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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. You would have at least thought they would have got paddy power or Guiness, not Boyle Sports
  2. You don't find Boyle Sports an amusing name and an amusing sponser.
  3. Announced as Boylesports mackems.gif http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/sunderland/6548345.stm
  4. Surely these behind doors matches are bollocks though. My mate played in a rugby version of this for Johnny Wilkinson and they weren't even allowed to bloody tackle him. If this is the same thing with Owen and Shola surely it serves as nothing other than a kick around with a ball which could have been done without another team ??
  5. They gave that to Real Madrid Real Madrid - Britney Spears: From great to crap, but not willing to admit it.
  6. I actually thought you had added that but I've just been to the site and it really says that, unfortunatly with it being a fight between Newcastle telling the truth or the Chronicle I have really don't have a clue who to believe.
  7. Stolen from http://soccerlens.com/football-clubs-as-women/13481341.html Premiership Teams Arsenal - Paris Hilton: All the press in the world, viral videos of their amazing moves, fanatical fans and a boob job help hide the truth - that they just can’t hack it at the top. Aston Villa - Avril Lavigne: Everyone talks about the potential but somehow there’s just nothing there. Blackburn Rovers - Kelly Clarkson: Not always pretty to look at but effective at what they do. Bolton Wanderers - Kylie Minogue: You really, really, REALLY want to, but common sense prevails at the last second and you go at it alone. Charlton Athletic - Uma Thurman: You wouldn’t, not even if they were the last team on earth. Chelsea - Serena Williams: You don’t want to look at them play, but a) you can’t help it and b) by god do they know how to win. Everton - Dido: A successful team once and a solid act at present, but does anyone really care? Fulham - Amy Taylor: Selling out cheaply and baring yourself (all for a good cause - go here, search for ‘Amy Taylor’ and scroll to the bottom pic) does not guarantee success. Liverpool - Pamela Anderson: Used to be good once upon a time but no one can actually recall that time. Banking on past glories to mint money today. Latest news suggests that more money will be poured in to buy expensive foreign imports and build new foundations. Manchester City - Mary-Kate Olsen: No one bothers anymore. Manchester United - Angelina Jolie: Age (or controversy), they say, is no barrier to quality and success. Middlesbrough - Ashley Olsen: No one bothers anymore. Newcastle United - Denise Richards: Something undeniably tragic about them if you’re a fan, a laughing stock if you’re not. Portsmouth - Lindsay Lohan: You can’t deny their success, but it’s hard to respect them with their history. Tottenham - Scarlett Johansson: I have absolutely no idea why an average team could be so popular. Hard work and talent? Really? West Ham - Anna Nicole Smith: Dead and buried, burning bright with hope but an absolute waste of talent in the end. Too good to go under. Wigan - Sugababes: One big year and everyone forgot that they’re no where near as good as they look on the (highlights) video. Non-Premiership Teams Inter Milan - Beyonce: Rivals mysteriously fail and as a result plenty of juiced up but ultimately meaningless records are set at the top. Real Madrid - Britney Spears: From great to crap, but not willing to admit it. Barcelona - Madonna: A startling ability to reinvent and keep the spotlight on themselves despite the crapshoot and criticism at every step. Bayern Munich - Jessica Simpson: Always yapping, hateable but equally successful. AC Milan - Monica Bellucci: Class doesn’t fade away, it just gets older. Lyon - Sophie Marceau: Famous and extremely talented but somehow never mentioned when true greats are considered.
  8. To be honest this sort of thing has never happened before to the club
  9. Yes but like I said no injury and no Martins so we would be £10m better off and wouldn't have his wages to pay which would bring the 12% down again.
  10. Yes I know that but if the extra cash allows us £10m to spend in the transfer window then it gives us money to spend which we don't seem to have at this exact moment in time. All the cash has to get thrown at defenders though.
  11. Yes but the 3.3m is there in our bank and the details will change again in the summer therefore although we are at 67% without the cash, without the injury we also would not have bought martins and wouldnt have that £10m debt and his wages. So what would that have brough the wage bill down to and the clubs funds. You can't just account and discount the bits you want. Yes Freddy does that in his talks about that but it's expected really from him. Fans just want the good honest truth and the finances explained in most cases.
