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St James' Park: "NEWCASTLE UNITED" lettering on East Stand roof being replaced (Official)


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36 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

Whisper it on here but I think this is what will happen. I just don’t see the East Stand redevelopment being viable in the end and we’ll be left with no other option.


Fans have a visceral wish/need to stay at St.James's Park. I totally understand that, it's just that I think the club, and especially the city, would be better off with a move to the northern side of Leazes Park lake. 

Sure, it's not the EXACT same footprint but, other than that, so what? The stands stadium has been renovated numerous times over the years, the pitch too.

We could build the state-of-the-art stadium that this club and city deserve. A stadium that can house all our supporters, with room to grow, optimising commercial possibilities and with outstanding acoustics. We have owner that have a track record of delivering such civil engineering.

Imagine accessing such a stadium via a new Leazes Park entrance at Strawberry Place? 

As I said before, I'd be happy enough with staying put, but I just think we'd be selling ourselves short when the aforementioned propsal could easily be realised.

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2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

Whisper it on here but I think this is what will happen. I just don’t see the East Stand redevelopment being viable in the end and we’ll be left with no other option.


I'm surprised to see you say that.


I can understand the logic of what you say and how that could come about, but I absolutely feel that (uniquely) we have owners that want to make St James' Park give us everything we want and need, and that they are well capable of "making it happen".


What a place our famous SJP will be then !!!

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A new but 'traditional English stadium design with modern facilities' at Leazes Park is my next favoured option if the current site is not feasible for expansion. 


The current stadium can possibly be turned into a mini community park and leisure area. Let's face it, the state of the current park can be so much better and no one in this day of age would want to invest and maintain it if there was no payoff or benefits coming their way too.


If say the owners can pledge investment into a newly modernised and sustainable green space with the city council at the current site of SJP while moving a few hundred yards up the road for a new stadium, it'll be a win-win for all. Matchday experience won't change much for the whole city.


Atmosphere in the stadium will be down to how it is designed. Keep the traditional 4 stands as close to the pitch, exterior can even match how SJP looks now if you wish so, facilities insided can be upgraded and modernised. Just move it up the road a bit.



Edited by nufcjb

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Ok. Let's demolish everything and move to leazes park. 

Move leazes terrace and st James terrace brick by fuckin brick to Beamish. Job done! Easy.


These cunts who run our club are clearly talking shit and need to listen to us. 

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I doubt there's a single bullet point in any planning policy document anywhere which would support the demolition of those perfectly decent homes at St James' Terrace. That's before you've even considered the permanent loss of assets of historical value. Destroying houses just isn't on anyone's agenda.


It would take the mother of all Section 106s* to overcome it just for the sake of extending SJP.


*a legal agreement which commits developers/landowners to providing something to ensure that their scheme can be considered acceptable (e.g. an affordable housing contribution/contribution to physical infrastructure/specifically in this case: replacement housing and some form of offsetting re the loss of a heritage asset, if that's even possible) 

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I don’t want to see us leave St James’s, even if it means we can only expand the capacity a little bit. 


It’s too perfect where it is to leave it and start again. 


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46 minutes ago, LV said:

I don’t want to see us leave St James’s, even if it means we can only expand the capacity a little bit. 


It’s too perfect where it is to leave it and start again. 




I’m not envious of any stadium built in my lifetime. In fact im not envious of any but if I was asked to swap I’d pick a Villa Park or an Ibrox. 

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2 hours ago, Danh1 said:



I’m not envious of any stadium built in my lifetime. In fact im not envious of any but if I was asked to swap I’d pick a Villa Park or an Ibrox. 


Ibrox is a fantastic stadium. Looking forward to going up there next month. I have no real feelings for Rangers one way or the other, but Ibrox is probably my favourite stadium in the UK. They can create a noise that's unmatched anywhere in Britain and, whilst the fans are very passionate, that's partly down to the stadium design.

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10 hours ago, manorpark said:


I'm surprised to see you say that.


I can understand the logic of what you say and how that could come about, but I absolutely feel that (uniquely) we have owners that want to make St James' Park give us everything we want and need, and that they are well capable of "making it happen".


What a place our famous SJP will be then !!!

Hey if they can do it fair enough, the East Stand just looks so dated to me and not in keeping with a world class stadium. 

I’ve got no doubt they’ll be able to redevelop the Gallowgate in some way, but everything I read about Leazes Terrace just seems to make it a no go with the East Stand.


