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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. The useless bastard has made me like him again.
  2. Yeah it's not like we lack creativity or anything. You're right How does that make him a better player? I don't quite understand the clammer for him to start. It's not as if he's pulled up trees when he has played. Through the middle he's been absolutely anonymous. Where has anyone said that it does? Someone picked him in a starting line up, in a team that has zero creativity? And was laughed at? Again with this "he's not pulled up any trees" shite as well. Highest assists last season. Played about 3 games this. That's a bit like being the tallest dwarf tbh
  3. I nearly went shopping at the Metro Centre. I'm genuinely considering fucking the game off if Taylor starts.
  4. Yeah it's not like we lack creativity or anything. You're right How does that make him a better player? I don't quite understand the clammer for him to start. It's not as if he's pulled up trees when he has played. Through the middle he's been absolutely anonymous.
  5. Mr Vuckic is absolutely bang on. Marveaux is a player whose stock has risen the less he has played. I don't think he's particularly good, he certainly shouldn't be starting. That said he has been treated pretty poorly at times.
  6. We would, but that's because Taylor hasn't actually demonstrated that he's capable of performing at the level MYM has both for us and Montpellier at any point in his career. Good players make mistakes too.
  7. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lumraaPklZ1r0ojhto1_250.gif The thought of Steven Taylor in a Newcastle shirt, pointing and waving like a fucking loon as Long pokes the ball into the back of the net by ghosting past the bright orange cunt, makes me want to kill. I'm not kidding. I will kill.
  8. Sweepstake on who he will dedicate the win to should we pull of a miraculous victory on Sunday afternoon? I'm backing @WongaGillian to get a mention.
  9. This summer is huge for the club. We desperately need to spend and yet I can't see Ashley dipping his fat fucking paw in his pocket for anything other than a couple of signings. I fully expect we'll start the season with a patchwork squad, perform terribly and then panic buy in January 2015 when relegation looks like a real possibility.
  10. S'alright lads, he's just discovered the secret of eternal youth.
  11. He bought us a team bus in the Keegan days He asked for it back when Keegan left didn't he? The cheek of the fucker.
  12. NTL actually wanted to didn't they? Until they realised owning a Premier League club outright would be a roadblock to buying the PL TV rights. They ended up buying a small stake instead. I remember the rumours that Frank Williams wanted to buy us.
  13. Serious question - if Pardew got sacked would you be happy if we "promoted from within" like Swansea and gave the job to this man... http://i4.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article1353549.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/shola-ameobi-at-the-controls-of-the-digger-at-monkchester-recreation-ground-below-children-from-st-vincent-s-school-and-monkchester-nursery--1353549.jpg If I'm completely honest I the only managerial appointment that would make me happier would be Ketsbaia.
  14. Don't think many can face the gutless displays any longer. If that article does have some insider knowledge then Ashley must have somebody earmarked, but who? http://www.irishfa.com/fs/img/library/lawrie-sanchez-26.jpg
  15. And the Boro game when Lee Clark scored an equaliser at the death. Everyone looked absolutely fucking mortified
  16. We got double that for a game we knew the club didn't want to win
  17. Fight stupid with stupid, the Kaka way. One day you might say something nice to someone, one day. You know I think a lot of you Bimpy but this is a tad rich coming from someone who consistently paints his nearest and dearest as some sort of Mandy Dingle - Lenny Henry hybrid. Lenny Henry's fucking sexy tbh.
  18. I think the truth is he's a salable asset entering the last year of his contract. We were always going to sell this summer. True, despite the fauxness of contract talks. It'll be interesting to see where he goes. Could be anywhere. We had ample opportunity to renew his deal, particularly after the fifth place season when he was in such good form and we had a strong hand. We missed the boat and after that I never felt like we'd get a deal done.
  19. I think the truth is he's a salable asset entering the last year of his contract. We were always going to sell this summer.
  20. HBA has to take a lot of the blame. He's been pretty fucking shite since that Villa game. That doesn't and shouldn't detract from Pardew being fucking useless mind, but HBA just doesn't look like he gives a shit. I did find it interesting there was absolutely no chants of his name on Wednesday night. None. I think a lot of fans are fed up with his attitude to. One his day he's one of the best in the league but he's turned into a liability recently. He gives the ball away in dangerous positions far, far too often.
  21. Sunderland's Lou and Andy is no more. The wheelchair bound one is off to prison for being a dirty nonce.
  22. For the first five minutes after he was introduced he was releasing the ball early and then quickly revert back to fannying on trying to beat half the Spurs team.
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