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Im_The_Geordie♥ Sarah-Louise ♥






RT @peter999919: RT @GBarlowOffcial: Sports Direct Arena! Phaa yeah right, it will always be St. James Park! RT If you think the same!! GB x


3 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply

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GTFO. Haven't seen/used IE in years. Why does it look so clean, uncluttered and unshit? Bah, nevermind. I'll investigate it myself.


FF looks virtually the same if you turn the bookmarks toolbar off.

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Ideally people with Sky would ring up and state theyre cancelling their subscription if they display 'Sports Direct Arena' in text when we're on etc, on a mass scale. Highly unlikely I know.


hopefully they just don't say where the match is being played

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Every journo with an ounce of dignity should keep calling it St James' Park. In fact, we as supporters should get together and make some sort of petition to send to all journalists on twitter and all the bosses that anyone calling it ***, we will boycott. This fat piece of shit might be able to officially change the name, but it would be a small victory if everyone keeps calling it SJP.

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Ideally people with Sky would ring up and state theyre cancelling their subscription if they display 'Sports Direct Arena' in text when we're on etc, on a mass scale. Highly unlikely I know.


hopefully they just don't say where the match is being played


They do at the start of the programme.

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Are other fans going to start calling it ' The SDA ' ?




Soap and Detergent Association

Stranka Demokratske Akcije (Bosnian: Party of Democratic Action; political party)

Sex Discrimination Act (UK - Law)

Survey Documentation and Analysis

Signore Degli Anelli

Strand Displacement Amplification

Seigneur des Anneaux (French: Lord of the Rings)

Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (Swiss National News Agency)

Service Delivery Area

Screen Design Aid

Sélection Directe à l'Arrivée (French; telecommunications)

Sumber Daya Alam (Indonesian: natural resources)

Surface Design Association

Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (Australia)

Scuola Di Direzione Aziendale (Graduate Business School of Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)

Singapore Democratic Alliance

Specific Dynamic Action

State Drug Administration (China)

San Dieguito Academy (Encinitas, CA)

Service Delivery Agreement (UK)

Small Domestic Appliances

Spray Dryer Absorber

Society of Design Administration

Static Data Authentication

Source Data Automation


Student Dietetic Association

Self Decrypting Archive

Specially Denatured Alcohol

Samba de Amigo (game)

Spatial Data Analysis

Self-Directed IRA

Severe Disability Allowance (UK)

Stereo Dimensional Array (Polk Audio)

Special Duty Assignment

Scottish Development Agency

State Designated Agency (India)

Software Development Asset

Somali Democratic Alliance (political party)

System Display Architecture

Saint Dominic Academy (Jersey City, New Jersey)

Solvent Deasphalting (feedstock)

Software Disk Array

Stealth Digital Analyzer

Stade des Alpes (French sports stadium)

Stranka Demokratske Akcije Hrvatske (Party of Democratic Action of Croatia)

Standard Default Assumption

Single Direct Attack

Scalable Disk Array

System Design Analysis

Saboraud Dextrose Agar (fungal media)

Software Design Automation

Staff Duty Analysis (Civil Air Patrol)

Spectral Domain Analysis

System Design Alternative

Steepest Descent Algorithm

Southern Domestic Airspace

Security Domain Authority

Static Dissipater Additive (fuels)

Shaolin-Do Association

Shift & Disturbance Allowance (obsolete)

Scottish Dairy Association

Society for Development Alternatives (India)

Some Dumb Ass

Simple Direct Attack

Software Design Activity

Scottish Draughts Association

Senseless Desire to Acquire

Small Departments and Agencies

Siemens Domestic Appliances

Baghdad-Saddam International Airport

Social Development Association

Soin des Arbres (French: Care of Trees)

Specific Dynamic Activity

System Design Architecture

Subsea Distribution Assembly

Strategic Dialogues & Alliances

Shanghai Drug Administration

Short Dipole Antenna

Single Dermal Administration

Signal Diagnostic Agent

Service Delivery Application (Sprint)

Strategic Defense Architecture

Serial Digital to Analogue

Single Digit Adapter (telecommunications)

Solar Diffuser Assembly

Soledad Assassins (Unreal gaming clan)

Société des Agrégés (French: Society of Associates)

Signal Distribution Assembly

Ship's Destination Authority

Shaft Drive Axis (US NASA)

Structural Damage Assessor (insurance)

Speed Disable Adjustment

Standish Development Association (Standish, Michigan)

Stepper Dispatch Algorithm (scheduling rule)

Steam Driven Alternator

Setoff Debt Act

Spark Discharge in Air (excitation used in optical emission spectrometry)

Ship Design Agent

Sellerie Décoration Aménagement (French: Upholstery Decoration Design; aircraft upholstery)

Symbolic Device Address

System Dependability Analysis

Service Desk Assistant (UK police)

Baghdad, Iraq-Saddam International Airport (Airport Code)

Sensitive Discussion Area (information security; Canada)

Serial Data Line

Service Desk Analyst (computer technical support)

Sigma Delta Alpha (Latino fraternity)

Small Dead Animals (Canadian political blog)



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Every journo with an ounce of dignity should keep calling it St James' Park. In fact, we as supporters should get together and make some sort of petition to send to all journalists on twitter and all the bosses that anyone calling it ***, we will boycott. This fat piece of s*** might be able to officially change the name, but it would be a small victory if everyone keeps calling it SJP.


This forum was responsible for shutting down Alan Olivers e-mail for a while.

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