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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

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Guest Howaythetoon

Mags goes way back to nufc.nu days I’m sure!


The nufc.nu days, I remember those  :lol: Anyone know roughly what year that started up?


Was around 1999 I believe, I took over late 2000

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Anyone that comes here and posts relentless nonsense, full of bluster, abuse, bullshit and contradictions and thinks they're better than everyone else will rightly be torn to shreds. One of the great strengths of this forum.




And if you do, I’m living proof you will still survive. My advice to new members would be to start making Yorkie pudding pizzas and massive posts.mdid me no harm...



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Date Registered:Saturday 1 January 2005, 11:21:31 AM


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Seen Ashley come and (hopefully) go on here.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Just use fresh basil on the pizzas or the leader of the clique Gregg Wallace will send you home!

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Date Registered:Wednesday 9 February 2011, 10:01:49 AMLocal Time:Monday 11 May 2020, 03:20:51 PM


Total Time Spent Online:281 days, 2 hours and 9 minutes.Total Posts:13,268 posts


Kill iz.


Same week  :frantic: :frantic:

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Date registered: 2005. I didn't realise Ashley's been here almost as long as me.


Says on my profile I created 8 polls, fucked if I can remember doing even one tbh.

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Mags goes way back to nufc.nu days I’m sure!


The nufc.nu days, I remember those  :lol: Anyone know roughly what year that started up?


Was around 1999 I believe, I took over late 2000


It was a lovely shade of green I recall  :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

Total Time Spent Online:804 days, 23 hours and 6 minutes.


Over two years active on here. Christ.


You’ve been around longer than that man?!

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Total Time Spent Online:288 days, 8 hours and 43 minutes.

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Total Time Spent Online:804 days, 23 hours and 6 minutes.


Over two years active on here. Christ.


You’ve been around longer than that man?!


That's active online time.


Date Registered:Wednesday 22 December 2004, 04:13:18 PM

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Speaking as a serial lurker/new poster, I don't see it as a clique so much as some people just post more often than others. Like, the regulars to me are just like different characters on the Simpsons (you can all figure who you are).


Anyway, that takeover eh? Talk about taking its sweet time, am I right?

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I was also on the forum before this, no idea what it was though. Must have shut down late 2004 as there seems to be a lot people users registering around that time.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Total Time Spent Online:804 days, 23 hours and 6 minutes.


Over two years active on here. Christ.


You’ve been around longer than that man?!


That's active online time.


Date Registered:Wednesday 22 December 2004, 04:13:18 PM


Was gonna say!

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Is this a new game?


Date Registered:

Thursday 9 February 2006, 07:36:37 PM


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23 days, 22 hours and 10 minutes.

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4 topics

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2 polls

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72 votes


Almost a whole day of my life but in 14 years doesn’t seem so horrendous

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Speaking as a serial lurker/new poster, I don't see it as a clique so much as some people just post more often than others. Like, the regulars to me are just like different characters on the Simpsons (you can all figure who you are).


Anyway, that takeover eh? Talk about taking its sweet time, am I right?


Naa, can't leave it like that. You need to list them.  :lol:

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Tuesday 25 January 2005, 06:48:22 PM


Total Time Spent Online:

206 days, 16 hours and 6 minutes.

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263 posts

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2 topics

Number of Polls Created:

0 polls

Number of Votes Cast:

21 votes


That’s about a post a month for 15 years .....hardly prolific but I’m a good Lurker

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