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Match Atmosphere


Singing Section at SJP - Poll  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want a large singing/standing section at St James' Park?

    • Yes. I'm an existing season ticket holder and I would want to be a part of it
    • Yes. I'm an existing season ticket holder but wouldn't want to be part of it, but I would move to a seat somewhere else if the singing section was to be where I currently sit....as long as I was happy with the new seat.
    • No. The atmosphere is fine as it is.
    • No. The atmosphere needs to improve but this isn't the answer.
    • Yes. I'm just a member at the moment but would want one in the singing section.
    • Yes. I'm just a member at the moment but would want a season ticket in a non-singing section. But a singing section needs to happen to let people who want to sing be together

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  • Turn the speaker volume down from the ridiculous level its currently at. I know someone said about regulation issues which is weird how every other ground - seemingly - dont have their speakers anywhere near the same volume. If there are regulation issues the club should be challenging these.
  • Change up the songs every month or so (but keep Fortuna & Local Hero obviously).
  • Extend the standing section and pinpoint it as a singing section. You could have it sprawl across into the middle of the Gallowgate end, around 5/6k total allocation.
  • Create a second designated standing/singing section next to the away fans in the Leazes corner - whether it be L4 or L7.  Even if its 2k allocation, that would be enough to give robust responses to the away fans and bring about some great banter.
  • If the club deem it too problematic to move people around in the Gallowgate end due to ST holders, then create one big standing/singing section in the leazes L4 corner.
  • Above all, this is for good of the team and thus club aswell as catering for as many different match goers as possible. With this in mind, the club shouldn't worry about moving people around.
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1 minute ago, timnufc22 said:
  • Turn the speaker volume down from the ridiculous level its currently at. I know someone said about regulation issues which is weird how every other ground - seemingly - dont have their speakers anywhere near the same volume. If there are regulation issues the club should be challenging these.
  • Change up the songs every month or so (but keep Fortuna & Local Hero obviously).
  • Extend the standing section and pinpoint it as a singing section. You could have it sprawl across into the middle of the Gallowgate end, around 5/6k total allocation.
  • Create a second designated standing/singing section next to the away fans in the Leazes corner - whether it be L4 or L7.  Even if its 2k allocation, that would be enough to give robust responses to the away fans and bring about some great banter.
  • If the club deem it too problematic to move people around in the Gallowgate end due to ST holders, then create one big standing/singing section in the leazes L4 corner.
  • Above all, this is for good of the team and thus club aswell as catering for as many different match goers as possible. With this in mind, the club shouldn't worry about moving people around.


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31 minutes ago, timnufc22 said:
  • Turn the speaker volume down from the ridiculous level its currently at. I know someone said about regulation issues which is weird how every other ground - seemingly - dont have their speakers anywhere near the same volume. If there are regulation issues the club should be challenging these.


We do FWIW, and every time the club meets with fans they get asked to turn it down, you can barely have a conversation with the person next to you sometimes, it is that bad.


I am sure it must be some sort of regulation, like you suggested, seems too random. 


Although why, if it is, clubs wouldn't challenge it is beyond me.

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35 minutes ago, timnufc22 said:
  • Turn the speaker volume down from the ridiculous level its currently at. I know someone said about regulation issues which is weird how every other ground - seemingly - dont have their speakers anywhere near the same volume. If there are regulation issues the club should be challenging these.
  • Change up the songs every month or so (but keep Fortuna & Local Hero obviously).
  • Extend the standing section and pinpoint it as a singing section. You could have it sprawl across into the middle of the Gallowgate end, around 5/6k total allocation.
  • Create a second designated standing/singing section next to the away fans in the Leazes corner - whether it be L4 or L7.  Even if its 2k allocation, that would be enough to give robust responses to the away fans and bring about some great banter.
  • If the club deem it too problematic to move people around in the Gallowgate end due to ST holders, then create one big standing/singing section in the leazes L4 corner.
  • Above all, this is for good of the team and thus club aswell as catering for as many different match goers as possible. With this in mind, the club shouldn't worry about moving people around.


