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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Lol, it shows how pissed i was at kick off yesterday as I didnt even realise there was a bloke on the pitch singing untill I logged on here today!, I thought it was just a spontaneous thing by the crowd!
  2. Imagine how good the ground would look if before every big game the blaydon races was sung like that with everyone holding their scarves up ala Celtic and Liverpool. Would be awesome!
  3. Michael Owen, Michael Owen, HEY HEY HEY, Michael Owen. I was singing it loads yesterday!
  4. Their fans were jaw droppingly awful today. I was stunned by their silence.
  5. I really, no REALLY cant stand that stupid, arrogant idiotic know nothing numpty that Ian Wright does his TalkSport show with.
  6. Hopefully, after the match on Sunday we will have a couple of good ones of Keegan and Keane that the photshop boys can get stuck into.
  7. True, derby day and away trips excepted though.
  8. Hello to all North American toon fans! I salute you for supporting us from afar Good luck in your quest to watch the match this Sunday!
  9. Lol, I wondered how long it would take for this story to hit this site as it was on the FRONT PAGE of The Sun. Talk about a slow news day.
  10. I'm also wondering this. Was thinking Fluid perhaps, but not sure. Fluid?, I havent been in there for about 2 years but I dont think it will have the best bar atmosphere though. Sam Jacks or the Vault probably is your best bet I reckon. Certainly Sam Jacks pre match.
  11. pedro111

    Are we?

    I hate the current top, I wish Canterbury, those people who make the rugby shirts and Pompeys would make ours. A nice sleek slim fitting style like the rugby shirts they do would look class especially on those of us who are quite 'toned'. I apreciate the big fat lads wouldnt much like it though.
  12. Twenty years ago when our city and their town were close in terms of economy and status and the football clubs were pretty equal too, they still had a chip on their shoulder about Newcastle being considered the regional capital. The last couple of decades has seen Newcastle's status soar to become a well known European centre, rated by many as England's best looking city and our football club (last couple of seasons apart) become a top English team with regular European football. Meanwhile their city is a dump which is rarely heard of nationwide unless some bright spark has been firing rockets out of his arse or something similar. At the same time their football club has been a laughing stock now given false hope by some faceless Irish "businessmen" of dubious credentials. It's little wonder that the jealousy and vitriol which always lingered is now raging towards insanity. The thread you mention from SMB could (should ?) be the subject of a whole psychiatric seminar.
  13. That just about sums it up mate, and what makes them hate us even more is the fact that we know the above to be true.
  14. pedro111


    Aye I always liked him, stems back to USA 94 I think. Class player.
  15. Fuckin hell, just reading through that Geordie hatred thread on RTG and one lad wants "A terrorist attack in Newcastle to wipe the fuckers out!" Fuckin hell, they fuckin hate us beyond belief really!
  16. To the tune of 'cheer up peter reid'. "Fuck Off Roy Keane, Oh what can it mean, To a, Dog Wankin bastard, And his, shit football team!"
  17. Nah sorry mate I dont, but if you search youtube a couple of days after the game you will find someone has probably filmed some of it. If you search youtube now there is a vid of our fans arriving at Sunderland this year.
  18. Aye haha! Anyone ever stood next to where the away fans come in at SJP when we play the Mackems? A big mob with a glint in their eye seems to gather behind the barriers and rows of coppers awaiting the enemy, then those god awful double deckers pull up, thousands of Mackems come pouring out all pissed up and rowdy then the Geordies spark up, with songs back and forth and the odd couple of nutcases (on both sides) try to smash through the coppers and barriers for a fight. The police horses go mental whilst the coppers are shitting themselves while trying to maintain their fragile grip on law and order. A couple of derbys back one Mackem thought it would be a good idea to punch a Police horse only for the horse to hardly flinch and the Mackem nearly break his hand! Are you on about the turnstile area, on that corner? If so i've seen plenty of banter between the away fans, mainly Boro like. Can't wait for this match now like. Aye.
  19. I dunno, its hard to say really, on paper looking at the two teams we have the players to thrash them good and proper if we are at our best and they are slightly off form but we know it rarely goes like that for us.
  20. Aye, you divvent want to mess with horses tbh.
  21. Aye haha! Anyone ever stood next to where the away fans come in at SJP when we play the Mackems? A big mob with a glint in their eye seems to gather behind the barriers and rows of coppers awaiting the enemy, then those god awful double deckers pull up, thousands of Mackems come pouring out all pissed up and rowdy then the Geordies spark up, with songs back and forth and the odd couple of nutcases (on both sides) try to smash through the coppers and barriers for a fight. The police horses go mental whilst the coppers are shitting themselves while trying to maintain their fragile grip on law and order. A couple of derbys back one Mackem thought it would be a good idea to punch a Police horse only for the horse to hardly flinch and the Mackem nearly break his hand!
  22. Coins off your heed tbh.
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