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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Keegan proved just over a year ago he had the skills a manager needs in this day and age. See the 4-3-3 for example. Obviously he's a shite tactician though. I love how the "piss poor tactically" line still gets trotted out, despite the fact we all saw with our own eyes the reinvention of Michael Owen as a playmaker (something no one else had ever tried to do).
  2. Everyone has differing opinions on different subjects but there are always some big issues at the club that almost everyone is universally agreed on and that's where fan representation will work. There is also the accountability issue. Having someone on the board, even if they're not able to influence decisions in a big way, will still have it's benefits as a watchdog. They're not going to own the club outright but if they do have £20 million pledged from various organisations/supporters of NUST then they could be very desirable to someone like Moat and his consortium who want to get the fans behind them and pump some more cash into the takeover fund. As I mentioned earlier in this thread you can't possibly agree with everything NUST say to the letter, i'm one of their biggest advocates and I certainly don't, but in reality the issues people get their knickers in a twist about are minor. We're all fans and we've all got the same goal - to see this club be as successful as possible. I understand people are skeptical and have quibbles about the wording of this or their policy on that but in the grand scheme of things it means fuck all. I'm probably not going to agree with the ridiculous comments spouted around me today at the match but I certainly don't think myself as a better supporter than those people with differing opinions.
  3. No, because I didn't actually want him to come back in the first place. I was on his side throughout the court case but really Ashley is to blame. Lazy appointment from a fat fucking oaf of a man.
  4. How is it feeling? In a word - sore. I had to forgo a free pint when I was in the pub this evening. I just wanted my house and my lovely stash of pain killers.
  5. That's funny, because if it's you, I don't want any fan reprsentation on the board either.
  6. If I could then I wouldn't have claimed.
  7. Better than a kick in the arse. On paper it may be no more than a fantasy but the likes of Man United and Liverpool have the very same groups with the very same aims so why not? I think every club should have fan representation on the board, regardless of how well or awful things are going. We're the only people who can hold the money men to account nowadays. Romantic? Yes, it is. Realistic? Yes. It'll happen sooner rather than later, especially if people like MA keep up their 'commercial deals' and other such shite. Giving them an extra year free of charge, unless i've been singled out for special treatment by NUST. As i've said time and time before NUST is what you make of it. It's a trust and fans are free to join and make what they want of it. I'm in the "Ashley is a cunt, Keegan is nice, fans couldn't afford to take over the club and run it outright" camp, which patently isn't in line with the above. I don't agree with everything said but their heart is in the right place and that's the main thing at the minute. Having a united fan front is important and pissy little twats getting their gussets in a twist and throwing a cyber-hissy because they don't like the look of the fat lad in the corner at the Irish club who suggests jihad is counterproductive. Obviously, I would never say you were that type but you do come across as an ill educated tosser who has made a snap decision based on the fact they've heard things they don't instantly agree with.
  8. Living in Washington i'm ruled over by Sunderland City Council so I can vouch for their shitness. They're useless, the Labour majority have became used to getting away with doing nothing yet retaining support because they're not the Tories. The majority of people aren't happy but they can't bring themselves for anyone else. Don't believe me? You can go on the SMB and find numerous threads bemoaning the council and talking favourably about Newcastle and Gateshead. Considering we're dealing with people who can't bring themselves to type Newcastle without peppering it with asterix after asterix it shows you how strong feeling is.
  9. I'm sorry but no. No, no, no, a million times no Sunderland City Council is fucking atrocious and has been for quite some years now. They've sat on their hands when it's came to putting money into improving and expanding the city. Okay, they got the Glass Centre but that just about shows the level of ambition of the council. The Arc site is a complete farce, one which could've been remedied a long time ago by the council, they have no or little interest in supporting the movement and restoration of the City of Adelaide, they turned down the Sage and i'll be very bloody surprised if this bridge or Spirt of Sunderland eventually gets built. Living in and around areas where Gentoo have previously and still are working I can also vouch for the fact they're spending a lot of money for very little end product. The Sunniside renovation is one of the few exceptions. Newcastle's council isn't perfect but it's head and shoulders above that of Sunderland. Almost every Mackem i've spoke to agree, although many like to use the 'Geordie Mafia' conspiracy too.
