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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. oh testing your so fine your so fine you blow my mind hey testing, hey testing
  2. Getting closer just got to get it posting correctly.
  3. Just a test to see if it's getting any better
  4. Yes and just so you all know this wasn't me
  5. ToonTastic

    News: Test

    You can only use it on new posts. When you press new post there is a drop down box called prefix you choose one of them.
  6. Your sources being the Journal
  7. They are kids surely they should be allowed to get better by actually playing so matches especially when they are paying good money for the pleasure. Also surely the game at that age should be more about fun ?
  8. The other thing of course is when they get picked up by academies. The kids at many are then not allowed to play for Sunday league teams and in some cases school teams. Then if they end up not making it they are just dropped from the academy having missed out on all of this. In most countries they encourage the kids to play as much football as possible even if they are in a academy, and they are encouraged to learn there own game and try things. Grass roots football in this country has gone downhill so fast.
  9. I was actually talking to someone at work about this the other day. They said they hated the fact their kid wanted to play football for a sunday league team and were glad they were going into playing cricket more. The reason was simply because of the way it was run, coaches would always concentrate on the same kids all of the time and like it says in the first section the same kids were on the bench every game. They said they didn't mind the school team as everyone seemed to be given a chance and seemed to be run better but they couldn't believe what they had to pay money for, for the Sunday league.
  10. "Nine days before our trip to White Hart Lane, the ticket office were still processing applications from ST holders for the game (closing date, 16th December). Tickets are being posted out today (Friday) and it's still unclear whether there will be a public sale....." Just to add thats from nufc.com
  11. "Nine days before our trip to White Hart Lane, the ticket office were still processing applications from ST holders for the game (closing date, 16th December). Tickets are being posted out today (Friday) and it's still unclear whether there will be a public sale....."
  12. Not many chances to the prediction league after the Man U game with only one person guessing a 2-2 draw. The top of the league now looks like this: 1 0 ThreeWiseMonkeys 38 6 13 19 25 65 -40 190 2 0 Dr. Richard Kimble 36 6 13 17 22 69 -47 166 3 0 edtheduck 33 5 11 17 26 60 -34 163 4 0 scottp 37 4 13 20 31 68 -37 163 5 0 sjdnufc 35 4 12 19 24 72 -48 161 I've updated the league until the end of December with 5 bonus points on offer for spot on results against Birmingham. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague
  13. Top 5 after last nights game against Chelsea 1 0 ThreeWiseMonkeys 34 5 13 16 18 59 -41 163 2 0 sjdnufc 31 4 11 16 21 62 -41 152 3 +3 Dr. Richard Kimble 32 6 10 16 20 61 -41 151 4 -1 taylor27 27 4 13 10 21 46 -25 145 5 -1 toontastic 30 4 12 14 24 51 -27 142 The league seems to be getting very tight at the minute with anyone really from the top 20 still able to make a push for the title. As a Christmas present theres 10 bonus points available for correct results against Spurs at the weekend and Bolton on Boxing Day so don't forget to make your predictions. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague
  14. Updates after Chelsea and Watford are now up which leaves top of the table looking like this: 1 0 ThreeWiseMonkeys 33 5 13 15 18 57 -39 163 2 0 sjdnufc 30 4 11 15 20 60 -40 149 3 0 taylor27 26 4 13 9 21 44 -23 145 4 +1 toontastic 29 4 11 14 24 49 -25 139 5 -1 Robelix 31 3 11 17 30 57 -27 137 5 bonus points are up for grabs for Wednesdays cup match against Chelsea so remember to make your predictions at http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/
  15. Just a comment on this, I have to say this was possibly Givens worst game in a very long time. His distribution was awful yesterday, he didn't seem to be looking for the quick throw out or keeping the ball on the floor he was constantly launching the ball up field to give the ball away or putting it out of play. At one point Ramage even took the goal kick cause Given was taking so long. He failed to come off his line at some balls which really should have been his and a couple of his punches over the top of defenders were simply stupid. I have no doubts he'll get it sorted again for the next match but his kicking has been terrible for the last 2-3 games so hopefiully he can get back into the good kicking standard we're used to and not heading back to the old days of Given when he lost so much confidence because of his poor distribution (I think Wilkinson taught him how to kick again after the rugby world cup or something daft like that).
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