  • Get rid of auto-allocated seating
  • Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, allow DJ fucking Otzi to be played ever again
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1 hour ago, Hovagod said:

Fair points. I was speaking in regards to this weird idea that we should feel emotionally blackmailed by them though. I’ll shout and sing if I fancy it, like everybody else, like football fans have forever. Of course I speak as a season ticket holder, which makes me the problem. 

Not sure where the emotional blackmailing comes from to be honest? I presume from the fact we put effort in and have voiced our opinion of the atmosphere on Wednesday...


So I guess, what you're saying is Wor Flags shouldn't have an opinion on the atmosphere when it's a negative opinion? However, we're expected to accept the negative criticism when we do nowt, or don't do what folk want? Or the negative comments we've received about Wednesday's display? Then sit in silence.


I mean, I'm only speaking for me individually here, but when I've invested so much time into trying to be a catalyst for a better match day experience for every one of those 49k home fans on Wednesday, I personally feel I am absolutely entitled to voice my opinion without being accused of emotional blackmail too. Emotional blackmail certainly isn't the intention and perhaps this is exacerbating your point, but I just don't get it tbh.


We don't think we're the be all end all, we're simply trying to get behind the team and the region, it's upto the rest of the crowd to get behind the team, which on Wednesday, they didn't.


Cannot have an amazing atmosphere without having catalysts though whether that be one group or one individual taking initiative.

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1 hour ago, Hovagod said:

Fair points. I was speaking in regards to this weird idea that we should feel emotionally blackmailed by them though. I’ll shout and sing if I fancy it, like everybody else, like football fans have forever. Of course I speak as a season ticket holder, which makes me the problem. 


Just think back to those Steve Brice years. Literally zero atmosphere. You could go the full 90 mins without a song breaking out. Just a completely dead ground where the only noise of any description came from the away end.

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I mentioned wor flags walking away on another thread


My only reasoning for it is as already mentioned the club see the flags as.the be all and end all of atmosphere.


As the wor flags lads posted on twitter the other night, they weren't amused at how shit the atmosphere was


Not sure if they have the power within the club to ask for more singing sections etc. But a few weeks without the flags and I can bet my bottom dollar the top dogs are wondering what's gone wrong

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I would add to any arguments put forward to improve the atmosphere that it's in the club's commercial interest to find solutions to this problem. Our fanbase and atmosphere, for all its problems, are still major assets in attracting new fans. 

So give us a massive standing/signing section and let ST holders move/members choose their own seats. Fans are happier, atmosphere is better, more new fans attracted...everyone wins! Only downside is if we have enough fans to fill up these new sections. I was surprised to hear only 5k wanted to move to the Strawberry corner at the start of this season. 

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The flags have been magnificent, think it’s brought a bit of a togetherness again between the players and fans, but the atmosphere is good if it’s a massive game, we score early and get on a roll or most have been out all day. PSG had all three of those, Dortmund lacked two of them. The atmosphere is always dependent on the the game rather than the flags or the standing area.

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3 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

The flags have been magnificent, think it’s brought a bit of a togetherness again between the players and fans, but the atmosphere is good if it’s a massive game, we score early and get on a roll or most have been out all day. PSG had all three of those, Dortmund lacked two of them. The atmosphere is always dependent on the the game rather than the flags or the standing area.

This basically. Kinda always has been this.

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4 minutes ago, Vedder said:

I would add to any arguments put forward to improve the atmosphere that it's in the club's commercial interest to find solutions to this problem. Our fanbase and atmosphere, for all its problems, are still major assets in attracting new fans. 

So give us a massive standing/signing section and let ST holders move/members choose their own seats. Fans are happier, atmosphere is better, more new fans attracted...everyone wins! Only downside is if we have enough fans to fill up these new sections. I was surprised to hear only 5k wanted to move to the Strawberry corner at the start of this season. 

Aye I've always wondered this as well. Is there enough appetite for standing/singing in the ground

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4 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

The flags have been magnificent, think it’s brought a bit of a togetherness again between the players and fans, but the atmosphere is good if it’s a massive game, we score early and get on a roll or most have been out all day. PSG had all three of those, Dortmund lacked two of them. The atmosphere is always dependent on the the game rather than the flags or the standing area.

