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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. We haven't. Get your dealer to sort me out. He must have some cracking gear.
  2. Which sides above us do you think our first 11 is stronger than?
  3. Your version of reality? You can get 10 different people watching 10 different events totally unrelated to football ant they'll all see it in a different way. Fucking hell
  4. Christ, do you expect everybody to hold the same opinion that you hold? Not at all, I just expect the criticism leveled at him to at least have some tenuous link to reality.
  5. No it didn't. By taking Anita off we started losing all the second balls in midfield. Yet we created more chances/attempts on goal than the period before the change, you want it to be a s**** sub but it wasn't. You're hilarious. No, I'm factual and rational. We were on the back foot, change was made and we regained pretty good control. That's what really happened. This is a perfect example of what I mean. The stats are there for all to see - we improved in the second half once Shola was introduced. Why do some pretend this is bollocks? It's fucking fact
  6. It's not impossible at all. Of course some people are vehemently against him, but that doesn't mean everyone is and lumping everyone together with the strongest single viewpoint (and in many cases attributing statements that nobody at all have made) does nothing to advance the debate. In fact it's that kind of thing that drags it all down. I didn't say everyone, but there are just enough to make reading this thread and match threads an absolute fucking chore. He gets absolutely no credit for anything, instead there are a number of posters who will willfully ignore or misrepresent stuff that has actually occurred just to have a dig. I regularly come on here now and find myself questioning whether I watched the same match as some. If this was my only contact with our supporters I'd be questioning my own sanity. And I say all this as someone who tolerates Pardew. I don't really like the man. If he left tomorrow I wouldn't be particularly upset because I think he's a pretty average coach whose grasp on the English language is infuriatingly poor.
  7. Toon Pack has a point mind. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion about Pardew on here because so many are so vehemently opposed to him. He's got shit for bringing on Ameobi yesterday despite the fact it was a change that had a positive impact on the game and helped us regain some of the impetus.
  8. Not surprised tbh he knows even if he has a blinder he's back on the bench next game.It's pathetic. Also don't agree with people saying he was terrible, not that I think he was good...just think it's unfair to make any judgement till he's given more than 10/15mins. His morale must be rock bottom now and I'm fairly sure he'll follow Cabaye out the door. Mostly down to our managers stupidity/inability to find him a role. Ben Arfa hasn't had a blinder in a while. It's hard to justify giving him any more time on the pitch at the moment. What? He needs to make the most of the time he does get on the pitch. His recent cameos have been poor. He's not done anything to suggest we should rejig the side to accommodate him. Does he need to take on the entire team and score a goal every time he's on the pitch? He won the free kick for our last goal yesterday. How many 'blinders' have Sissoko and Gouffran played recently? He's judged on a completely different scale to the rest of our players. It hardly helps him when he's getting subbed on last so he's coming on in a weakened team too. Aye, he gets given so much leeway on here it's incredible. He's done nothing to suggest he deserves a start. He's came on, ran down blind alleys, given the ball away and shot when he should've passed. He can do better.
  9. http://i43.tinypic.com/2dhi9p4.gif
  10. Fuck me If MYM doesn't start alongside Williamson when Debuchy returns there's something seriously wrong.
  11. Not surprised tbh he knows even if he has a blinder he's back on the bench next game.It's pathetic. Also don't agree with people saying he was terrible, not that I think he was good...just think it's unfair to make any judgement till he's given more than 10/15mins. His morale must be rock bottom now and I'm fairly sure he'll follow Cabaye out the door. Mostly down to our managers stupidity/inability to find him a role. Ben Arfa hasn't had a blinder in a while. It's hard to justify giving him any more time on the pitch at the moment. What? He needs to make the most of the time he does get on the pitch. His recent cameos have been poor. He's not done anything to suggest we should rejig the side to accommodate him.
  12. It's not really considering, y'know, we won yesterday and we're top 8 in the league.
  13. Anita for Ameobi certainly helped swing the momentum back in our favour. It looked very daft at the time but it worked.
  14. Not surprised tbh he knows even if he has a blinder he's back on the bench next game.It's pathetic. Also don't agree with people saying he was terrible, not that I think he was good...just think it's unfair to make any judgement till he's given more than 10/15mins. His morale must be rock bottom now and I'm fairly sure he'll follow Cabaye out the door. Mostly down to our managers stupidity/inability to find him a role. Ben Arfa hasn't had a blinder in a while. It's hard to justify giving him any more time on the pitch at the moment.
  15. I got speaking to a West Ham fan in the pub before the match and it took him a whole 15 minutes to mention the fact they won the World Cup. 15 fucking minutes.
  16. "The spectators at Upton Park could be seen nursing a certain puzzlement. Perhaps they were wondering whether they were at the correct match. Who were these impostors in claret and blue, and what had they done with West Ham? And the opposition: was this Barcelona, or perhaps Bayern Munich, tearing the home side to shreds? What was this? What year was it? So many questions. Slowly, they realised. This was not Barcelona or Bayern Munich, but Alan Pardew’s Newcastle United."
  17. This forum is the only place I know where he's properly reviled. I don't quite understand it myself. I've said it again and again but I don't actually think he deserves the amount of shite some on here level at him.
  18. How do you know we havent asked and were told the loan fee was still too high? http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1326450.1366834887!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/ny-governors-race.jpg
  19. 82% approval rating http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/big-toon-survey-newcastle-united-6508496
  20. I thought Traore had signed for Monaco? I'm off to this. Looking forward to it despite my shite away record.
  21. Nee room for cult heroes on here. If you're not mint you're shite.
  22. Bringing off Anita was his big mistake. They'd brought on Navas and Garcia to try and gain a foothold in midfield, the minute we went back to 442 we handed over the initiative.
  23. He was only ever going to trouble the bench this season. Gouffran's a similar sort of workhorse but with an end product. If we can get De Jong now then it's a good deal.
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