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20 minutes ago, jack j said:

Cant just chose to "retire" when you have caused as much grief and shite as they have over the years

So are the JCB gang younger lads muscling in, or Conroy’s crew trying to settle old scores ?



Edited by Whitley mag

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I often go to the Dunston match when. Really well run club.


Such a shame as this will no doubt be a huge cost to put the pitch right and there will be many people who stay away after this.


Steve Wraith was involved a few year back when they us d to have the doo's at the Fed. He's has ot had anything to do with the club for years ( I think..)


These people are seriously the lowest of the low, plenty of kids there tonight from both Dunston and Gateshead.


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3 hours ago, Charlies said:

not entirely, they know they have eyes on them more than ever because everyone is waiting for them to ‘reply’ 


I’m surprised of the lack of coverage for what’s been going on in the NE with regards to this, literal lorries being driven into peoples living rooms [emoji38]


Could you be fucked man, fuck that. Wraith associates with the likes so it’s on him as far as I’m concerned. 

It's probably kept quiet for the best of the region tbf. No point in scaremongering folk and having them nervous about shit that is seemingly between two factions and not all out terror on the streets of Newcastle. Lifting this sort of crack on our beloved streets.

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Is this Paddy Conroy v Sayers not just a case of old enemies getting one over on each other ? I can't see these two having any control over Newcastle and Gateshead these days.

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This all seems a bit weird to me.  If it is genuine feud between the “gangsters” of Newcastle this comes across as a bit small time. Driving a car into a football pitch dropping leaflets!  I would have thought actual violence would be more likely. Why do something that just gets massive attention?  Unless the attention should help promote something…



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8 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

This all seems a bit weird to me.  If it is genuine feud between the “gangsters” of Newcastle this comes across as a bit small time. Driving a car into a football pitch dropping leaflets!  I would have thought actual violence would be more likely. Why do something that just gets massive attention?  Unless the attention should help promote something…



Bit daft to call himself a nonce tho 

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Always love how the Chronicle reports these yocals.


You'll get a headline along the lines of 'Disgusting scum caught stealing a Twix. Bring back hanging?', with the headline below or above it being 'Career criminal and head of crime family, Sayer, spotted taking in the sun at Whitley Bay'.





Edited by TBG

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33 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

officer it obviously wasn’t me that did this for self promotion. They called me a nonce.  

He’s not gonna tar himself as a nonce to sell a few extra dvds :lol:

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10 minutes ago, gdm said:

He’s not gonna tar himself as a nonce to sell a few extra dvds :lol:

I assume nothing from someone who chooses to do this for self promotion. 


edit - credit to him to be fair. He’s managed to carve out a living from Newcastle shows, films, promotions etc.  I have listened to a couple of the pod casts around the take over times and he does come across on those quite well.  But his Twitter feed is almost constant self promotion of what he’s got going on. I have no clue whether last night was promotion or genuine threats. I just find the idea that a criminal gang would think the cars and threats was in any way a good idea unlikely.  




Edited by KetsbaiaIsBald

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