Surely a Champions league game should bring abit atmosphere with it without having to rely on an early goal


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Surely we have more than 5k fans wanting to stand and sing. Maybe a lot of people didn't realise they could apply to be moved to the strawberry corner? Most folk on here are pretty clued up on things with the club but perhaps the average fan isn't? Then you have the thousands of fans like me who jacked it in at Mike Ashley's bleakest point but who are itching to be back. I'd be back in a heartbeat if I could be guaranteed a place in a standing section. The random ballot is fucking appalling tbh. I have no interest in that so I only go when one of my mates has a spare.

Maybe only when we have a ground too big for our support will everyone be truly happy as then people can stand or sit next to who they want, where they want. When you think about it, it is amazing that we have such a good atmosphere at times with the current seating situation. Can you imagine what kind of a din we could create with even a modicum of cooperation from the club and we as a group of fans? This has to be the next area of focus for us because Dortmund at home was a complete embarrassment from a TV point of view. Wor flags are fucking amazing and I'd be devastated if they walked away. But I guess it's the state of the world we live in today where people will find owt to criticise. In my eyes they are beyond reproach.

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1 hour ago, gbandit said:

Minimum 10,000 fan standing / singing sections in ground. A main one in the gallowgate and then smaller ones in each corner of the ground. Get it done 


Gallowgate needs to be safe standing. The whole lot of it. All 12,000 spaces. Then you'll see a big difference. 1,800 spaces in the SE Corner in a 52k stadium is a drop in the ocean. A token gesture at best.

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10 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


Gallowgate needs to be safe standing. The whole lot of it. All 12,000 spaces. Then you'll see a big difference. 1,800 spaces in the SE Corner in a 52k stadium is a drop in the ocean. A token gesture at best.

That would be class, have to say. 

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18 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

I’m amazed at the amount of people that would rather not go than just take any seat offered like.

If someone offered me a ticket in the Leazes, I’d probably pass on it if I had to pay. I pay good, hard earned money for atmosphere, not for some sausage to tell me to sit/quieten down. 

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1 hour ago, Bellis80 said:

The flags have been magnificent, think it’s brought a bit of a togetherness again between the players and fans, but the atmosphere is good if it’s a massive game, we score early and get on a roll or most have been out all day. PSG had all three of those, Dortmund lacked two of them. The atmosphere is always dependent on the the game rather than the flags or the standing area.


The standing area is noisy with support and songs every game, the chants rarely stop during the 90 mins. The sound doesn't carry round the whole ground, but if you're in that part of the stadium it's impressive.


So more standing should equate to more noise, in theory. As long as we have enough people who want to stand and get behind the team if we add more standing sections.


The flags are an amazing visual spectacle and the amount of effort that goes into creating the displays is mind-blowing. But I don't think a great display at kick off then translates to 90 mins of sustained vocal support.



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I've said on here before, but the singing section from 08-11 right next to the away fans meant that there was a few thousand of us essentially generating an 'away-day' atmosphere every week. Standing, loads of different songs and essentially a party most weeks. We were pretty shite for the most part too, and it rarely had a detrimental effect on the atmosphere up there. Maybe time has clouded my memory of it, but for the most part it seemed good-to-brilliant most weeks. Even against the likes of Doncaster at home - whereas now it seems St James' needs it to be a 'big game' for there to be consistent noise. No idea why it wasn't like that on Wednesday - maybe folk expected a cake walk after PSG? It definitely had a different feel from the minute I entered the turnstile.


In my opinion, the only way that the atmosphere can be rectified is to have a singing/standing section next to the away fans to couple with the Strawberry Corner. That way you can let the atmosphere bounce round a bit.


The new ballot system hasn't helped - as @TheGuv has said before, he and a few others were getting tickets in the Leazes East corner last season which started to generate a bit of noise from there. Now those applying in the ballot (if successful....) are just stuck anywhere. So some of my mates were dotted about Level 7 on Wed. The type of lads who are willing to stand and make noise but stuck up there. It's all well and good saying try get it going - you know yourself that when it's you and a couple of others in an area where nobody is arsed is pretty difficult and can be awkward too.


