafa Benitez for Steve Bruce for f***s sake, no f***ing signing, no f***ing match or goal scored matters man, and aye i will still comment.



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