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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. not quite sure- mind if your reply was to me , you've misunderstood, I was talking about scoring goals. True, but surely he's their best option, or has he done a Cisse? Every Mackem I know absolutely fucking hates him. They say he's been utter shite since his initial good run of form when they first signed him.
  2. Blocking them so they can't send tweets directed at @NUFC I imagine. Lee Marshall's response did tickle me: I know they've recently relaunched the account but fucking hell
  3. From February onwards it was ridiculously good fun. Several reasons seemed to combine to make it such an enjoyable season once the depression of relegation and the horrible season which had preceded it lifted. The post match beer definitely tastes better when your team has won - no matter who they are playing against - and more often than not we'd scored quite a few in the process. Different away trips and the emergence of a - legend in the making - Geordie centre forward all added to the enjoyment (in tha faymas Newcassel numbah nine short - for any stereotypical mackems who may be reading) Most of all, I thought the football was better to watch. Of course you do not have the quality of the Premier League but that was what made it better. Defenders who make mistakes and teams knowing they're not good enough to kill a game off at 1-0 just made it a more exciting spectacle. I stand to be corrected a year from now if they go down and they're running away with the league but I think for Sunderland circa 2014 it will be very different. Don't forget to mention the Friday night game against Cardiff which Sky wrongly advertising as an 8pm KO resulting in loads of fans sauntering in to find us already three goals to the good.
  4. From February onwards it was ridiculously good fun.
  5. Who the fuck is Woodrow? http://simpsonswiki.com/w/images/thumb/7/73/Woodrow.png/250px-Woodrow.png
  6. After Sol Campbell claimed that he was racially abused at Roker Park I saw a few Sunderland fans claim he's lying and they have never had a problem with racism... http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/aug/05/sunderland-football-fan-racist-gesture-romelu-lukaku http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/feb/06/sunderland-fan-guilty-racist-tweets http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Man-arrested-over-Darren-Bent-racism-claim-article239561.html Aye, never had a problem with racism.
  7. I used to work for a rather large wholesaler who had a store in one of the many grey areas in between Newcastle and Sunderland, however as it was built in the 1970s and the company policy at that time was to name shops after the nearest city so it became the "Newcastle store". I had several customers of the angry Mackem variety complain to me, a lowly member of the customer service staff, about the naming policy when "Penshaa Monument is arnly two minutes away you Geordie bastid!". One day in passing I mentioned these complaints to the store manager. His face dropped. He began to regale me with tales of all the abusive emails he received (around half a dozen every week) from angry Sunderland supporters calling him a black and white bastard, maggie scum etc. He wasn't even from Newcastle. There was also a suggestion the national head office got loads of emails too. Eventually I believe they dropped the Newcastle name to appease the mad fuckers. So aye - Mackems are small-time mentalists who send abusive emails to national chains of wholesalers because they think they're all part of some mad conspiracy to trample the good people of Red House, Hylton Castle, Pennywell, Hendon etc.
  8. None of them are luck? What else do you blame for our key players always picking up injuries in the days leading up to FA Cup 3rd Round weekend?
  9. It's really very simple to understand. A lot of clubs priories the premier league, and a lot of clubs find the Europa League a hassle. But a lot of clubs manage to make it to the later stages of cup competitions even when prioritising the league. We fall at the second or first hurdle every year.
  10. How open we've been about it is a mistake. Especially among our own fans obviously. But I doubt many outside observers would notice the difference. And aye, our stating it so clearly is wrong. But I'm sure you could pick out a large number of priority-related quotes from other managers and chairmen. Sunderland have just sacrificed a cup game for their survival attempt for example, and Dave Whelan has just said the league is his priority as well. Sunderland have just got to a cup final and Wigan are in the semis. Both teams have much more to play for in their respective leagues than we do too. We don't so much as prioritise the league over the cups as throw the towel in the minute the draw is made.
  11. He'll get fined, that's it. Cameron Jerome and Andros Townsend have done exactly the same thing.
  12. bit of an odd thing for the Journal to publish. Thought it was supposed to be a reasonably 'neutral' / pro-all north east teams paper? They published a cartoon taking the piss out of us last week, we're just not thin skinned enough to have a fucking cry about it.
  13. Almost as good as "Alan Shitjew"
  14. Up your game Nut, we can't cannibalise the songs we already have.
  15. Luke Edwards is a cunt. That's all I have to say.
  16. My Dad's a Mackem, however he didn't hang around for long. Bloody good job my mam's side of the family supported us.
  17. Fucking hell, I'd genuinely forgot about them
  18. My point is those are the f***ers I'll be taking great delight in mocking. Ah. My post was meant to all be a joke with the blue moon punch line. Oh well, back to the drawing board for me It's probably me. I built a bed this afternoon. Too much excitement for a Sunday.
  19. My point is those are the fuckers I'll be taking great delight in mocking.
  20. I'm agree to a point. I know a handful of switched on, dedicated SAFC supporters who I couldn't possibly begrudge a trip to Wembley or even a cup win. Unfortunately I also know an inordinate number of gobby wankers who hadn't set foot in the Stadium of Light this season and yet were the first ones on Facebook crowing about their trip to "Wembo" and doing their level best to beg, borrow or steal a ticket.
  21. Dan Gosling "running" through the Hull back line unmolested for our fourth.
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