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Other games (2024/25)


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6 minutes ago, Disco said:

Massive recency bias but feels like that is the best Saturday lunchtime kick off for years.

Yeah. They often feel flat and boring. With the crowd half asleep and not pissed enough. 

That seemed like a belter. 

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Whilst Arsenal’s regular mid-late season capitulation is hilarious. I’m glad they won, showed some resilience and kept the pressure on City. 

I know it’s fashionable to hate Liverpool. But without them. The last 5 seasons would have just been pure dominance from City. With nobody getting near. 

Arsenal’s turn to run them close this season, I hope. Ours hopefully not long after…..

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7 minutes ago, KaKa said:


Oh shut it man. Sick of the whingeing about Arteta. It's really not that deep.

You shut it, the blokes a fucking bell end prancing around like a fucking idiot questioning every little thing.


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1 minute ago, Lush Vlad said:

Whilst Arsenal’s regular mid-late season capitulation is hilarious. I’m glad they won, showed some resilience and kept the pressure on City. 

I know it’s fashionable to hate Liverpool. But without them. The last 5 seasons would have just been pure dominance from City. With nobody getting near. 

Arsenal’s turn to run them close this season, I hope. Ours hopefully not long after…..


Honestly so sick of Man City man. And some of the details in those emails that were released were ridiculous, making things even worse.


Yeah, been really good that Liverpool have been running them close and now Arsenal are giving it a go, otherwise the league would have been a farce.

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1 minute ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

Well, you might want to avoid this topic cos a lot of people will love to see Arteta tears 


Yeah, I know. It's all good man.


Was just hyped after that great game and win for Arsenal, because I'm rooting for them big time.


Think the Arteta complaints are over the top too. Mourinho was the absolute worst and most people on here love the guy.

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7 minutes ago, Numbers said:

You shut it, the blokes a fucking bell end prancing around like a fucking idiot questioning every little thing.



Yeah, because he's the first and only manager to have ever done such a thing. Give it a rest man ... and come on the Arsenal!



Edited by KaKa

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5 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

This statement has just made me realise my memory's shite. I'm sure we've had some absolute belters fairly recently 

There’ll have been absolutely loads but my memory is also shot to bits and as Vlad said in my mind they’re always dull as owt with shit crowd involvement.

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2 minutes ago, Disco said:

There’ll have been absolutely loads but my memory is also shot to bits and as Vlad said in my mind they’re always dull as owt with shit crowd involvement.


Thank fuck for that, I've had enough of people taking the piss out of my sieve memory, looking forward to joeyt pulling you up on some anal fact or three in the coming months. :thup:



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