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St James' Park


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11 hours ago, Pancrate1892 said:

Was a feasibility study done for the gallowgate pre-ashley? The one that was in conjunction with the casino project? 

Landscape hasn't really changed in the vacinity with obviously the same challenges 

Vaguely remember talk of £280m+ to add 8000 seats at that time, can't remember if it included the casino in that though

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It’s costing Liverpool 80 million to add 8k extra seats in the Anfield Road End.


I would imagine the Gallowgate would be a far heftier cost due to complications of metro and road, but obviously Fenway thought 80 million makes sense for 8k extra seats in a business sense.

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1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

It’s costing Liverpool 80 million to add 8k extra seats in the Anfield Road End.


I would imagine the Gallowgate would be a far heftier cost due to complications of metro and road, but obviously Fenway thought 80 million makes sense for 8k extra seats in a business sense.

To be fair, charge about £1000 a season ticket or the match to match equivalent and it's paid off in ten years or so. Ours adds little financial value for a long time 

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13 hours ago, Pancrate1892 said:

For me it doesn't make any sense. In one location they have the land....in the other location they don't. 


It would make far more sense to work on the gallowgate expansion whilst spending the next 5 years buying small bits of land like st James terrace and st James st to at least give the east stand a chance of having a larger foot print 

I dont think there will be an extension . It will only cost and not make £  Think the fanzone is literally it . 

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2 hours ago, Orphanage said:

I dont think there will be an extension . It will only cost and not make £  Think the fanzone is literally it . 

Part of me agrees but obviously doesn't want to. 

I think if the PIF weren't so involved with the Saudi league then it would have been a certainty but it's without a doubt now that the PIFs plans were far more expansive than just owning Newcastle United. 


East stand facilities are obviously bog standard and with all the little tweaks upgrades within the ground a rebuild of the east stand would make sense based on facility upgrade rather than capacity upgrade. So no double tier or clever engineered structure, just a like for like structure but modern maybe with another fancy corporate area squeezed in. 


God I hope Im wrong ! 

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How they tackle stadium redevelopment will give a very clear signal of what their true intentions are for NUFC, and how long they plan to stick around for. The simple fact is that the development & modernisation of SJP, or a whole new stadium, will require a colossal amount of money. If, in the end, they decide to do a modest upgrade of the current stadium then that will confirm to me that they only plan on fixing the club up somewhat & then flipping it on. The bottom line is that the club needs probably at least a billion in infrastructure development, through stadium expansion/modernisation and a state-of-the-art training complex, to truly bring themselves alongside what Man City & Liverpool currently have.


If none of this happens I expect them to have moved on within the next 5 years or so.

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5 minutes ago, Wandy said:

How they tackle stadium redevelopment will give a very clear signal of what their true intentions are for NUFC, and how long they plan to stick around for. The simple fact is that the development & modernisation of SJP, or a whole new stadium, will require a colossal amount of money. If, in the end, they decide to do a modest upgrade of the current stadium then that will confirm to me that they only plan on fixing the club up somewhat & then flipping it on. The bottom line is that the club needs probably at least a billion in infrastructure development, through stadium expansion/modernisation and a state-of-the-art training complex, to truly bring themselves alongside what Man City & Liverpool currently have.


If none of this happens I expect them to have moved on within the next 5 years or so.

It’s quite likely that we won’t get movement on a stadium expansion in the next 5 years. The reason for that is that by the time we start, we will be going into the 2028 Euro’s, and we can’t have a stadium in the middle of a rebuild, unless we want to throw away our host city status to Sunderland.

I very much doubt our owners would be happy with that, even SJP in its current guise is better to host from an image point of view, then handing it over to the SOL.


At the moment they are currently figuring out what they need, where the demand is. Ok we have a demand for tickets, but at what price point? How will that grow if/when the club grows.

They have increased the hospitality at the club but they are figuring out how much they need for that and at what price point as well. Will that grow with success and if so by how much?


The planning application is going to take 9-12 months alone.

