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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Certainly was, the crowd made their own noise and there was singing between home and away fans before the match kicked off.
  2. I think the conversation has gone a bit away from how it started somehow
  3. Yeah, I know. I like the Killers so i'm not complaining there, I also like "Get what you give" and the blaydon races/local hero are essentials for me. All in all, apart from that one song that is just total screaming, it's decent-ish, compared to what we've had recently. Is that the new one that he now plays before the song before the players come out. It's going to end up being the same songs every week soon And why oh why do the players still have to do that stupid fair play thing of shaking hands (by this I mean when they line up before the match)
  4. To be fair though NSG he wasn't asking what the music was he was just calling the bloke a crap DJ and to be fair he's right. Scrap the music altogether I say.
  5. He's on the wind up, though i may have just been wooshed by you as well.
  6. Anyone got any ideas where the friendly is being played (mexico v America) just Gooch has been called up http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~973701,00.html the match is Wednesday, February 7 and we play Liverpool on the 10th. If it's in America surely he won't be ready to play against liverpool ?
  7. He's not coming man Jol's on the wind up hence the
  8. Ahhh but remote controlled robots can and thats who will hold the pen.
  9. Hmmm very strange 2 Spurs fans both turn up at the same time. Now whats this about Barnes ?
  10. ToonTastic

    Andy Cole

    Firstly very bad signing especially after all the tosh from Roeder that he only wants to sign young players but also because it shows we can't get anyone in the window and have no cash. Secondly why would Cole want to sign for Newcastle after all the times he has been booed ?
  11. Or maybe you shouldnt take all comments to heart
  12. I'm guessing he could but I don't think we will cause he'll have been flying around all over this weekend so I'm guessing they'll want him in training and ready for the weekend.
  13. Because certain players were threatening to go to court to get themselves out of contracts at clubs so Fifa got in first and basically said well you can do that but you have to stay for so long.
  14. His contract runs out in June so I guess we decide if we want him for good then.
  15. Speak for yourself, thick fuck. Don't have the temperament for what? A cafe? A casino? What ARE you talking about? I'm not saying we are all like that, but howay Gemmill, the vast majority couldn't care less and would rather see money being spent on more important things rather that dolling up the city centre. I'm saying we, as in most who live in the city, don't have the temprement for big super casinos, pathside caffes (least of all the weather) and the whole theme bar style move the City is heading towards. It seems to me like the city is being built for tourists and visitors and not the people who actually live here. Now I wouldn't mind if there was a balance but there isn't. The City is more than just the centre and the powers that be need to turn their eyes outwards and start making moves to make things better outside of the centre for us. I don't have a problem with them trying to make the city centre a nicer place to visit tbh. When you go abroad to a nice city you go and look for the stuff you're saying we don't have the temperament for here. People like stuff like that and the city is much better off for a lot of the redevelopment that's been done on the quayside etc - there's a lot more to be proud of about Newcastle as a city in terms of how it looks, what there is to do etc than there was 10 years ago. Theme bars are a different kettle of fish and are shit without exception. I'm not saying that it should be done at the expense of poorer areas, but if we took the "we don't have the temperament for culture or nice things" attitude, the place would be a shithole. I'd also prefer it if they started following the trend of most European cities and staying up late into the night, why the hell does everything close so damn early. Nothing to stop places stopping open 24-7, works just fine in London as well.
  16. Why sad you were all just moaning how crap he was with a 1-5 goal ratio lol
  17. LOL http://www.ryanbabel.nl/ryanbabel/biografie.html
  18. Or it looks like we're trying to get him like the Chronicle says.
  19. The reason is simply because Southampton won't let the player leave this season so if they do it's top dollar plus the player stays till the end of the season. Else the fee would be even more than £10m.
  20. The fact is if a player is good enough he'll be playing at the minute and his club won't want to sell that where I get this idea that there is nobody who will improve the squad. It's a whole different story in the summer but at the minute if you want an unproven talent who might come good you have to pay £10m+ for them, in the summer you will get a great experienced player for the same price and the unproven talent for probably half the price.
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