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Eddie Howe


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2 hours ago, RobsonsWonderland said:

Can England get a better English candidate.. no

Can Newcastle get a better manager.. yes 


Ideally if it falls that way then it could be a win, win situation for us




Who could we get who you think is better fit than EH for NUFC?

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7 minutes ago, Ed Vinegar said:

Difficult this. It's a job he's said he wants and there might not be a better time for him if he does get offered it. 


I think there's a chance of him leaving. 20%? 


I mean, what if he has another 8th place finish next season? The England role would be filled and his star would have dropped. 


I can see why he would take it if offered. I believe that he loves this club and wants to win things here, but I also think he's clever and pragmatic.


For the record I'd hate for him to leave.

That works both ways though, if he gets the England job and has a bit of a mare then he's not getting another job at a top club again. Southgate isn't going to be courted by Champions League level clubs and its certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that Howe would achieve less than Southgate has.

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1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Isn't he a workaholic though? Would be quite a character change to go for a part time job where he can't develop players or see them every day. 


Yeah I don't see him going for that reason above all, I'm just saying he does want the England job at some point, and there are valid reasons he could be tempted. But I also think the Newcastle job is probably his ideal club job other than geography, so I think he'll stay here.

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16 minutes ago, madras said:

Not too sure about that like.


Yep. I'm as big a fan of Poch as any, but his record since Spurs is patchy at best. I still think he's a top manager, but not even sure we've seen the best of Howe yet. I don't think anyone will ever be as good a public spokesman for us again.

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14 minutes ago, JJ7 said:

Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather Howe stayed as he has been great for us, and because of the upheaval it would cause. But let’s be honest and removing any bias, any top job becomes available and Poch is higher on an owners list than Howe. 

Maybe because he's had a higher profile given the jobs he's had. Right now, given the choice I'd choose Howe.

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1 minute ago, Keegans Export said:

That works both ways though, if he gets the England job and has a bit of a mare then he's not getting another job at a top club again. Southgate isn't going to be courted by Champions League level clubs and its certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that Howe would achieve less than Southgate has.

You're right, but does Howe think it's outside the realms of possibility he'd achieve less than GS? Surely he'd have to think he's a better manager. He doesn't strike me as the sort of person to go into a challenge thinking he'll fail. If he'd screwed up at Newcastle it would have been the end of his career arguably, so I reckon he's comfortable taking a risk.


Robson is the last England manager to get a top role after leaving the FA. I reckon Howe is more likely to be basing things on his own perception of his abilities than precedent.


Anyway it's all speculation until he's gets an offer, I just don't think he's nailed on to turn it down if he gets asked 

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Another factor to take into consideration is the England fans , he will have seen all the abuse Southgate got despite getting to two finals so he will know that unless he was to win a trophy he would be in for the same sort of abuse .

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2 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

Another factor to take into consideration is the England fans , he will have seen all the abuse Southgate got despite getting to two finals so he will know that unless he was to win a trophy he would be in for the same sort of abuse .


I think he has enough self belief to ignore that, don't think he's the type to duck a challenge because he might get criticism.

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5 minutes ago, gbandit said:

That’s AI

It's disastrously bad, isn't it? He won't leave due to the left wing fascist police keeping his family safe through punishment beatings amongst the general disorder in every other major city, apparently. Aye, got you.

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2 minutes ago, timeEd32 said:

Not really surprising, but there’s some underestimating in here of what we’d lose if Eddie were to go.

Yep. It takes a certain person to fit the NUFC job. EH is perfect. Would be a massive blow if he was poached by England.

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I'd be absolutely gutted if Howe were to leave now. I can't shake the feeling that he's going to be the man to bring us a trophy, I really don't think he'd go just yet but crazier things have happened.

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