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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. All we've said is basically the same as NUFC.com
  2. They can confirm it anytime they just have to let the stock market know.
  3. Course not but the fact is he could leave. The fact is this is all he will do if we win anything. He's always said he will step down if we win a trohpy so I've no doubt he will give up his job but keep the shares.
  4. Nothing official but it was on Skysports Andy Gray was talking about it, he said he was the right choice but said it was the wrong time, should have let him have the Watford game and that was the last.
  5. Often at times like this people are quick to say "I never wanted him in anyway he was the wrong choice" so who is your choice. Please just the name.
  6. The fat man is a shareholder. It's not too difficult to understand that for him to go somebody needs to buy his shares from him at a price he's willing to sell at is it? You can't "sack" a shareholder.. Neither can he "resign".. He can resign from his role within the club and still have the shares then hire someone to do his job but it wouldn't fancy the loss of wages and cushy pension.
  7. It's been on Skysports after the Alex Ferguson press conference, they said he's gone
  8. I had no problem with the booing of players but in my opinion and 50 year old bloke and his mate who was stood near me and almost pushed this old lady over whilst singing hate songs to the players and swearing his head off at the top of his voice whilst the players walked round the pitch with their kids can sod off and hopefully won't return next season.
  9. No he doesn't have all his badges yet.
  10. Thought the plan was to stay local which is why Glenn said he would take them to USA like FS wanted.
  11. Maybe all are already banned
  12. Peter Risdale must be a great manager then backed O'Leary with plenty. I'm sorry but the statement that the days aren't as bad as when we were heading to Division 2 so why are people not going to renew is a bit of a joke. The fact is we are paying over the odds for poor players, not in terms of transfers maybe but in terms of wages. It is these wages, followed by poor football followed by expensive tickets that make people not want to go and wonder if it's worth there while paying for a season ticket rather than picking and choosing their games. Nothing that you said was fact it was all your opinion that the reason people were considering not going was due to a crap board and manager but we had it worse in Div 2. This is not fact this is your opinion. If prices go up I will reconsider a new season ticket as I can't justify paying that much money out for a season ticket. If prices stay the same I will buy a season ticket and I'll bitch and moan at the crap manager, crap chairman and overpayed bunch of premadonnas that we have playing for us at this moment in time.
  13. Freddy will be happy that's his Owen compo claim sorted.
  14. ToonTastic

    Dida for sale!

    It's an amusing story and the topic matchs it ?
  15. If the prices went up I don't know if I could afford to go anymore, would be a shame cause I've just got a seat I really like. Just bought a house though so money is tight.
  16. From www.nufc.co.uk GLENN Roeder says that Michael Owen has a "definite chance" of playing against Reading on Monday, while fellow striker Shola Ameobi will be in the squad. Ameobi came through another 70 minutes of Reserve team action on Monday, with Owen staying behind on Tyneside to work on his fitness. And the United boss says that he will watch the club's record signing in training over the next three days before making a decision on Reading. Roeder told nufc.co.uk: "Both Michael and Shola are getting closer to full fitness. "Shola's had two games for the Reserves and has had no reaction in training. "He's definitely in the squad and I'm sure he will play some part in the game. "I did not feel that Michael needed to play in midweek, even if he was available if I wanted him. "But I wanted him to do more fitness work on the training ground, and with his experience he did not need to play for the Reserves. "When he is full fit he will go straight back into first-team action, and there is a definite chance that will be Monday. "I will see how he trains over the next three days and if that goes well he will play on Monday."
  17. Normally it would be but I guess shares can be sold for a value which they aren't worth. For example I doubt anyone could buy the club for £94m as FS would want more.
  18. 5% of the total value I'm guessing
  19. Wenger likes to play young strikers in a wingers role before he sticks them upfront.
  20. It's a rumour on true faith so I'm going to wait and see, can't say I'd be too fussed to be honest though, yesterday was more or less the kind of performance that means he shouldn't be in the team anyway.
  21. According to Quinn they are an international brand which is why you didn't stick with Reg Vardy Surely only International cause they are based in Ireland
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