  10. I like how he's playing for the team rather than himself. It would be easy for someone so young to get nervous and waste chances trying to get a goal but he's playing very unselfishly at the minute and fair play to him for that. I can't decide whether his header for Nolan today was a flukey bounce or class assist
  11. I'd rather he had a face like a smacked arse than he was waving his cock in Lady Elsie's face. The last thing we want is him to have a change of heart.
  12. Anyone else think it was bad taste he'd brought the severed head of Sir Bobby along with him?
  13. The Robson chants were lazy but just a bit of football banter. Barring the Wolves game when the team didnt perform and his use of subs was woeful (as they had been all season. His Solano vendetta was unprofessional) he didn't get any stick. In fact wasn't there an impromtu sit down protest when it was announced he was sacked outside the ground by the few dozen hanging around? Anyway, ratings. Steve Harper 6 - He had nothing to do. Zurab Kannydefensively 8 - Good in at the back, good going forward. Very hard to fault. Fabriccio Coloccini 7 - He did very little wrong. Cleaned up the occasional mess that was created in front of him. Steven Taylor 7 - Above. Jose Enrique 6 - When he has his body in between the ball and the man he's brilliant but since Cardiff he's made some crucial errors. He needs to up his game as he's our most naturally gifted player by a mile. Ryan Taylor 7 - His delivery was good today and he scored. Still has a face like a smacked arse though. Alan Smith 7 - Nails. He's showing his class in this league. We'll miss him when he's inevitably suspended. Nicky Butt n/a - I refuse to rate this man. Retire you useless old tosser! Kevin Nolan 9 - Man of the match. Chased everything, worked his arse off and got a well deserved hat trick. Nile Ranger 8 - He's done everything but score and that's through no fault of his own. Nice to see he's playing for the team rather than himself. Andy Carroll 6 - Would've been a 7 but that alice band is getting on my tits. He did well but seemed to liked hanging around on the wrong side of the defender. SUBS Peter Lovelyhands 6 - The fuck was he? He touched the ball once. He's not a winger, Chris. Marlon Harewood 7 - Looked a danger. Cant wait to see him once he's match fit. Ryan Donaldson 6 - Nice hair.
  14. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left? No he didn't. His contract was a rolling12 months, if he was SACKED he was owed 12 months worth of money, simple as. What's the difference between that and Keegan being forced out of his job with three years still left on his contract and wanting that money? That's assuming that the tribunal rules in Keegan's favour. Massive assumption, and you really have to go on track record, which doesn't favour KK. He didn't get a world class player....Waaaaa He got enforced financial restraints on him (like most jobs).....Waaaaaa His budget changed (like what happens in business)....Waaaaa It wasn't quite what was on the brochure....double fuking waaaaaaaa....Shit happens, people oversell the dream, KK just as guilty of that a few times himself...more waaaaa. He should have told the fans WTF was going on and that he'd stick by us, as apparently he loves the club more than anyone and understands it even more...but instead through in the towel at the 1st sign of resistance. Massive assumption? Possibly, but if someone gets accused of stealing and has been done 2-3 times already for that crime, what would you think? I think very few of the factors you've listed came into his decision. His ability to talk to players and convince them to come was one of his main strengths and that rug was pulled from under him only a few weeks into the job when Wise came in - a decision i'm not entirely sure he knew about or was happy about. Add to the fact he wasn't even able to pick the players the club brought in or sold (something Mike Ashley lied about to us, the fans, in the club magazine a week before Keegan walked out) and the players that were bought were way below par and you've got a situation any manager would have real difficulty working in. On a more personal level I get the feeling from the stories leaked from both sides that NUFC was a boys club for Ashley and his mates. Keegan wasn't one of his mates, he was marginalised and he felt they were making a fool of him. I've heard people who worked alongside Keegan at the club at the time say the same thing. Like you say though, massive assumptions. I have faith the tribunal will find in favour of whoever was in the right. If that was Ashley i'll admit KK was being a petty cock, if that was Keegan I hope you'll stand up and admit he was justified. I doubt it though. You have faith in the legal