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Norwich City vs NUFC - 17/8/19 @ 3pm


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Exactly. I'm never going to be able to leave it alone, it was and is in me too much. But I can't support Ashley's version of the club and knowing there is no hope and it's all pointless. I've had a fucking bellyfull of this for 12 years now and Bruce is the final straw


Going down and staying down is the best chance of Ashley leaving and If he dosent then at least crowds will half, he loses loads of money and the super fans won't have a club to support either.


That's what it's come too now

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Why do all the Militant Mags, constantly post in the match thread wishing we lose?


"Come on you Canaries." f*** off man.


This Board has gone to absolute s***.


Because losing is more likely to get rid of Ashley, I'd presume.


Why post on the match thread at all then?


This constant wishing to lose is just grating on me.


I won't spend any money on the Toon, realise we need Ashley out, and clearly Bruce is a poor choice for manager. I get that.


But I can't cheer when Newcastle gets beat or want them to get beat.


Get over it, people can post what they like.


Come on Norwich.

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Guest reefatoon

Good god, with dropping Longstaff, he isn’t thinking about Ritchie in there again is he? Big Bruce must have been impressed with all that running Ritchie did when moved there. Doesn’t matter if he was just chasing the ball like some fucking moron, he ran around loads.

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Good god, with dropping Longstaff, he isn’t thinking about Ritchie in there again is he? Big Bruce must have been impressed with all that running Ritchie did when moved there. Doesn’t matter if he was just chasing the ball like some fucking moron, he ran around loads.

If we play both Ritchie and Willems, they can swap between cm and lwb every five minutes. Tactical mastermind, wor Bruce.

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Guest reefatoon

He had no midfielders on the bench last week, so to counter that this weekend, he is going to drop the whole midfield to the bench. Job sorted. He’s a clever cunt this manager of ours.

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Why do all the Militant Mags, constantly post in the match thread wishing we lose?


"Come on you Canaries." Fuck off man.


This Board has gone to absolute shit.


Because losing is more likely to get rid of Ashley, I'd presume.


Why post on the match thread at all then?


This constant wishing to lose is just grating on me.


I won't spend any money on the Toon, realise we need Ashley out, and clearly Bruce is a poor choice for manager. I get that.


But I can't cheer when Newcastle gets beat or want them to get beat.

A win for the team is a win for Ashley and that really grates on me tbh.


This for me.


I am and always will be invested in Newcastle as a team, just because I hate what we have and who we've become it doesn't mean I can just switch off and not care. I want back the club I grew up with, I long for the days where we're all trying (and likely failing!) to achieve success, not subsistence.


Unfortunately to get that back, we have to lose now. At least that's something I can wish for, something I can get behind. I can't get behind us winning because it's a win for Ashley and it means nothing for the team as we're only aiming for 17th, and prolongs this fucking awful purgatory-like existence.


This  :thup:.


In these circumstances, in which a sporting institution is deliberately stifling even the possibility or aspiration of progression,  business as usual in terms of wanting the team to win is just untenable for me.


I can't see how anyone taking a long-term view of things can look at it any differently really.


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I'd rather have emotion than apathy, and Newcastle are the only club I feel real emotion for. If my emotions can't be positive (and now they can't), then they'll be negative. But I can't not have emotion, because I care. If it all needs to burn down so we can start again and fall back in love, then so be it, I'll get the marshmallows and pull up a chair.


Also I can't help but think Longstaff's value has now peaked, as Bruce will ruin his reputation and probably his game too. That'll probably happen for loads of other players too, but for Longstaff it's a real shame as he's young and a prospect under the right manager.

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I don’t really ‘want’ them to lose, but I’d be satisfied if they failed to stay up because it would prove (again) that Ashley’s strategy is wrong.


Week to week I’m just not following, having a look at the score just out of habit really.

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I am never going to cheer us on to lose, that puts me in the same basket as the sub-human species on RTG.


We will go down this season however, and I couldn’t give a fuck if we did where as before Ashely rippled our soul apart I would have, because the club deserves to go down the way it’s been run. Right now it’s just a money making and free advertisement machine for the most disguising despicable fat cunt alive.

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Judging by this thread, I’m looking forward to witnessing a footballing masterclass by this Norwich side. It’s not like they were 4-0 down at half time last game or anything...


I haven’t seen any posts saying Norwich are a brilliant side.

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Judging by this thread, I’m looking forward to witnessing a footballing masterclass by this Norwich side. It’s not like they were 4-0 down at half time last game or anything...

If you swim with the sharks, you're gonna get wet friend ?

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Quite fascinated about this result. It's bizarre as I have almost no emotions for the result. Just more for analytical purposes want to know what happens. :lol:


It will be a good yard stick against Norwich. Quite a few took a lot from our performance against Arsenal. I didn't, felt at best we were all effort but with very little quality.



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Guest neesy111

I don’t really ‘want’ them to lose, but I’d be satisfied if they failed to stay up because it would prove (again) that Ashley’s strategy is wrong.


Week to week I’m just not following, having a look at the score just out of habit really.


But keep posting on here....

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Why do all the Militant Mags, constantly post in the match thread wishing we lose?


"Come on you Canaries." Fuck off man.


This Board has gone to absolute shit.


Because losing is more likely to get rid of Ashley, I'd presume.


Why post on the match thread at all then?


This constant wishing to lose is just grating on me.


I won't spend any money on the Toon, realise we need Ashley out, and clearly Bruce is a poor choice for manager. I get that.


But I can't cheer when Newcastle gets beat or want them to get beat.

A win for the team is a win for Ashley and that really grates on me tbh.


This for me.


I am and always will be invested in Newcastle as a team, just because I hate what we have and who we've become it doesn't mean I can just switch off and not care. I want back the club I grew up with, I long for the days where we're all trying (and likely failing!) to achieve success, not subsistence.


Unfortunately to get that back, we have to lose now. At least that's something I can wish for, something I can get behind. I can't get behind us winning because it's a win for Ashley and it means nothing for the team as we're only aiming for 17th, and prolongs this fucking awful purgatory-like existence.


I’m firmly in the lose camp too.


I cannot accept the status quo and happy-clapping on the team is going to do the sum total of fuck all to change that status quo.

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