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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Last night was terrible. It was wet, windy, cold, we lost 4-0 and worst of all I had that weird cunt who paints himself in black and white and wears an NUFC flag as a sarong sit a few rows in front of me. Terrible.
  2. It actually would have been eye opener for not only Taylor but also the club who probably thought he was one of the crowd faves. They clearly picked a player they thought could carry a Q+A, they were very wrong, so wrong. Not like us to be lacking when it comes to social media monitoring. He's only been getting slagged to high heaven for weeks.
  3. He's going to be stood on the edge of the Spurs box most of the night isn't he?
  4. Why? Man United are absolute bilge to watch. If people think Pardew's style of football is boring they'd have a shitfit watching a Moyes team passing the ball in front of the opposition for 90 mins.
  5. We held our own for the first 20/25 minutes then went to shite. Santon in the middle ffs.
  6. Daft for the penalty mind but I'd still pick him over Taylor every day of the week.
  7. What is it about our reserves that are just so beatupable?
  8. Corrected. Although I realise you'll just counter with "Aye, they're ponces too". As a home owner I can confirm that I am a massive ponce.
  9. Only ponces have a high credit rating anyway.
  10. Surely the cancellation date means nothing? Essentially you, the fan, is paying for a service which you are yet to use. Until the first day of the season you should be able to cancel without incurring any sort of penalty. The club can pluck dates out of the air and be obtrusive as possible but I'm sure consumer law would say that their cancellation date is worth absolutely bot all.
  11. Yeah, big banners are a hiding to nothing. I was thinking how good it would be if Banksy did a funny little drawing outside St James' to draw attention to the plight Daft idea, but I think if people want to engage in protest then it's better to not have poorly attended marches or ill-subscribed boycotts. But to do little things themself. For the price of one match ticket, if someone is going to stop going they can produce a thousand stickers and just hoy them all about the town/stadium. Standing on public ground outside a Sports Direct or the club shop with a "Golf Sale" style sign a few times would probably get you in the paper. I wouldn't break the law myself but anyone wanting to do a banksy copy at the stadium would have my utmost respect. I've just found this on Google Images. It would make a cracking sticker. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_V_ruZa2lUjE/TQIdySe0IKI/AAAAAAAABNw/KcFcOp5E6CQ/s1600/dope700%255B1%255D.png
  12. Now Cabaye's gone he should be the first name on the team sheet. Indifferent form or not he's our only genuinely creative outlet.
  13. I'm planning to knock up a banner. It's going to be that photo of Ashley with his shirt off at that Sports Direct party with "STATE OF THIS CUNT" written above it.
  14. Is that because you rate Cisse or because Shola is the worst striker on this planet? I'd obviously start Cisse as well, but he's been terrible for the last I don't know how many months. Because I rate Cisse. He's not a bad player, he's just been woefully misused and is currently devoid of any confidence. If he started and got a goal tomorrow it would do him the world of good.
  15. I still rate Papiss. I'd start him tomorrow if he's fit.
  16. The timing of this derby couldn't be worse. The midweek games and a transfer deadline right before it has completely taken my mind off the dry bumming we're due tomorrow. I'm not even fucking nervous.
  17. We're extremely adept at identifying players that improve the squad. There are few clubs who have had as many "hits" as we have over the past two to three years.
  18. I don't see how relegation would expedite Ashley's exit. He's not going to sell at a loss. If anything it would only bind him closer to the club. We just need to hope that when the next billionaire comes along we're top of his list and he's not put off by the asking price.
  19. Spend time and money building one of the best scouting networks in the Premier League and then don't bother signing anyone. What a football club.
  20. There'll be fucking hell on tomorrow if we sell Ben Arfa, because we'd almost certainly lose too. The hosses better watch out.
  21. A lot will, but judging by the mood on here and who I come into contact with a lot won't including people who have been going for years like myself - enough is enough and I take no pleasure at all from saying that I stopped going after the 0-3. I've barely even been tempted to go back and I'm amazed that point of view seems to represent a tiny minority. I understand that thousands have nothing in their lives beyond 19 games a football every season but still getting 50K+ every game with this level of contempt and lack of ambition... People are either incredibly stupid or incredibly weak. I only keep going because I know it's the one place I won't fucking bump into you.
  22. RIP Clem http://www.wassermantvtalent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/mark_clerrmit_2-608x408.jpg
  23. Johnson faking being headbutted is regarded ok it seems. What an absolute joke. It is but the big difference is Norwich didn't have a useless c*** of a manager going a post match interview saying it was a red - he really is an utter c*** that bloke. That should play absolutely no role in the FA doing their fucking jobs.
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