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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Football myths like 'No doubt Pardew will find a way to play ********' when he has never played that player unless we have had zero realistic options.


Same for team selections when our bench is filled with players regularly called s*** or not good enough.


There are plenty better options than Shola on the wing :yao:

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The surprise and stick directed at PL clubs for getting knocked out of the FA Cup, and then pundits saying stuff like "of course they were playing a weak team, but the 11 out there should have been enough to get the result". As if football works like that.


11 hungry, motivated players in the role of underdog, in front of a TV audience with everything to prove, against 11 PL reserves who can't be bothered with the competition and haven't played any decent level football for weeks. It's hardly surprising that better ability isn't enough to stop the PL team getting beat.


The fact is the PL clubs don't really care about the FA Cup, and they don't really try that hard to stay in it.

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Almost as bad as the myth we have a good/intimidating atmosphere.


Don't think I've felt one since the 4-4....maybe the floor shaking to the Ramadan song  in the Man U 3-0.


Applies to every PL team/large stadium I reckon, sadly.


Yep, although at least we can produce an atmosphere when the team gives the fans something to shout about.

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been reminded of this by local press on sissoko and now fer going to everton


Player X is the new *insert great player here*, why can't players just be judged on their own merits rather than bring often quite unfair comparisons with great players, Vierra comparisons are the worst. Whatever about saying someone plays in a Vierra like or Ronaldo like way but stop it with the new whatever

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The arrogance of 'glory' club fans. Overheard a Celtic fans' phone conversation in a Glasgow pub yesterday before their league cup semi v St Mirren. He was telling someone how he'd offered  someone a ticket for the semi and they'd refused, and so for that reason they wouldn't be offered a ticket for the final. Thankfully St Mirren turned them over and he'll not be dealing with any tickets for the final. These people, like his team, just think they've got to turn up to win sometimes.

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been reminded of this by local press on sissoko and now fer going to everton


Player X is the new *insert great player here*, why can't players just be judged on their own merits rather than bring often quite unfair comparisons with great players, Vierra comparisons are the worst. Whatever about saying someone plays in a Vierra like or Ronaldo like way but stop it with the new whatever




As excited as I am watching a video called "Sissoko - The French Yaya Touré" this is always tempered by the fact that there is another video called "Obertan - The next Christiano Ronaldo"  :lol:

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When fans start complaining about rivals signing a player.... saying things like " why didn't we buy him !?!?" even when it most of these cases said club didn't even need said player.


Its a case of a baby without a rattle, people only seem to want what they can't have and its rather annoying.

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Guest wallsendmags1990

The prices at football, rival teams when you sign a decent player then they automatically class him as "S**t, goalscoring music. Just to name a few. :rant:

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Football myths like 'No doubt Pardew will find a way to play ********' when he has never played that player unless we have had zero realistic options.


Same for team selections when our bench is filled with players regularly called shit or not good enough.



Jonas for Marveaux today.


The alternatives;


Sammy Ameobi, Shola Ameobi.



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"these things don't go for you when you're at the bottom of the league"


Brian Little used it twice tonight for N'Zogbia hitting the post & Benteke putting it wide.  Whey, obviously they don't Brian.  Because if they did, you'd be scoring goals and if you were scoring goals, you'd be winning games and if you won games you wouldn't be down the bottom of the league.  f***ing high-pitched spanner.

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Guest bimpy474

Phil Thompson say on SSN, saying that Santon hit his shot with his weaker right foot. An expert who watches football as a job, yet can't get a basic fact about a player right.


Boils my piss.

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Phil Thompson say on SSN, saying that Santon hit his shot with his weaker right foot. An expert who watches football as a job, yet can't get a basic fact about a player right.


Boils my p*ss.

:mackems:, he's not an expert, they don't expect him to be, he's entertaining like the rest, they don't want correct and insightful but often dull views, they want banter and entertainment. given the format they do it well.
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Phil Thompson say on SSN, saying that Santon hit his shot with his weaker right foot. An expert who watches football as a job, yet can't get a basic fact about a player right.


Boils my p*ss.

:mackems:, he's not an expert, they don't expect him to be, he's entertaining like the rest, they don't want correct and insightful but often dull views, they want banter and entertainment. given the format they do it well.




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Guest bimpy474

Phil Thompson say on SSN, saying that Santon hit his shot with his weaker right foot. An expert who watches football as a job, yet can't get a basic fact about a player right.


Boils my p*ss.

:mackems:, he's not an expert, they don't expect him to be, he's entertaining like the rest, they don't want correct and insightful but often dull views, they want banter and entertainment. given the format they do it well.


I would think a man who won mutiple trophies as captain of Liverpool, played numerous times for England, attends more games than we could ever dream of, and is now paid to watch games, and has done that for the last ten years. Is quite an expert like.

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