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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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14 hours ago, madras said:

Stories like that would have been a concern not so long ago. Not now. When players leave it'll be because we have an improvement.

Exactly right for me.

Would be more like the club selling Cole, Kelly and Peacock than Gascoigne, Beardsley and Waddle.


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4 hours ago, astraguy said:

Come on [emoji38]

Nowt confuses me more than the tremendous hard on certain posters have for HBA coupled with the criticism of ASM. They’re virtually the same player.

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Statistically they’re virtually identical, and HBA had plenty of shockers.


The fact there’s a thread dedicated to him that rarely drops off the front page a decade after he buggered off is deeply weird.

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HBA's off the field stuff rather than ability limited his career to OM, PSG, Newcastle and a certain amount of French caps,  ASM is almost the antethsis off the pitch but a mostly Ashley NUFC is the pinnacle of his career so far. .



Edited by Wolfcastle

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3 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

Ah reet he was just widely loved for no reason then [emoji38]

Think it was more because he was outrageously talented and scored / set up some blinders, as well as being a rare ray of hope in a bleak time for us. I adore him as much as the next guy but he had some indifferent games for us.

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I personally think that HBA's touch and technique was on a different planet to anything else I've seen.


That's not to take away from St Max or anyone else, I just don't think there's anyone he can really be compared to.


Scored two of the best goals I've ever seen in person at SJP, but probably only comparable only to St Max in that there's a buzz around the stadium whenever either picked up the ball, and that's kind of why you go.


But ultimately, HBA was a supreme talent either without the will to succeed or badly mismanaged. Or a bit of both. 

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Just now, MrRaspberryJam said:


HBA was a fabulous footballer but he was not consistently great for us. 

He very rarely had a poor game, atleast no more than any other attacking player will go missing from time to time. Again, there's a reason he's so fondly remembered here, it isn't just pulled out of thin air, and it's not just because he had 'potential'. He was consistently great when he played, even coming back from injury.

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3 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

He very rarely had a poor game, atleast no more than any other attacking player will go missing from time to time. Again, there's a reason he's so fondly remembered here, it isn't just pulled out of thin air, and it's not just because he had 'potential'. He was consistently great when he played, even coming back from injury.


Imo he needed a run of games. When he finally dislodged Ryan Taylor (lmao) in the 11/12 season he was consistently brilliant. Then picked up that bad hamstring injury early on in the following season, was rushed back and aggravated it, then never got a consistent run of games. All fell apart in 13/14.

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I cannot remember which injury it was (might have been the leg break) but Pardew completely fucked his return from it. I remember him being good against City then being dropped, him saying he was fit (he looked very sharp) and Pardew saying he wasn't. Was like a month or 2 before he forced himself into the side by completely demolishing some poor sods (possibly Stoke?).


There was a lot of shit like that going on, obviously HBA has himself to blame for a lot, but it really aggravating to see.





Edited by Hanshithispantz

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HBA had plenty of poor games (inevitable given the sides he was so often playing in). I've no doubt in 10 years time when our fans are laying into our new mercurial French forward that ASM will join the Robert/Ginola/HBA sainthood of players that were always brilliant and everyone loved all the time. 


On 30/09/2013 at 22:02, Hanshithispantz said:

If Ben Arfa isn't injured then his 2nd half performance was fucking shocking :lol:


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I never said he didn't have bad games. I specifically said, that like any other forward, he would inevitably go missing.


Weird as fuck[emoji38]


EDIT: Pretty sure im talking about Pardew in that 10 year old quote anyway. Not even sure what point you're making.



Edited by Hanshithispantz

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2 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

I remember him being our best player against City then being dropped, him saying he was fit (he looked very sharp) and Pardew saying he wasn't. Was like a month or 2 before he forced himself into the side 




Wouldn't have been the leg break. 


Can only assume it was the 0-4 defeat first game of the season you're referring to. 


He started the next 5 league games after that match. 





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3 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:


Wouldn't have been the leg break. 


Can only assume it was the 0-4 defeat first game of the season you're referring to. 


He started the next 5 league games after that match. 





Might not have been City or the leg break tbh. I cannot find the post I did on here but I remember looking through a 3 month period or so at the time of Pardew refusing to play him, despite him being great in the short stints he got.

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