system? Even if its in Ashley's favour it means pretty much nothing to who was right, the only person(s) who loses out is the club and true associates ie the fans. They've got more chance of coming to a sensible decision than a bunch of fans on a messageboard. How do the fans lose out, by the way? We're already buying nee cunt and selling anything that's not nailed down. Why is this shit being speiled over and over again by know nowts? How do the fans lose out? Does that really need answering? Rightly or wrongly this sorry saga has probably cost us getting a new owner, its dragged our already shitty name through the swamp/mud we call the British press, its got the fans divided has stalled our season, without a doubt. You're wrong in the head if you think this is the sole reason we've yet to find a buyer, I don't particularly care about the press, a lot of our fans are idiots as shown by yourself and if our season is stalled then God knows what would've happened had this episode been put to bed already. We might've already been promoted! As I said thunderspaz, the effect this case has on the club is minimal. If you are going to be a cunt about this then conversation ends here. You had that base covered pages ago mate
  15. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left? No he didn't. His contract was a rolling12 months, if he was SACKED he was owed 12 months worth of money, simple as. What's the difference between that and Keegan being forced out of his job with three years still left on his contract and wanting that money? That's assuming that the tribunal rules in Keegan's favour. Massive assumption, and you really have to go on track record, which doesn't favour KK. He didn't get a world class player....Waaaaa He got enforced financial restraints on him (like most jobs).....Waaaaaa His budget changed (like what happens in business)....Waaaaa It wasn't quite what was on the brochure....double fuking waaaaaaaa....Shit happens, people oversell the dream, KK just as guilty of that a few times himself...more waaaaa. He should have told the fans WTF was going on and that he'd stick by us, as apparently he loves the club more than anyone and understands it even more...but instead through in the towel at the 1st sign of resistance. Massive assumption? Possibly, but if someone gets accused of stealing and has been done 2-3 times already for that crime, what would you think? I think very few of the factors you've listed came into his decision. His ability to talk to players and convince them to come was one of his main strengths and that rug was pulled from under him only a few weeks into the job when Wise came in - a decision i'm not entirely sure he knew about or was happy about. Add to the fact he wasn't even able to pick the players the club brought in or sold (something Mike Ashley lied about to us, the fans, in the club magazine a week before Keegan walked out) and the players that were bought were way below par and you've got a situation any manager would have real difficulty working in. On a more personal level I get the feeling from the stories leaked from both sides that NUFC was a boys club for Ashley and his mates. Keegan wasn't one of his mates, he was marginalised and he felt they were making a fool of him. I've heard people who worked alongside Keegan at the club at the time say the same thing. Like you say though, massive assumptions. I have faith the tribunal will find in favour of whoever was in the right. If that was Ashley i'll admit KK was being a petty cock, if that was Keegan I hope you'll stand up and admit he was justified. I doubt it though. You have faith in the legal system? Even if its in Ashley's favour it means pretty much nothing to who was right, the only person(s) who loses out is the club and true associates ie the fans. They've got more chance of coming to a sensible decision than a bunch of fans on a messageboard. How do the fans lose out, by the way? We're already buying nee cunt and selling anything that's not nailed down. Why is this shit being speiled over and over again by know nowts? How do the fans lose out? Does that really need answering? Rightly or wrongly this sorry saga has probably cost us getting a new owner, its dragged our already shitty name through the swamp/mud we call the British press, its got the fans divided has stalled our season, without a doubt. You're wrong in the head if you think this is the sole reason we've yet to find a buyer, I don't particularly care about the press, a lot of our fans are idiots as shown by yourself and if our season is stalled then God knows what would've happened had this episode been put to bed already. We might've already been promoted! As I said thunderspaz, the effect this case has on the club is minimal.
