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5 hours ago, Barnes23 said:


Adam P fanning the flames for clicks, pretty low of him. Comments section overwhelmingly supportive of today's announcement to one degree or another from what I can see 




Cretin. Despise him and the rest of the YouChewb knackers 

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6 hours ago, WilliamPS said:

The 30m population of Saudi is peanuts compared to the Asian markets, the relationship with the country of Saudi is not about earning more money it’s for the Saudis 

But if every one of them chips in a fiver we can buy five Lewis Halls. 

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There is a big Saudi Arabian international student community in this country whilst the support for NUFC in Saudi Arabia is growing so there is no doubt this is to cater to this specific crowd here.


I mean I am sure we have had rugby/non-NUFC events at St. James' park before so I don't see this as that much any different. However at the same time I do also understand the perspective that the club is being used as a tool to promote Saudi Arabia but this was always going to happen with an Arabic gulf country having ownership in a Premier League club to some extent or another


PSG Qatar Airways. Man City Etihad etc etc, I know this is a level above but as long as there is solid strategic planning, growth and investment into NUFC and their biggest priority is NUFC then I do not really care much for this.

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51 minutes ago, PauloGeordio said:

This is revenue, club promotion and extending and growing our fan base as much as it is a chance for folk to go and see 2 national sides play a game of football at a very reasonable price for a family. 


And sports washing. Cannot miss that out.

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1 hour ago, Stifler said:

Is it just me who thinks anyone who makes jokes/reference to beheadings in the response to our clubs actions automatically lose the debate on morality?

Yep.  ‘Ho ho ho they execute advocates for democracy’ isn’t fantastically funny like. 

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Would love to know how you thread the needle of defending our position as fans while earnestly doing the "that's not something you should joke about" thing on moral grounds.


Surely you either grow a thicker skin and accept that it's all fair game (my suggestion), or you throw yourself in with your own condemnation if you think something as trivial as jokes are beyond the pale.



Edited by Kid Icarus

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1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

Would love to know how you thread the needle of defending our position as fans while earnestly doing the "that's not something you should joke about" thing on moral grounds.


Surely you either grow a thicker skin and accept that it's all fair game, or you throw yourself in with your own condemnation if you think jokes are beyond the pale.


What I'm saying is if you are trying to make a point of us being sports washed by making such jokes, then surely that indicates that it’s not that serious to you.

I’m not on about people who just go round making jokes at everyone’s expense.

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25 minutes ago, Stifler said:


What I'm saying is if you are trying to make a point of us being sports washed by making such jokes, then surely that indicates that it’s not that serious to you.

I’m not on about people who just go round making jokes at everyone’s expense.


No I know, I'm responding to what you said.


2 hours ago, Stifler said:

anyone who makes jokes/reference to beheadings in the response to our clubs actions automatically lose the debate on morality?

How do they lose the debate on morality by making jokes about it? Making jokes doesn't automatically mean you don't take something seriously, in fact it often means that you do take it seriously.


And like I say, if joking about it means they lose the debate, where does that put you? Not having a personal go at you btw, just basically saying joking about it doesn't invalidate anything. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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So calling Newcastle fans sports washed for supporting their team play has truth, but saying it in a way like saying ‘BehEddie Howe’ doesn’t go against their apparent concerns?


You can’t say something is a legit concern whilst making a joke about it, it takes the sincerity out of it in my opinion.

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14 minutes ago, Stifler said:

So calling Newcastle fans sports washed for supporting their team play has truth, but saying it in a way like saying ‘BehEddie Howe’ doesn’t go against their apparent concerns?


You can’t say something is a legit concern whilst making a joke about it, it takes the sincerity out of it in my opinion.

You absolutely can.

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12 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

Pedantic point but isn't the thing being sportswashed the reputation of Saudi Arabia, rather than NUFC fans? In the analogy, aren't NUFC fans (part of) the washing machine?

We are the washing capsules.

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26 minutes ago, Stifler said:

So calling Newcastle fans sports washed for supporting their team play has truth, but saying it in a way like saying ‘BehEddie Howe’ doesn’t go against their apparent concerns?


You can’t say something is a legit concern whilst making a joke about it, it takes the sincerity out of it in my opinion.


No, of course it doesn't go against it and of course you can make a joke about it and not have it make you insincere. 


Surely you'll have watched stuff like The Day Today, BrassEye, The Thick of It, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Frankie Boyle, Jon Stewart and countless others. Joking about stuff not only doesn't invalidate these things, but often highlights them. Half of the posts on here are joke posts as a type of coping mechanism for things. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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I really want to believe that all the critics actually care about human rights in Saudi Arabia, but I think most of them are just happy to have something to use against Newcastle fans. 

I’m completely for making arguments against the things the Saudi regime do. I just don’t think it has a place in the realm of football fan rivalry. 

I don’t think needling other football fans is very comparable to satirical comedy. 



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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