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Eddie Howe


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On 17/07/2024 at 13:58, Dr Venkman said:


Part of the importance of [sporting director] Paul [Mitchell] coming in with Eddie, is to let Eddie do the strengths he’s got … take away from him some of the things that if it was up to Eddie, he would spend all his time and every waking hour on.


What we have to do is channel Eddie onto what he does best and that is on the grass, with that he is phenomenal in terms of putting that team together.





Not surprised at all by this TBH, that Eales line stuck out like a sore thumb and I thought Eddie would come back with something.


I've said this a few times on here before as I think it's very telling but no-one seems to agree [emoji38] He's a head coach who consistently refers to himself as the manager. It might seem like semantics to some but it's always been intentional from him IMO, there are clear differences between the two roles and we have heard countless times in the press how he has final say on transfers. That's not normally the remit of a head coach.


I think he wants that authority to continue or he's threatening to leave. Those Eales quotes suggest he might have a fight on his hands. The fact that Mitchell apparently turned us down a few months ago and has then come in as AS has left adds a further layer of intrigue as well, I think. What's changed to make him change his mind?


Not saying I think Eddie's off, and I really hope he isn't, but there's clearly some work to be done.




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When it comes down to it is he the head coach or the manager? Every club has the same problem with how much power do they give to the coach/manager considering most of them get sacked or leave within a couple of years. If you let them choose all the players they like, when they get replaced you tend to be back to square one unless the squad is absolute top quality.


I think the new management want Eddie to be the coach, in their words that's what he is good at, I expect Eddie wants to be the manager. There is a potential conflict, we will have to wait and see. If England do come calling it does give him an opt out.

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52 minutes ago, Away Toon said:

When it comes down to it is he the head coach or the manager? Every club has the same problem with how much power do they give to the coach/manager considering most of them get sacked or leave within a couple of years. If you let them choose all the players they like, when they get replaced you tend to be back to square one unless the squad is absolute top quality.


I think the new management want Eddie to be the coach, in their words that's what he is good at, I expect Eddie wants to be the manager. There is a potential conflict, we will have to wait and see. If England do come calling it does give him an opt out.


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Mountain out of a mole hill. Howe still has full club backing I suspect, but I doubt he’s kidding himself in thinking he has a long rope this season and knows he needs to take a step forward or he’s gone. 

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I like Eddie.... decent manager, happy for him to currently stay.


Then again, if he left for England (unlikely), I think we'd attract a world-class replacement. So we'll be absolutely fine.

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2 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

I like Eddie.... decent manager, happy for him to currently stay.


Then again, if he left for England (unlikely), I think we'd attract a world-class replacement. So we'll be absolutely fine.

The only way is up, baaaaaaaby :indi:

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10 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

I like Eddie.... decent manager, happy for him to currently stay.


Then again, if he left for England (unlikely), I think we'd attract a world-class replacement. So we'll be absolutely fine.

Agreed. Would like Eddie to be a little more flexible with squad rotation to prevent injuries. Don't think it will be a problem this season with us being out of Europe.

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I want Eddie to stay. But if he does go, it isn’t because it’s Keegan v Wise in summer 2008 all over again. 

Mitchell should have the final say on transfers (should be working with Eddie of course) and the power should be with him. I think it looks as though the power lines are being more simplified with Amanda and Merhdad leaving and him coming in. 

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23 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

I like Eddie.... decent manager, happy for him to currently stay.


Then again, if he left for England (unlikely), I think we'd attract a world-class replacement. So we'll be absolutely fine.


Yeah, I'm pretty calm about the whole thing.


The sporting director role is really important nowadays, and we managed to get a top one.


If it's ultimately something Howe is not able to adjust to, then he'll have to move on, which would be unfortunate really, but it's just one of those things.


The Sporting Director and the head coach have to be aligned, and able to work together.


Looking back it does make me wonder if this was indeed tied into Staveley's and Mehrdad's situation, and whether they were perhaps too cosy with Howe, which didn't allow for the relationship with him and Ashworth to develop properly.


We'll see how it goes. Considering this all now, I think the changes made this summer may have been absolutely necessary, in order to clean things up.



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3 minutes ago, KaKa said:


Yeah, I'm pretty calm about the whole thing.


The sporting director role is really important nowadays, and we managed to get a top one.


If it's ultimately something Howe is not able to adjust to, then he'll have to move on, which would be unfortunate really, but it's just one of those things.


The Sporting Director and the head coach have to be aligned, and able to work together.


Looking back it does make me wonder if this was indeed tied into Staveley's and Mehrdad's situation, and whether they were perhaps too cosy with Howe, which didn't allow for the relationship with him and Ashworth to develop properly.


We'll see how it goes. Considering this all now, I think the changes made this summer may have been absolutely necessary, in order to clean things up.



Think you’ve nailed it. PIF have ultimately been unhappy with last season and blamed AS and MG. Pressure on next season.

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49 minutes ago, BermyToon said:

Agreed. Would like Eddie to be a little more flexible with squad rotation to prevent injuries. Don't think it will be a problem this season with us being out of Europe.


I wasn't one of them, but it's a point people on here raised numerous times and were frustrated with, and they felt it wasn't helping with the injuries. They may have been right.


The Performance Director has clearly been brought in with the remit to get a handle on managing player optimization, and now the whole situation is going to be monitored more closely.


If players need more rest and recovery, and more rotation needs to take place, it will be made clear to Howe, and he'll need to adjust.





Edited by KaKa

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4 minutes ago, KaKa said:


I wasn't one of them, but it's a point people on here raised numerous times and were frustrated with, and they felt it wasn't helping with the injuries. They may have been right.


The Performance director has clearly been brought in with the remit to get a handle on managing player optimization, and now the whole situation is going to be monitored more closely.


If players need more rest and recovery, and more rotation needs to take place, it will be made clear to Howe, and he'll need to adjust.






Away from transfers I would imagine the performance director is one area Howe was certainly alluding to. Be very interesting how that dynamic works with him and Bunce.

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6 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

Think you’ve nailed it. PIF have ultimately been unhappy with last season and blamed AS and MG. Pressure on next season.


Don't think it would have necessarily been a case of being unhappy with the season in itself and blaming AS and MG for that.


More so not being happy that the Sporting Director and Head Coach were not working well together and it was not in the best interest of the club really pushing on.


And so if it meant them having to move on then so be it. And now the reality is that if issues persist there, then Howe will likely have to move on too.

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49 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

I like Eddie.... decent manager, happy for him to currently stay.


Then again, if he left for England (unlikely), I think we'd attract a world-class replacement. So we'll be absolutely fine.

Not many names jump to mind that would fit well at NUFC.


Who’s on your list?

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1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

Away from transfers I would imagine the performance director is one area Howe was certainly alluding to. Be very interesting how that dynamic works with him and Bunce.


Yeah, absolutely.


I remember reading about Mourinho being annoyed with their recommendations, and over ruling them at times, which led to some players playing with injuries, and suffering for It. It can be a sticking point. 


I think it's something we really need though, and so hopefully, Howe is open minded about it.


That interview with Bunce he constantly emphasized working closely with the manager, and making his life easier. Think he was making an effort there to ease some concerns.

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4 minutes ago, LFEE said:

Not many names jump to mind that would fit well at NUFC.


Who’s on your list?

Pochettino is the one that springs to mind, due to his Mitchell connection.

Saying that, think Id rather just stick with Howe for now than Poch. 

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