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Allardyce set to be appointed - 5 live report

Guest Hibbits left foot

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Guest Knightrider
Anyway Big Sam does nto have this weakness... he has a very dispassionate character when it comes to team selection and by simply playing our best players in their best positions we may yet achieve success.


This is spot on and something we'll benefit from and can be proven by these three players: Ben Haim, Stelios and Pedersen. He fell out with all of them over the former handing in transfer requests and the latter whinging about a new contract or something, yet he still played them and they never once gave nothing less than 100%, testement to Big Sam's man management skills and objectivity. He puts the team first, not himself or the individual.

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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


The thing is, the Board has appointed managers with better records than Allardyce who have failed and it has been held against Fred.


How does this sound...


Even if Dalglish fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.

Even if Gullit fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another shit managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.


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Guest TheOrder

Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


A blind, deaf WOMAN could have appointed Allardyce. Fucking hell, no credit whatsoever. He's the best man for the job, and he's free and available, he's hardly moved Shepherd man.

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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


The thing is, the Board has appointed managers with better records than Allardyce who have failed and it has been held against Fred.


How does this sound...


Even if Dalglish fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.

Even if Gullit fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another shit managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.




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I feel pretty nuetral about this appointment. I mostly think of the negatives of this appointment but there is one saving grace for Big Sam that I am clutching desperately at: Big Sam relies heavily on his ProZone system. In one respect its cowardice to rely on a mechanical measurement to say if players will start or not, but it also has given Allardyce the courage to drop players who are not performing. I am extremly confident that if ProZone is used at NUFC then Stephen Carr will never play a game again for us.


I would say the biggest weaknesses of KK and SBR were their blue chip brigade. No matter how poorly Bez played (costing us games say at Anfield) and how well Elliot did at the time, Bez would start because he was one of the lads. SBR had a similar situation with Dyer who would start no matter how poorly he played or petulent he would behave (I think its possible Dyer is SBR's illigitimate son - Dyer was born in Ipswich the same year SBR won the UEFA Cup for them). Anyway Big Sam does nto have this weakness... he has a very dispassionate character when it comes to team selection and by simply playing our best players in their best positions we may yet achieve success.


He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


The Prozone system is only an indicator, one of many in the managers armoury...I agree what you say about his disspassionate character. The mark of a winner.

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He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.

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He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.


He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game :lol:

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He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.


He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game :lol:

Right. Its still an aid that he relies heavily upon - along with exhaustive fitness tests/ psychometric testing. My point was that he uses mechanical aids to justify who plays and who gets dropped. In the interviews I have read he seems to defer to them as opposed to use them soley for his own justification (like most managers would/do).

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Great appointment as long as he gets full control of everything football related behind the scenes. Give him the funding required for improvements in the training facilities and technology, room in the wage budget to appoint the 20-30 coaches+scouts+fitness staff he requires, let him have the first and final say on who we sign, and everything should be alot rosier for us than in recent seasons.


Im only saying this because I dont believe hes the professor of neanderthal footballing style, the next Joe Kinnear, that alot of people are making him out to be. If he had the money, hed have signed Sorin as well as Anelka last summer, two very good footballers with the ball on the deck. Your Joe Kinnears dont do that, if he was a true advocate of long ball, hed have signed someone like Beattie, or some other lump of a forward, and he certainly wouldnt be signing an Argentinian wingback who admittedly is strong in the air, but is fundamentally a good playmaker on the deck and is great at building up the play from deep positions.


I think if he had the funding at Bolton, hed have the exact same system, but with significantly better footballers in the team - more Anelkas and Sorins in various positions - and as a result, theyd be a decent footballing side when on form on top of all the solidity and organisation, relying on individual skill to score goals, and a defensive, hard working one when struggling and the attacking "individual" players are off form. As HTT has said a million times over, and its a good point, this is what Chelsea and Liverpool are, and the reason why Bolton played long ball so aggressively until recently is because they dont have an array of international stars and great footballers in all of the key positions like Liverpool and Chelsea do.


Providing hes not undermined, this could be the renaissance weve been waiting for. Imagine an organised, disciplined Newcastle side, with a strong defence, but also with some quality attacking players, which our resources should ensure we have (probably have several already if Allardyce can bring the best out of some of the current lot). Hard to imagine, but I can see some rosy times ahead for us if Allardyce can do what he did with Bolton, but with better players due to better funding. Just have to hope that Shepherd doesnt undermine him the way he did Sir Bobby.

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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


A blind, deaf WOMAN could have appointed Allardyce. Fucking hell, no credit whatsoever. He's the best man for the job, and he's free and available, he's hardly moved Shepherd man.


Thing is though is that assumming that he stays in the background and backs the manager and Allardyce does reasonably well, we can't blame Freddy Shepherd.


Likewise, if Shepherd does the same, and Allardyce doesn't do well, then it would be silly to blame Shepherd.


