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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Guest KeithKettleborough

Match of The Day


The way they waste our money having far too many "experts" on the show. Some flown in from abroad at probably a considerable cost. They will be lucky to speak for 5 minutes during the whole programme.


The fact that they can have 3 shows in a day and need a different team doing them each time.


The smugness between Gary and the boys and the feeling that the viewer is being ignored as they "joke" among themselves.


Big Al doing Gazzas "very very verys" very very much of the time, plus " they done well".


Showing the Hereford goal at every opportunity.

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Actually kid mascots too annoy me. At the WC especially. Why does there have to be one for each and every player? looks stupid them standing there suring the national anthems, should only be the players.

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Club Owners and/or Directors who use their club as their personal fame wagon, line their pockets, run their club in to the ground, disrespect their supporters and who are generally fat b-st-rds who should be run over by their own Jaguar(s).

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The England band, the silly fat fuckers who take their tops off when following the Toon (you know the 82 stone wankers with so many tattoos they look like a fucking colouring book) AND Phil 'Big nosed Twat' Thompson.


I hate that bastard.

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Alan Green, I'm getting angry just thinking about his nasal whinging and complaining.  :angryfire:


Can't believe the license fee payer is funding that utter nob.


Oh yeah. I forget about Mark Lawrenson too. I can't stand that whiney, whingey prick. I wouldn't get sick of slapping his twisty face. HATE him.

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Bolton Wanderers.  Everything about them I just detest.  The music after the goals, the empty seats, the fact that one minute they are a massive club and the next they are small, the boring football they play, that stupid as fuck mascot that does them poses and the crowd chant 'wahey', Jussi Jaaaskeellaaiineen, El Hadji Cuntface, The fat bastard with the flag, Amir Khan apearing at every single fucking match, The fact that they chant a song to the tune of the blaydon races, The twats who sit in the 'singing section', the fact that they have a 'singing section', Fat Sam, Henrik Pedersen playing left back (fuck knows, but it gets right on my tits), the 10,000 fans that turn up for fa cup games, "oh it's on the tele so i won't bother going".


And a few more Bolton based things that I couldn't be arsed to think about.


Also cringe at clubs who have historical things, like when they talked about moving some clock at Arsenal and everybosy raged about it. ITS A FUCKING CLOCK FFS. Portsmouth being called Pompey, and of course the stupid twat with the bell. Forest fans who take a blowie up sheep with them to games.



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Guest smoggeordie

Our ballboys being, quite easily, the slowest in the world!


Steve Harper's goal kicks...how long does he need?!  :tickedoff:


Steve Harper taking forever with everything when 52000 people are shouting for him to hoy it to Milner

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Lining up to shake hands with the opposition before the match, club mascots, mark laurence lorraine bowen , music after goals, crap music before the match and at half time, brass bands in the fans section, suppa doopa supporters who have bells at every match or dress up in a special way for every match and the camera always looks at them, the supporters who go on soccer am and will no doubt miss their teams match because they are on the show. Fans arriving 20 minutes into a game, fans who are so dense they can't find their seat (upper tier means just that your in the upper tier, not the lower tier and no amount of arguing that I'm in your seat is going to change that), thinks that's all for now.

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Guest icemanblue

Oh, and season ticket holders that watch only ten minutes of each half. Why pay £500 to stand at a bar, you pleb?! Of course, these are the *real fans* who know Newcastle United inside out and condemn any opinion, other than their own, as b*ll*cks!

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Switching off Tyler and Gray's commentry on Sky to fanzone, then finding out there's two even bigger tossers on that, switching on radio commentry and being amazed again at the sheer twatness of the commentry. You can't escape it.


Except for Spanish football, Rob Palmer, Kevin Keatings, Gerry Francis, Guillem etc.

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Commentators Curse. Like last night - "Curtis Davis has done well to stay on his feet" - Que player slipping over instantly.


Also crap clueless commentators that don`t even know their job or facts.

Also when they call Babayaro Ameobi for example just because they are both black.

Also when they are commentating on a CL game and start pronouncing English names in a foreign accent.

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cheerleaders - this is not fuckin america!


diving players - i admit c. ronaldo is one of the best players in the world, but i hate him with all of my heart for the diving!


entertaining thread btw!

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The bling culture which has crept in amongst players and they way they treat money.


Other pet hates


Frank Lampard

Rio Ferdinand

Alex ferguson (comes across as a father figure to young managers, until they disagree with him, re Southgate)


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Guest Retro Barker

Just wondering if anyone has any particular pet hates about football? Not major things such as diving/refereeing inconsistancy/steve carr but little things? Mine are yellow footballs, music being played after goals, international teams with random numbers on their shirts (Aaron Hughes is number 18 and he started tonight!) and those bloody animated advertising boards!! anyone else got anything?


When commentators refer to players using gamesmanship, when it is a clear case of player cheating. I.e feigning injury or diving

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