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Guest PhilB

TBH, I live in Liverpool (well Birkenhead, on the Wirral) and I can confirm most of Liverpool is a disgrace.


I live in Liverpool as well and can back this statement up, the whole city is a disgrace as well as the majority if it's people.


There all self serving hard c***s ya kna


What part of Liverpool do you live in then? 


I don't think I've ever been to any city in the world  where the 'whole city' is a disgrace.  Obviously I love Liverpool, I'm a Scouser, and even taking off my rose tints I think it stands against any other city outside of London.  We're all provincial after all, and not one of our cities outside of the capital has the status of some other countries major cities.  The UK has London, end of.


I suppose this is the part where I should slag off Newcastle in a tit for tat, because believe it or not, like every other city in the world, it also has parts that are undesirable.  I like Newcastle, but not as much as I like Durham.  Then there is Northumberland which is stunning but for me doesn't compare with the Highlands. 


As for tarring the majority of the people  in a city with the same brush, I think the people who say they live here should be looking at themselves, because that says more about them.


Surprised you could find time to write that, between stealing hubcaps  O0 :lol:


Oh c'mon, I'm entitled to a break, been working hard this week, I've robbed 256,734.   ;)

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There are parts of Liverpool that are a disgrace but that can be said of anywhere and especially Newcastle. Cowgate anyone? Liverpool is a decent enough City Centre and the people in general are canny. Most areas outside our own City Centre are s*** tips so we can talk.


The West End is a dump tbf.

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TBH, I live in Liverpool (well Birkenhead, on the Wirral) and I can confirm most of Liverpool is a disgrace.


:lol: The fucking cheek of it.


Birkenhead should be floated off into the Irish Sea and left stranded. Instead of being the one eyed city you can be the one eyed island.

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Liverpool's nowhere near as bad as people are making out,  I'm living there for a year atm and really enjoying it.

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Guest Roger Kint

liverpool's full of ugly birds with massive tits

Paper bags were invented for a reason


That orange glow they all have will shine through

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

liverpool's full of ugly birds with massive tits


You haven't been to Southend mate....... :snod:


Southend's a fucking awful place.

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Guest bimpy474

liverpool's full of ugly birds with massive tits


You haven't been to Southend mate....... :snod:


Southend's a f***ing awful place.


Indeed it is and its even worse to grow up in.

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