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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. On the balance of things, on the rare occasions that he's been played there, MYM has probably been our best centre back this season. I've heard a few rumours about the line up today. If they're true it's a new nadir for Pards.
  2. You just kna some of the touchers on there will have a file on their hard drive, probably called "embarrasin ferters of tha mags", in which they store all these images so they can be produced at a moments notice to win (at least in their mind) any online disagreement. "Ere sum Geordie bastad iz mekin iz luk lyk a mug, beta get tha ferter of tha horse puncha oot"
  3. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/640/962/d91.gif
  4. The boogie is the only thing he hasn't blamed.
  5. Pros: He's not Kinnear Cons: Dodgy Google Search results Current status: Charnley IN
  6. He was only on for 30 minutes Pardew is an absolutely shameless cunt.
  7. What? Exactly what I wrote. He's only good enough for a team fighting relegation He looked quite handy the year we finished fifth, like.
  8. A sign of a player low on confidence. He's not taking risks, he just wants to get it in target. Personally I think there's a great striker in there, the poor fucker has been Pardewed.
  9. They did....well, actually, it was just Santon who came over, really-Anita came halfway and Elliot sort of moved towards us. To be fair to Santon, he kept on coming in the face of the boos and held his hands up-for which he got applauded. And rightly so, imo- he was being applauded for coming over and facing the stick and being the only one to have the bollocks to say sorry. They didn't get boos, they got applause. They all did, not just Santon. There was a bit of booing, but it soon made way... Well in the Strawberry Corner it was all boos until Santon came over. Can't think why anyone would want to applaud that sh*tty performance anyway??? I'm in the Strawberry Corner too. It seemed like force of habit, people just clapped because it was the done thing.
  10. They did....well, actually, it was just Santon who came over, really-Anita came halfway and Elliot sort of moved towards us. To be fair to Santon, he kept on coming in the face of the boos and held his hands up-for which he got applauded. And rightly so, imo- he was being applauded for coming over and facing the stick and being the only one to have the bollocks to say sorry. They didn't get boos, they got applause. They all did, not just Santon. There was a bit of booing, but it soon made way...
  11. "The Football League has to be careful with the decision they make. It does not matter if they did it with intention or not, the only decision they can make in this instance - and I would say the same if my team were the guilty party - is to give the three points to the opposition."
  12. There seems to be some suggestion that the Premier League hadn't updated their website, however that's not the proper route by which to check. The funny thing is that while Poyet was Brighton manager he threw a massive fucking hissy fit because Hartlepool mistakenly played an ineligible player against them. Pools were deducted three points.
  13. Guaranteed they'll stay up by one point now.
  14. Reminds me of a quote after the 5-1 where one of the posters said he wanted to punch his own kids in the throat he was so annoyed
  15. http://24.media.tumblr.com/dcf6c15186069b46ebdb0ec5658d16b2/tumblr_mrwcq0IiTS1socbbto1_1280.png
  16. You seem a lot more enthusiastic than me. Would you pay my share?
  17. I'm convinced they're staying up.
  18. A few years ago, there used to be a website that kept a league table of which players in Europe lost possession the most. Top of the league, every year, was always Messi. We don't have Xavi, Iniesta, Pedro or Busquets to play alongside him tbf.
  19. His first touch is terrible. When he finally gets the ball under control he's dangerous.
  20. Really? The extreme frustration seems to stem from the fact he's capable of so much more yet rarely lives up to the hype. When he's in a good vein of form HBA can do no wrong (I've watched him have shitters and receive nothing but love, his name sang when he's on the bench having done fuck all) however when he runs into trouble time and time again, loses the ball in daft positions and sits on his arse watching while the opposition score, he rightly gets criticised. I can't say I think Pardew's been particularly unfair. When he did drop him earlier in the season we hit form.
  21. Jesus Christ. How can people be this lacking in critical faculties? The hell are you on about? Not spinning a line to us, not tub-thumping in the press; Pardew is directly telling the players to go out and fight for a win as we were still in the running for a European spot. Please gather up your bulging critical faculties, and explain to me how in the chuffing fuck that doesn't put a damper on suggestions he doesn't want the team to get into it. Gouffran's drank the Kool Aid. He's part of the grand conspiracy to make sure everyone think Pardew is a tip top bloke.
  22. That header against Chelsea was his best chance.
  23. Outshone by a patently out of form Cisse. However much Mochengladbach want they need to half it the knock a couple of million off because he's looked terrible.
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