Until the next managerial appointment, Shepherd has effectively bought himself a clean slate.

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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


The thing is, the Board has appointed managers with better records than Allardyce who have failed and it has been held against Fred.


How does this sound...


Even if Dalglish fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.

Even if Gullit fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another s*** managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.



And who has blamed Shepherd for Dalglish and Gullit failing here? Not many.


People blame Shepherd for appointing Souness and Roeder, two of the worst managers the Premiership has ever seen, don't let this get in the way of "everyone picks on poor fat Fred" bollocks.

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Guest Knightrider


He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.


He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game :lol:




But can you imagine it?


Parky will be on later to tell us all this is clear proof that robots are taking over the world.


Underneath that skin of his, is the S100 - the Saminator, sent forward from the 80s to destroy football with the long ball game. That's why he wears those headphones.

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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


The thing is, the Board has appointed managers with better records than Allardyce who have failed and it has been held against Fred.


How does this sound...


Even if Dalglish fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.

Even if Gullit fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another s*** managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.



And who has blamed Shepherd for Dalglish and Gullit failing here? Not many.


People blame Shepherd for appointing Souness and Roeder, two of the worst managers the Premiership has ever seen, don't let this get in the way of "everyone picks on poor fat Fred" bollocks.


Don't suggest that HTL is a hypocrite who accuses others of "making stuff up" and then goes and does the exact same thing later?

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He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.


He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game :lol:




But can you imagine it?


Parky will be on later to tell us all this is clear proof that robots are taking over the world.


Underneath that skin of his, is the S100 - the Saminator, sent forward from the 80s to destroy football with the long ball game. That's why he wears those headphones.


Best post you've ever made. :lol:

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He doesn't use Prozone stats to decide who to pick or drop man :lol:


Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.


He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game :lol:




But can you imagine it?


Parky will be on later to tell us all this is clear proof that robots are taking over the world.


Underneath that skin of his, is the S100 - the Saminator, sent forward from the 80s to destroy football with the long ball game. That's why he wears those headphones.


Best post you've ever made. :lol:


I loved that bit too.  :lol:

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Guest Knightrider

I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another shit managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.


Didn't you blame Souness for the signing Luque and Boumsong? Two players with CVs showing they had won stuff at their previous clubs, both international stars?


I can assure everyone if Allardyce is appointed and some of his signings fail, you'll be blaming him for more shit signings.



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Freddy Shepherd has done excellently over the past 48 hours.


Magnificent work.


Although there are a few better candidates, we don't know for sure that they would be willing to join, and there is no guarantee of success.


Even if Allardyce fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


The thing is, the Board has appointed managers with better records than Allardyce who have failed and it has been held against Fred.


How does this sound...


Even if Dalglish fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.

Even if Gullit fails, people wont be able to hold this appointment against Freddy Shepherd.


I can assure you that if Allardyce is appointed and fails people on here will be blaming Fred for another s*** managerial appointment. You couldn't make it up.


OK, we give you Dalglish and Gullitt. Good appointments/managers who simply failed.


What about Souness and Roeder?


Whatever system of thought that Shepherd used to appoint Souness, an appointment which made us a national laughing stock with even the fans of the managers recent club howling in unison, it showed just how out of touch the man can be with the footballing world at times. Clearly, he has it in him to make disasterously bad decisions because the criteria he has for selecting the manager is faulty. If he thought Souness' CV was good on paper, then that was a faulty method of appointing the manager. What about his man management skills, and his ability to manage volatile players who usually happen to be the gifted ones? His success in the transfer market? His use of coaching methods? His tactical nous? His organisational abilities? The standard of backrom staff he requires, and the setup he wants alongside them? None of that will be on a CV, had he looked into those and looked at Souness' failures as well as his success', hed have come to the same conclusion that the rest of the country knew for a fact - Souness is a shiite manager and a big egotistical cunt to boot.


And then you have Roeder. A manager with a track record of relegation. Whilst the likes of Liverpool and Chelsea are appointing managers who have won trophies like the CL, UEFA Cup, La Liga, etc, we appoint a manager who has, for whatever reasons, taken down 3 small clubs at significantly lower levels, and never managed a side in Europe. Shepherd should have known that a good spell as caretaker means nothing, half the people on this forum could have told him that, just like plenty on here who used more common sense than sentiment considered Roeder a shiite appointment and an imminent failure.


There can be no excuses for Shepherd with the last 2 managerial appointments. He cocked up, he made serious blunders, he appointed managers that should never even have made the list for potential candidates, and as a result weve suffered and gone backwards. Nor can he be excused for undermining Sir Bobby Robon various times during his successful stint here as manager up until his daft sacking.


Hopefully, this appointment will be where he redeems himself as chairman. I dont think anyone would care much if he was using the club to line his own pockets to a degree as long as there is success on the pitch.

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