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3 hours ago, Stifler said:

It’s quite likely that we won’t get movement on a stadium expansion in the next 5 years. The reason for that is that by the time we start, we will be going into the 2028 Euro’s, and we can’t have a stadium in the middle of a rebuild, unless we want to throw away our host city status to Sunderland.

I very much doubt our owners would be happy with that, even SJP in its current guise is better to host from an image point of view, then handing it over to the SOL.


At the moment they are currently figuring out what they need, where the demand is. Ok we have a demand for tickets, but at what price point? How will that grow if/when the club grows.

They have increased the hospitality at the club but they are figuring out how much they need for that and at what price point as well. Will that grow with success and if so by how much?


The planning application is going to take 9-12 months alone.


It's not about the timeline, but rather the actual commitment. For instance if, after they have conducted this feasibility study, they announce an official proposal to extensively rebuild SJP or build an all-new stadium but state that the work won't start until after 2028 then that would be fine. But if they alternatively state that the study indicated that it's not worth spending a lot of money for an extra 15k seats so they just decide to tart up the current SJP somewhat, then that to me will not show an ownership that truly wants to be "number one" and so I'd expect them to start thinking of when their exit would happen. 

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16 minutes ago, Wandy said:


It's not about the timeline, but rather the actual commitment. For instance if, after they have conducted this feasibility study, they announce an official proposal to extensively rebuild SJP or build an all-new stadium but state that the work won't start until after 2028 then that would be fine. But if they alternatively state that the study indicated that it's not worth spending a lot of money for an extra 15k seats so they just decide to tart up the current SJP somewhat, then that to me will not show an ownership that truly wants to be "number one" and so I'd expect them to start thinking of when their exit would happen. 

On the flip side Man City have been owned for 15 years and only just getting a new club museum, and a club shops that’s not using what was little more than portacabins, as well as what will likely be it’s final capacity increase.


10 years in at PSG and they still play at what looks to be a slightly better Hampden Park.


Chelsea were owned by a Russian Oligarch for nearly 20 years, and no stadium expansion or major redevelopment happened.


Also, Spurs have the best stadium in football, possibly the best sports stadium in the world, yet plenty would say that their owners don’t have an ambition to have a team to match it.

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7 hours ago, Stifler said:

On the flip side Man City have been owned for 15 years and only just getting a new club museum, and a club shops that’s not using what was little more than portacabins, as well as what will likely be it’s final capacity increase.


10 years in at PSG and they still play at what looks to be a slightly better Hampden Park.


Chelsea were owned by a Russian Oligarch for nearly 20 years, and no stadium expansion or major redevelopment happened.


Also, Spurs have the best stadium in football, possibly the best sports stadium in the world, yet plenty would say that their owners don’t have an ambition to have a team to match it.

It's a decent point and one that highlights the ridiculous waste by Chelsea. Yes, they've achieved and absolutely grown their profile worldwide (Atlanta v us showed that) but their yearly outlay has been exorbitant (makes you laugh that FFP comes in now and has forced us to sell one player below market value to justify additional spending) 

With even a slightly better/shrewd strategy, Chelsea would have saved hundreds of millions and easily be playing in a modern 60000+ stadium, but their approach has always been based on lavish recruitment by buying lots and lots of players for massive fees and wages. 

I bet they even look back at that Chelsea village build with regret when they had plenty of land to build a huge stand but then restricted the only land they had with a very limited amount of seats. I suppose at the time they conceived 40k was big, as we did ourselves with 36k and only took a couple of years for the club to realise the mistake. 


Going back years it's a pity there was no crystal ball where before the milburn and leazes expansions the pitch wasn't adjusted north west to take away the problems of leazes terrace and the metro station on the gallowgate, but then again we had to fight to build the leazes in the conservation zone despite the area being a carpark

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They need to build an 80k seater, a replica of Saint James with all the sides built up and state of the art with retractible turf like Spurs has etc, make it a centerpiece of the North East and invite NFL teams to play etc.


Turn the current stadium into the biggest indoor area in Europe and encourage concerts, WWE and boxing to come etc

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my Godson just rang me from town. apparently Sela having a massive display in the sky . 

said it was incredible, he's gonna send me a video.


... hope this hasnt already been dicussed in another thread.

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