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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Sick to my stomach at the thought of a home win. Please god, no.
  2. Praying for a hammering tomorrow. Will help the walkout no end.
  3. Anything less than 5-0 and quite frankly I'd be disappointed.
  4. Ashley's blind loyalty to this clown is ridiculous. Just how big were his gambling debts ffs?
  5. Fucking delighted we lost that. It was looking grim when Shola scored. Nothing more than sporadic Pardew out chants after the pen though. Shame.
  6. If I know Newcastle I know we're nailed on to get a flukey win to paper over the canyons and prolong the pain.
  7. Sickening to think that even when he gets sacked, what really have we got to look forward to? Just another spineless yes man with very limited talent as a football manager. Depressing as fuck.
  8. The mere fact that we took 29 hundred fans down for this shit is incredible.
  9. Like he says in that article I'd take scrabbling around in the lower leagues with a new owner but watching a REAL Newcastle United over the current bullshit any day of the fucking week. I'd bite anyones hand off who offered me it right now.
  10. pedro111

    Lee Charnley

    Makes not one shred of difference. Just another one of Ashleys clowns ready to do his dirty work.
  11. My Dad's pretty much got the same opinion as you but passed up the opportunity to not renew for next season. I just don't get it. I know it sounds daft but I went to the game today and unusually I got there about an hour early. Outside and in the concourses I was eavesdropping and heard umpteen different foreign accents from people who seemed excited to be here at a Newcastle match. I remember that feeling, ive felt it so many times in my life but at that moment I felt so bad because its been gone for a long long time. Here was I, a lifelong fan turning up to see us play Man United and I felt nothing. I knew we'd get hammered but I couldn't give a fuck and to be honest merely attending the match was a massive chore. It really made me think as I sat there in a three quarters empty stadium about why I and thousands of others still go and will continue to years after we should really have stopped. Then I looked around at the vastness and magnificence of the place and memories of the past flooded back, of the good times, and the not so good times but at least then we always had hope that better was just around the corner, a mere managerial change away and right then those deep down locked away feelings were stirred in me. The ones that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end; the ones that make you stand there and look at a packed SJP while local hero is playing, and think 'fucking yes, this is my club, a proper, proper football club, there's no place in the world I'd rather be right now'. You know what I'm on about and I guess its these very feelings that keep people like your dad going and going despite everything.
  12. I too have climbed aboard this boat. My continued absence begins from next season but I'd be more than willing to not go again this season. I just pray that those capable can rouse the rabble into doing the same so that it is truly worthwhile.
  13. I'd be up for this like. But I'd want at least 15k others doing the same which sadly will never happen.
  14. Reminded me of this article in Friday's Metro, was amazed we didn't get a mention: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/04/football-fans-can-deal-with-suffering-just-dont-ever-let-it-be-dull-4688725/ I am truly amazed by the lack of coverage and basic understanding of the situation Newcastle fans find ourselves in by all but a few media sources. Even local radio stations are clueless about how the real fans feel and quite frankly the national media couldn't give a fuck. We just suffer on in silence. People at work ask me about the football and I tell them it's fucking desperate, without fail I get a response along the lines of "You must be really pleased you're top half though". Even among casual fans here in the north east the lack of understanding and ignorance to what's going on is astounding to me. I work with about 40 blokes and I don't think there is more than about two or three of them who thinks like people on here. Yes some hate Ashley and want him out but most of them reckon Pardew is blameless and is "doing his best" with his hands tied etc. I've even stopped arguing with them as it just ends with me getting all worked up. How on Earth people cannot see that Pardew is Ashley's right hand man and is 'in' on all the crazy decisions is beyond me. How they cannot see his clear mismanagement of the team and talent is even further beyond me. If my workplace is representative of the North East in general then its no wonder our ground is still packed while we're served up shit week after week and perhaps we are as thick as Ashley thinks we are after all.
  15. Reminded me of this article in Friday's Metro, was amazed we didn't get a mention: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/04/football-fans-can-deal-with-suffering-just-dont-ever-let-it-be-dull-4688725/ I am truly amazed by the lack of coverage and basic understanding of the situation Newcastle fans find ourselves in by all but a few media sources. Even local radio stations are clueless about how the real fans feel and quite frankly the national media couldn't give a fuck. We just suffer on in silence.
  16. We are the worst club in the league to support by a fucking country mile. Yes there are a few worse teams but at least they are trying to improve themselves. Like others have said there should be fucking hell on in the ground and outside it but there is absolutely fuck all. I never thought our support could be reduced to this but it has been. I've no idea where we go from here.
  17. We are playing man u at home on Saturday and I feel nothing. Not one little thing. Way to go you fat cunt.
  18. BBC look north just said that pardew is "one of this country's best managers" Wat
  19. And justice is done. The spawny cunts dont prosper this time.
  20. yyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss
  21. pedro111


    Not on council telly? Bit shit that.
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