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This lying about their gates may stave-off the self-consciousness for a while but the delusion of grandeur adds pressure on the club from their toxic fans (home record this year is relegation levels) who think they should be on a par with clubs that actually get 38,000 and clubs that get 25,000 but whose income is higher.

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7 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

This lying about their gates may stave-off the self-consciousness for a while but the delusion of grandeur adds pressure on the club from their toxic fans (home record this year is relegation levels) who think they should be on a par with clubs that actually get 38,000 and clubs that get 25,000 but whose income is higher.

its what we do at SJP too.

its tickets sold including ST's.

not the number thru the turnstiles.

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16 minutes ago, Heron said:

They're right weird like. Just say "it's cause we're in the second tier and have been even further down over the last 7 years" and own it.


It's actually not a terrible crowd considering how shite they've been for like years.




All pisstaking aside, their crowds are excellent given what they've endured over the last few years.....I'm not sure how many of them are paying the going rate for Champo tickets mind, but that's another argument.


I know we have some knackers in our fanbase, but they have such a large proportion who are utterly consumed by Newcastle (the fans/club/city/identity) that they will never progress as a football club, as they don't need to. Last night's PSG penalty will get them through this season. Rinse and repeat.

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1 minute ago, manorpark said:


Yes, but here those two things are actually pretty much identical !!

not really .

loads ST holders wouldnt attend during the ashley years and it was obvious the stated attendance was no where near how many were in the  stadium.

am sure there were a few requests made to northumbria police to actually get an accurate number of fans attending.

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1 minute ago, huss9 said:

not really .

loads ST holders wouldnt attend during the ashley years and it was obvious the stated attendance was no where near how many were in the  stadium.

am sure there were a few requests made to northumbria police to actually get an accurate number of fans attending.


I am talking about Newcastle United FC, 7th October 2021 to date.


That is the ONLY Newcastle United FC that is relevant to this discussion.


Ancient Ashley History is not at all relevant to this discussion.


We are effectively a two year old club, in so many ways. 

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They have nigh on 10,000 people (almost 1/3rd or their season ticket holders) who have paid £60 (SIXTY) for a season ticket. Most of them were bought as "extras" so for games at convenient times, ie weekends they can be easily passed on. For midweek when nobody is interested the seats lie empty but the person is counted. Probably 24/25k there tonight looking at the pictures.

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25 minutes ago, midds said:



They just can't help themselves. The arrogance they have for teams that are on a very similar level is unbelievable. 

Last seasons finish probably did them little favours in the that respect given they then got weaker in the summer window. Absolutely zero chance they’re going up this season I suspect and that’ll do for me.

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1 hour ago, Charlies said:

Not just Nissan it spread through factories up here like I don’t know what, loads of people at my work have lost ££££. Been absolute hell on :lol: 


Same at our place.

A few of us tried to warn them but they wouldn't listen.

I work with a lad who's lost two grand.

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1 hour ago, Sima said:


I’m sure Graham Potter is clamming to take charge of a mid-table championship team.

Graham Potter’s Chelsea base salary: £12m/pa

Sunderland’s last reported turnover figures: £26.2m (£5.1m loss)


So that’s a massive fucking NO MackemMagic, you silly cunt

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Always give these videos a watch when they lose at home. The last one I watched was Boro at home at the start of October. Back then they had won 6 and drawn 1 of their last 8 and in a pretty good position. A lot of their fans were saying they'll finish 2nd in the predictions before the match, fast forward 8 weeks and only 7 points in their last 8 games, now some are saying no chance of playoffs.



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2 minutes ago, Rod said:


It’s the same as all clubs - the ‘attendance figures’ are tickets sold.  That’s also how Arsenal has 60k every week, yet some of their games vs ‘lesser’ opposition have obvious gaps in the seats.


The difference is that the Mackems give away / sell for dirt cheap shitloads of tickets, and loads of those punters don’t show up - unlike at SJP etc

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58 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:

They have nigh on 10,000 people (almost 1/3rd or their season ticket holders) who have paid £60 (SIXTY) for a season ticket. Most of them were bought as "extras" so for games at convenient times, ie weekends they can be easily passed on. For midweek when nobody is interested the seats lie empty but the person is counted. Probably 24/25k there tonight looking at the pictures.

25,000 is a great crowd but why do they insist that there are 35,000 there?  It's every home game.  The cup game attendances are hilarious, only because they can't fiddle the figures.

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29 minutes ago, bigfella said:


Same at our place.

A few of us tried to warn them but they wouldn't listen.

I work with a lad who's lost two grand.

Exactly the same at mine. Worst thing is lads were going around bigging it up, easy money and that, getting paid for each person they signed up. I don’t know how they couldn’t see through it but I suppose the supposed easy money blindsided them. 

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Beaten at home off fourth-bottom Huddersfield, half-empty stadium, 20,000 massive lads fans listening on the radio in the Nissan factory and they question if Graham Potter might fancy taking over from Tcchhoony M.


They are the gift that keeps on giving.

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