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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Keep Fixtures off the site please
  2. ToonTastic

    Hugo Viana

    Reminds me of someone else who shall remain nameless else we'll get another 100 page thread.
  3. Saw him give Parker a good bollocking against Liverpool and that cheered me up enough so i'm more than happy for him to take over.
  4. Harry Redknapp tried to sign Harper for permanent and on loan deals but both times Harper wasn't aloud to go, he wasn't best pleased when he couldn't even go on loan.
  5. Am I not right in thinking next season is Roeders last season under contract at the club ? Wasn't he given a 2 1/2 year contract which means last season this season and next ?
  6. I think the one good thing about Duff is he has openly admitted he has been playing very poorly. If he knows he is playing poor then hopefully he can get himself playing well again as he was once a very good player both at Blackburn and Chelsea and he has had a couple of good games for the club.
  7. The new rich list comes out this week thats the old one.
  8. Lining up to shake hands with the opposition before the match, club mascots, mark laurence lorraine bowen , music after goals, crap music before the match and at half time, brass bands in the fans section, suppa doopa supporters who have bells at every match or dress up in a special way for every match and the camera always looks at them, the supporters who go on soccer am and will no doubt miss their teams match because they are on the show. Fans arriving 20 minutes into a game, fans who are so dense they can't find their seat (upper tier means just that your in the upper tier, not the lower tier and no amount of arguing that I'm in your seat is going to change that), thinks that's all for now.
  9. Heres the full quote of what he said which is where he says we let him go : "Martins, to my great surprise, was not here. He was called up to the squad two weeks ago, and Newcastle allowed him to play," he said. "He is nowhere to be found. I should take it to the highest authority, because it is the highest level of indiscipline and disrespect." from here http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/journalsport/tm_headline=martins-no%2Dshow-infuriates-nigeria%26method=full%26objectid=18587530%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  10. The fact that Nigeria have said we allowed him to join up with the club and Martins just didn't turn up surely clears us from any wrong doing so he should still be able to play for us ?
  11. No change at all for the top 5 leaving the table looking like this : 1 0 ThreeWiseMonkeys 43 6 14 23 27 75 -48 196 2 0 scottp 42 5 14 23 38 77 -39 183 3 0 sjdnufc 40 4 14 22 32 80 -48 179 4 0 Richard Kimble 41 6 15 20 24 82 -58 175 5 0 edtheduck 35 5 12 18 28 62 -34 172 Plenty of points still to play for though and any of the top 20 could probably still drag themselves into a fight to be winner come the end of the season. I've now dropped to 9th in the league If you havn't entered your predictions for the match against Liverpool get them added http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague
  12. Ahh wasn't it nice of that crowd of people to tidy up all the tables and chairs
  13. Just read the statement on the site which makes it even more of a joke, if you really believe the tosh that the club spouts to get people to buy season tickets and that is the only reason you buy a season ticket then you deserve to lose your £800 in one way or another. If you don't like it don't go simple really.
  14. Not yet another bloody petition from this crap petition site which helps in no way at all.
  15. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/chroniclesport/tm_headline=go-for-it-gooch-%2D-albert%26method=full%26objectid=18565793%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  16. I don't agree with 6 players max, you have just got shot of 11 players there and brought in 6 that means we are actually 5 players down on our current squad numbers. Another season of injuries like the last 2 and we're even more screwed.
  17. I must say though in my opinion Parker was pretty damn poor last night. His passing was awful and he was simply flying into sliding tackles for no reason half the time giving away needless free kicks. I know the fans like seeing a player kicked up a height and we all cheer him when he does it but we needed a leader out there telling the defence that they should be shouting at each other when to push out, and Parker needed to control the midfield more. He was over run by Barry the whole match, who I must say had a very good game.
  18. Was funny watching McCann though he was awful.
  19. I agree in a sense but I'm still yet to see Edgar have a poor game for the first team, he shines above Huntington and seems to have a good footballing brain. Fingers crossed and that.
  20. I'm sure he had the same problem at Sunderland which is why the denial was so funny.
  21. He will however leave to join another club in a year or so, he's not exactly a clubs most loyal servant. Please also remember he almost signed for Sunderland when they were in the Premiership but failed a medical because of jumpers knee or some other sort of stupid sounding problem.
  22. To be honest I was surprised Dyer played the full 90 minutes he was scared to run after pulling his back twice in the first 10 minutes. He did the odd few sprints but I wouldn't be surprised if his missed the Fulham game with the injury.
  23. Don't agree to be honest, he's quick with his pace but he seemed to read the game very badly to be honest and kept losing out to our defenders, and if you lose out to our defenders then there is something seriously wrong. Agbonlahor on the other hand seemed to have the run of our defence, scared the crap out of huntington.
  24. I knew there was a reason I avoided the 606 gossip
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