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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. FA forced him into it according to a report from him to Italian press.
  2. Tim Sherwood has just said "Santon is the worst left back ive ever seen"
  3. Doesnt he have to have played a certain % of games in the league for that to kick in though?
  4. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/7458211/ Maybe?
  5. Hope the bigger boys split his arse in 2, wanker.
  6. Away tickets dont go to general sale anymore. Have to be a member/season ticket holder to purchase away tickets now.
  7. Gonna be funny as hell when they get relegated like.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-16620964
  9. Heard a rumour that he will be leaving for a nominal fee this window to Rangers...........
  10. They will just say that Mclaren had already ruined the squad blah blah blah
  11. Cheshire Mag

    Papiss Cissé

    ohhhhhhhh sometimes, i get a good feeling......
  12. Cheshire Mag

    Papiss Cissé

    Nah, hes round Colocho's house having a stottie and a brew at the moment. Cant be him.
  13. and the women? Also quite nice in parts
  14. Always good craic when we play down there tbf.
  15. In Hazard's case, I beg to differ. He's a special player. Dont think Pardew would know where to fit both him and Ben Arfa into the starting XI at the same time.
  16. Amen. Was sat in the Gallowgate yesterday and a group of 5 came 10 minutes late in the first half, left 10 minutes before half time then came back 10 minutes late for the second half and then left 10 minutes before the end again!
  17. Come and get me plea right there.
  18. Probably because WHU were up shit creek well before he arrived and didnt fancy a spell in the Championship.
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