  12. But the money was paid so it didn't. I don't understand the point ? With that logic we should remove from the budget all insurance costs.
  13. I'm sure the extra cash from the Sky deal will help out the transfer funds cause there isn't a cat in hells chance that it would be passed on to the fans. They'll probably say it has been when they keep the season ticket prices the same as last year, then wack them up twice as much next time we have a decent run in the league or when Shearer takes over.
  14. Yeah but the manager who bought him as gone now so very little we can do about that bad management.
  15. Wahoo, I wonder if we give them £1m if they will take Carr and Babayaro as well.
  16. Big Sam won't come and Glenn won't leave. My guess is the club are going to leave Roeder in charge until Shearer has done all his badges and he will step up and take over the club and run it how it wants. I would expect a new manager next summer not this.
  17. Ask them to order one in, they are taking bollocks if they say they can't. They can use their little computer and find out who has one and get it sent to the store. I unfortuantly used to work their which is how I know.
  18. I think he means Sports World International or as it was previously known Sports Soccer.
  19. Just an update of the prediction league and a reminder for all of you who have been forgetting to update your predictions. The league now looks like this 1 ThreeWiseMonkeys 48 6 16 26 28 88 -60 208 2 scottp 47 6 17 24 41 89 -48 206 3 sjdnufc 45 4 16 25 38 90 -52 197 4 edtheduck 40 6 14 20 30 71 -41 195 5 vicente_14 43 7 15 21 40 80 -40 186 The top of the table is certainly very tight now and it's still all to play for with 20 bonus points up for groups with Newcastle to play AZ Alkmaar. Predictions are now all the up to the Portsmouth game with the charlton game rearranged for the European match. Any predictions entered for that will automatically become predictions for the AZ game at home so you will probably want to change that. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague
  20. We don't actually dis-like N-O or it's regular members, the problem between the two was with the hitzfeld campaign you all had going, when i believe it was HTT asked us to back his campaign, however he wouldn't back TU on N-O, and it went from there. About tonight, i was very impressed with the numbers we had, 60-100 is a great achievement considering our image has been badly discredited due to the charver element up in level 7, also we never stopped singing, just need to keep working at it. Not totally true as I told the guys who were looking after tu a while back we would happily back them if they simply showed us what they had planned. We then got insults and stuff like we hate N-O, don't need N-O and stuff like that. That's a load of bullshit. The only way you were going to support and advertise the toon ultras on this site was through a name change. The name was then changed to bring back the noise and your hierarchy then added an icon on your homepage with no link. I personally think it's pathetic that people won't support this cause solely because of the name. It's only a f****** name for christ sake. What the toon ultras stand for alone should get every newcastle fan's blessing. St James's is a morgue. The past reputation of it being a fortress is now a myth. The toon ultras are trying to rectify this and do something positive. You obviously don't know the full story, I do because I made the offer. We orginally said no because of the name, I however then spoke to people who seemed very interested in doing something through our site. I simply asked for the plans and how they were going to progress and how they were going to progress. Once I had this I was happy to help promote the cause on N-O. At first this was met with people saying great stuff lets do it but then a few indivduals came out and said we don't need them, we hate them, etc. So please get the facts yourself before you go round saying something is "a load of bullshit"
  21. We don't actually dis-like N-O or it's regular members, the problem between the two was with the hitzfeld campaign you all had going, when i believe it was HTT asked us to back his campaign, however he wouldn't back TU on N-O, and it went from there. About tonight, i was very impressed with the numbers we had, 60-100 is a great achievement considering our image has been badly discredited due to the charver element up in level 7, also we never stopped singing, just need to keep working at it. Not totally true as I told the guys who were looking after tu a while back we would happily back them if they simply showed us what they had planned. We then got insults and stuff like we hate N-O, don't need N-O and stuff like that.
  22. I love how toon ultras hate the people of Newcastle Online and yet constantly spam this forum with stuff about their "cause" and their site.
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