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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Harper Geremi Taylor Cacapa Zoggy Milner Butt Guthrie Jonas Shola Jonas started well but they're more in it now. Guthrie has been alright. Bassong on the bench. Coolio, nice one Dave.
  2. Only just popped in. What's the line up anyone and hows Jonas/Bassong/Guthrie playing?
  3. Hahahahaha http://www.vip2.co.uk/forum/style_emoticons/default/lehmann.gif
  4. Fuck sake. Would of liked Malbranque to replace Geremi tbh.
  5. Enrique needs to be informed that Street Fighter cargo jeans are not worn anymore.
  6. RIP. Remember reading that the decision on him coming here was influenced by his mum.
  7. Disappointed. Would of liked to see Reyes here tbh.
  8. Fuck sake. People need to stop saying *so did Luque*, if anyone actually watched him, Luque was CLASS at Depor.
  9. Arsenal sign Messi! http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z140/smashedmirror704/arsenalsignmessi.jpg
  10. Quite a coup, I'm sure Gejon will be excited.
  11. Fenerbahce sign Guiza...
  12. very nice! The lass or the kit?
  13. Reading that Mallorca forum they seem to think he's got a bad behavior and they would of happily accepted 15M for him.
  14. Christ, woke up, went on BBC website, read we signed someone and my heart skipped a beat.
  15. http://alansblog.co.uk/images/fail.jpg
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