  16. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left? No he didn't. His contract was a rolling12 months, if he was SACKED he was owed 12 months worth of money, simple as. What's the difference between that and Keegan being forced out of his job with three years still left on his contract and wanting that money? That's assuming that the tribunal rules in Keegan's favour. Massive assumption, and you really have to go on track record, which doesn't favour KK. He didn't get a world class player....Waaaaa He got enforced financial restraints on him (like most jobs).....Waaaaaa His budget changed (like what happens in business)....Waaaaa It wasn't quite what was on the brochure....double fuking waaaaaaaa....Shit happens, people oversell the dream, KK just as guilty of that a few times himself...more waaaaa. He should have told the fans WTF was going on and that he'd stick by us, as apparently he loves the club more than anyone and understands it even more...but instead through in the towel at the 1st sign of resistance. Massive assumption? Possibly, but if someone gets accused of stealing and has been done 2-3 times already for that crime, what would you think? I think very few of the factors you've listed came into his decision. His ability to talk to players and convince them to come was one of his main strengths and that rug was pulled from under him only a few weeks into the job when Wise came in - a decision i'm not entirely sure he knew about or was happy about. Add to the fact he wasn't even able to pick the players the club brought in or sold (something Mike Ashley lied about to us, the fans, in the club magazine a week before Keegan walked out) and the players that were bought were way below par and you've got a situation any manager would have real difficulty working in. On a more personal level I get the feeling from the stories leaked from both sides that NUFC was a boys club for Ashley and his mates. Keegan wasn't one of his mates, he was marginalised and he felt they were making a fool of him. I've heard people who worked alongside Keegan at the club at the time say the same thing. Like you say though, massive assumptions. I have faith the tribunal will find in favour of whoever was in the right. If that was Ashley i'll admit KK was being a petty cock, if that was Keegan I hope you'll stand up and admit he was justified. I doubt it though. You have faith in the legal system? Even if its in Ashley's favour it means pretty much nothing to who was right, the only person(s) who loses out is the club and true associates ie the fans. They've got more chance of coming to a sensible decision than a bunch of fans on a messageboard. How do the fans lose out, by the way? We're already buying nee cunt and selling anything that's not nailed down. Why is this shit being speiled over and over again by know nowts?
  17. We're sponsored by Carling. What's the problem? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non_sequitur Que?
  18. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left? No he didn't. His contract was a rolling12 months, if he was SACKED he was owed 12 months worth of money, simple as. What's the difference between that and Keegan being forced out of his job with three years still left on his contract and wanting that money? That's assuming that the tribunal rules in Keegan's favour. Massive assumption, and you really have to go on track record, which doesn't favour KK. He didn't get a world class player....Waaaaa He got enforced financial restraints on him (like most jobs).....Waaaaaa His budget changed (like what happens in business)....Waaaaa It wasn't quite what was on the brochure....double fuking waaaaaaaa....Shit happens, people oversell the dream, KK just as guilty of that a few times himself...more waaaaa. He should have told the fans WTF was going on and that he'd stick by us, as apparently he loves the club more than anyone and understands it even more...but instead through in the towel at the 1st sign of resistance. Massive assumption? Possibly, but if someone gets accused of stealing and has been done 2-3 times already for that crime, what would you think? I think very few of the factors you've listed came into his decision. His ability to talk to players and convince them to come was one of his main strengths and that rug was pulled from under him only a few weeks into the job when Wise came in - a decision i'm not entirely sure he knew about or was happy about. Add to the fact he wasn't even able to pick the players the club brought in or sold (something Mike Ashley lied about to us, the fans, in the club magazine a week before Keegan walked out) and the players that were bought were way below par and you've got a situation any manager would have real difficulty working in. On a more personal level I get the feeling from the stories leaked from both sides that NUFC was a boys club for Ashley and his mates. Keegan wasn't one of his mates, he was marginalised and he felt they were making a fool of him. I've heard people who worked alongside Keegan at the club at the time say the same thing. Like you say though, massive assumptions. I have faith the tribunal will find in favour of whoever was in the right. If that was Ashley i'll admit KK was being a petty cock, if that was Keegan I hope you'll stand up and admit he was justified. I doubt it though.
  19. Not being a wheelchair bound mong I have a fairly decent grasp of the term and Keegan's case could quite easily be ruled constructive dismissal.
  20. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left? No he didn't. His contract was a rolling12 months, if he was SACKED he was owed 12 months worth of money, simple as. What's the difference between that and Keegan being forced out of his job with three years still left on his contract and wanting that money? That's assuming that the tribunal rules in Keegan's favour.
  21. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked? His natural proven reaction is to walk away...he walked and still wants paying for it. You do know the man in your avatar and signature 'fleeced' the club when he left?
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