The buildings I presume backing onto boot boy alley would surely at the very least have to be demolished, how easy will it be to purchase these and then demolish them ?


Ive got no doubt moving to Leazes Park would have the nimbys out in force, and that would probably be called in by govt, but I’ve got a feeling when the numbers are crunched it might be the route they go down.




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1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

Hey if they can do it fair enough, the East Stand just looks so dated to me and not in keeping with a world class stadium. 

I’ve got no doubt they’ll be able to redevelop the Gallowgate in some way, but everything I read about Leazes Terrace just seems to make it a no go with the East Stand.


The buildings I presume backing onto boot boy alley would surely at the very least have to be demolished, how easy will it be to purchase these and then demolish them ?


Ive got no doubt moving to Leazes Park would have the nimbys out in force, and that would probably be called in by govt, but I’ve got a feeling when the numbers are crunched it might be the route they go down.





Leazes Park Stadium would be fantastic, the John Hall plans wanted exactly that until the nimbys got in.


However, an expanded St James' Park would be (for me) light years better.


Now that we have the owners who (uniquely) can optimise the SJP expansion, I will always want that.


It will be amazing, different (as now really) from anywhere else in England.  

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Look I love St james Park as much as anyone. Sat in the centre of town its a thing of beauty...but if the new owners had different directions and wanted to build a new ground then I would happily support it. 


Im terms of the atmosphere comments i still think a full standing end in a new stadium could easily be able to generate great noise. 


In an ideal world we would rebuild St James from ground up but that would mean fans would miss out. Lets face it, its a nice problem to have given the recent years.

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I would be happy for st james to be demolished and rebuilt, i would want it to be distinctive in design, but I am really against it being moved. No idea waht we'd do in the meantime of the rebuild mind. Moving it from atop the hill though to me is a horrible idea. It's the heart and soul of the city. 

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I like the approach of doing the east stand first.  

I see it being something along the lines of if we get approval for this we get 61k, a stadium that can have an entire bowl look, potential to extend the gallowgate to add another 10k. 

If we can’t get approval then that will be decision time. Whether they accept only ever being able to extend the gallowgate at huge cost, or we move stadium.  Moving would then be an easier sell to fans as they have tried everything to stay.  

They will be maybe in a better position. With the council to get approval for a site in the city “look we are trying everything we can to keep the match day income in the city, if you keep blocking things we have no choice”. 


Ultimately we all want a bigger stadium in the city, ideally St James extended to 70k plus.  This feels like the best way to achieve that. 


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4 minutes ago, ponsaelius said:

Rebuilding on the same site is basically impossible I'd say. There's nowhere reasonable near by to play in the meantime.


I honestly wonder if the plan is to build a super modern impressive training complex with a decent sized stadium for the women's team, then play there while rebuild happens. Puts it all years and years off in the future but may be sensible.

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3 hours ago, NUFC said:

could lowering the pitch be an option to increase the East stand?

I don't think it would work as there's not a lot of room around the pitch, if you go down you also need to go forwards toward the pitch, that's why it works with stadia with running tracks so you can eat up that space.

The only think you could have is a trench like what they had at joker park and introduce it as a standing area (like going back to a paddock) but then that's probably going to look a bit shit. 

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3 hours ago, huss9 said:

they'll have to buy st james tce and leazes tce.

knock down st james tce, and incorporate leazes tce into the stadium somehow. find a new purpose for it.

it's easy to imagine the facade of leazes terrace integrated into a stand, like something like the bill struth stand at Ibrox or something from craven cottage. the only shame is that the best side of leazes terrace faces toward st james's! 

Instead could you have a double tier with maybe a gap between the 2 tiers for sunlight? A complete rebuild of the lower tier extending slightly further back (unfortunately taking St james terrace) and the road behind the east stand now running underneath the new east stand maybe 


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Look, the problem with Leazes Terrace is natural light yeah ? Where does that come from......The Sun, so all we have to do is move The Sun to the other side and voila, problem solved.

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3 hours ago, Mr Pups said:

it's easy to imagine the facade of leazes terrace integrated into a stand, like something like the bill struth stand at Ibrox or something from craven cottage. the only shame is that the best side of leazes terrace faces toward st james's! 

Instead could you have a double tier with maybe a gap between the 2 tiers for sunlight? A complete rebuild of the lower tier extending slightly further back (unfortunately taking St james terrace) and the road behind the east stand now running underneath the new east stand maybe 


whats it like round the back. never seen it.

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