The struggle for consistent atmosphere isn't just a St James' thing mind, but that's not to say we shouldn't actively look to improve it. The Trust won't give a fuck as long as they're in the ground, so maybe our best hope is the Supporters Club.


The club (NUFC) need to be very careful moving forwards. I completely get the idea of making it 'fair' and giving as many people as possible from the UK and beyond a fair crack at the whip for tickets (especially bairns) but it cannot become like Anfield/Old Trafford. I hope this is taken into consideration if/when an extension is announced - they should be making 75% + of any new seats that become available due to expansion available to those who wish to purchase a Season Ticket.

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27 minutes ago, ryanegg said:

If someone offered me a ticket in the Leazes, I’d probably pass on it if I had to pay. I pay good, hard earned money for atmosphere, not for some sausage to tell me to sit/quieten down. 


Same. There's parts of the ground I'd prefer to watch on TV than sit in, and the Leazes End is one. Factoring in the ticket prices now and it wouldn't be a hard decision either.


It's the main reason I've just sacked off the ballots altogether now and have become an armchair fan. Fuck paying best part of 70 quid for me and the bairn to end up in an area I don't want to he in.

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31 minutes ago, ryanegg said:

If someone offered me a ticket in the Leazes, I’d probably pass on it if I had to pay. I pay good, hard earned money for atmosphere, not for some sausage to tell me to sit/quieten down. 



This is it really. I mean surely the atmosphere is the reason you go instead of watching on the television to begin with. If you stay at home you can go for snacks, drink as you like, do something else during half time and be privy to replay of anything interesting.

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Hopefully the board see the yellow wall when we go over there and think we fancy a bit of that in the Gallowgate.


On Wor Flags I think there in an excellent position to push for changes to improve atmosphere, it’s become a major media attraction the club wouldn’t want to lose.


The club needs to realise us legacy fans are fucking pissed off with the current match day experience.

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3 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

Hopefully the board see the yellow wall when we go over there and think we fancy a bit of that in the Gallowgate.


On Wor Flags I think there in an excellent position to push for changes to improve atmosphere, it’s become a major media attraction the club wouldn’t want to lose.


The club needs to realise us legacy fans are fucking pissed off with the current match day experience.


This is a really important point and it's why I got in touch with the Head of Supporter Services directly


Complaining about it on here or Twatter etc is a way to compare frustrations and vent, but it's not going to change anything


A consistent flow of polite complaints going directly to the club via Supporter Services will mean they can't ignore the fact that there's a lot of pissed off match going fans. Doesn't mean they'll address any issues, but at least we can try


There's also the option to go through NUST and the likes but I've yet to see what traction the supporter groups actually have. But maybe that's because I'm not on Twatter which seems to be the way their actions are publicised




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1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

Hopefully the board see the yellow wall when we go over there and think we fancy a bit of that in the Gallowgate.


On Wor Flags I think there in an excellent position to push for changes to improve atmosphere, it’s become a major media attraction the club wouldn’t want to lose.


The club needs to realise us legacy fans are fucking pissed off with the current match day experience.

I agree that the reputation we have for great support / atmosphere - something that the club plays on - is a commercial asset too. It’s part of our positive identity. Therefore it needs to be preserved or bumped up to match said reputation.

We also want it to be an attraction for players - granted there’s many other things higher in the list decision wise, but even if it’s that extra 1% advantage to sway a player.

We can’t be pumping out official videos all the time and likely asking players to do promo vids saying how amazing the atmosphere is, while at the same time refusing to listen to fans who are incredibly frustrated at not being able to generate one and even getting letters sent asking them to sit down.


The point I’m trying to make is that in amongst the ever increasing soulless aspects of football, it’s more important than ever to protect unique, personal aspects of the club. 

I also agree that we can’t have rose tinted specs on and pretend every single game at SJP used to be amazing atmosphere and there’s always going to be a levelling off between big games and low key games. What I would say is, at least put seating/standing plans in place to find out what our levelling off baseline is. It may improve things a lot, it may not. But let’s find out. 

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