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Other games (2024/25)


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At least we won't have to want City to beat Coventry in the final now (due to Europe implications). Can fully get behind the blue half of Manchester utterly ruining the red jokes

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Never been so annoyed by a match that doesn’t involve NUFC. That 121’ winner. It’s bullshit. Fuck VAR. honestly if the lines are touching let it go. 

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Romance crushing cunt of an outcome

shit final I'll not bother watching, shit outcome denying an all-time great story and couldn't even play well in doing it or get by without massive luck


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Just now, Colos Short and Curlies said:

does he miss the final now?


Martinez misses the next game after his 2 yellows doesn’t he?

Doubt it as the cup cards just merge with the PL cards. 

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4 minutes ago, Rafalove said:


I honestly feel sick.  I never knew how much I hated Manchester United until this moment in time.  If we don't stuff them at least 5-0 then I'm giving up.



Edited by Rod

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10 minutes ago, Adam said:

Whole system they use is fucking daft. If you're level but have bigger feet,sorry you're off. The wegner rule where if any part of you is level you're on is much better. The stupid you're 2cm ahead needs to go.


Accepting that VAR isn't going anywhere, I'll take the Wenger rule at this point. It doesn't eradicate the impact on whether or not you can always be spontaneous as a fan, but at least it won't rule out perfectly fine goals.


Vile, utterly vile. Defy anyone to defend its existence as a force for good after that. 

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I heard something a while back, that statistically whoever misses the first penalty end up going through more often then the team that goes ahead, and I swear i'm noticing it all the time now :lol: 


Gutted for Coventry, hate the fact the some cunt 200 miles away with some hand drawn lines have ruined what would have been a really memorable moment.

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