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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. He's flesh on a skull? Shit! YES! I think that's what it is! He looks like a skeleton who has disguised himself by stapling a thin layer of flesh over his skull in a bid to pass himself off as still alive. I reckon if you unzip that massive jacket of his it'll be all ribcage and spine.
  2. There is just something weird about Bob Bradley but I can't put my finger on what it is exactly.
  3. Mike, sort out Donovan on loan for next season will you? Cheers.
  4. Is the whole of Africa REALLY behind Ghana or is this some bullshit made up by ITV? Do African nations not dislike each other as we do in Europe?
  5. Red, we are the runner up and therefore the away team. Nice one. Being that our 2 performances in white were awful I feel a lot better about the lucky red. Not that I genuinely believe it'll make a blind bit of difference to the result like but still.. The last time we beat Germany in a major competition we played in red too.
  6. Red, we are the runner up and therefore the away team.
  7. Like to see Argentina do well because of Jonas and the mentalist that is Maradona.
  8. Is dreadful. Argie and Jorman ones are wayyyyy nicer tbh.
  9. The empty seats at this WC are a disgrace, they should be offering loads of cut price tickets.
  10. Unfortunately, the rule is the exact opposite. Worked out nicely today though. Not for me it didnt; I like the Italian national anthem.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, if ANY part of the defenders body is level with ANY part of the attacker then it should be onside. Even if it is just the defenders outstretched arm level with the furthest part back of the attackers body. We want to see more goals generating more excitement, not less ffs.
  12. I'll say it for the second day in a row; whatever happened to there having to be clear daylight between the attacker and the defender for it to be offside? Isn't the attacker suppost to be given the benefit of the doubt not the other way around?
  13. Because its easier to score goals against teams who will have a serious go at scoring goals against you. Like the Germans will.
  14. Fear not, we can dick the Fritz's nee botha.
  15. USA winning the group () has sent Pedro over the edge. June 17th, 2000. European Championships. England 1 Germany 0. Check it out, Michael.
  16. What we need is a Beckham freekick, in towards Michael Owen.......SHEARER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Is it just me or is this world cup turning into WW2? The French surrendered early, the USA arrive last minute and we're left to fight the fucking Germans.
  18. Upson, James and Terry sung it with great gusto.
  19. Mam's Scottish. Never supported anyone but Scotland as long as I can remember. But your dads English, you were born, bred and continue to live in England, right? Just support both countries. Simple.
  20. That USA goal has just ruined the whole fucking world cup for me. I'm at fucking work on sunday fucking afternoon man ffs. Seriously pissed off here.
  21. FUCKKKkk ill probably be at work sunday afternoon.
  22. FUCKING HELL MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  23. Lawrenson acting the cunt again. When will they sack this clown?
  24. Fucking OUSTANDING second effort from Terry there!!
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