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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I'm not sure if it's already been covered, but who else noticed the horrific grammatical error on the electronic advertising hoardings during the minutes applause for Muamba?
  2. But we have changed how we play over the course of this season. In fact we've largely went direct since it worked against Man United, before that we got the ball down a bit more.
  3. Sky and their desperate need to be first with any breaking news. A bit like when they reported a that a bus had been blown up in London but it actually turned out it had just broken down.
  4. To an extent I agree with right wing, but centre mid? We've got Cabaye, Tiote, Guthrie (if he signs a new deal), Abeid and Amalfitano.
  5. Some of our fans are fuckwits. Unfortunately some of these fuckwits have Twitter accounts.
  6. Who'll retweet the illiterate spastics who think he should be in the England team now?
  7. Wasn't there someone on here who used to constantly argue he was a DM? Only marginally more infuriating than SBR's insistence he play on the fucking left wing.
  8. They suggested Obertan, which quite frankly I hope is true.
  9. There's hell on, apparently. Just look at the tension at training this morning. http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/News/Gallery/0,,10278~2645175,00.html
  10. http://i41.tinypic.com/2ziy3b6.png
  11. Speaking of the training pics... http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7036/6826189606_cac761b99f_z.jpg Tiote's sort of want face There must be a forum smilie in that.
  12. Just look at our first team striking options - Ba, Cisse, Shola, Best, Lovenkrands and Ranger. Six strikers, four of which you'd struggle to argue are Premier League quality, let alone top half. Granted we are thin on the ground at full back and centre back. We need bodies there.
  13. Spurs aren't really a great example. It took years of flogging their star players before they could put together a side capable of challenging for the Champions League and turn down massive bids. DL and Pards are stuck between a rock and a hard place - if they categorically deny that any of our players will be sold then when they are they'll get strips torn off of them much like they did after the Carroll deal, acknowledge we'd struggle to keep hold of our better players if a Man City came in for them and everyone throws a hissy because it's proof we're trying to move them on and make a fast buck. I would love to think that we'd slam the phone down when one of the cash rich clubs come knocking but in reality we'll listen to them.
  14. Really? I think he comes across very well in this particular interview.
  15. They've been banging the Tiote drum for ages Just before every window we get Pardew coming out in the press saying "Oooh, look at him. Isn't he a handsome chap? Doesn't he smell nice? Wouldn't it be awful if someone were to come in and make a bid for one of our star players? Eh? Wouldn't it?" and yet he's still here.
  16. I doubt it was a well thought out protest at Ashley's decision to rename the ground, more just the antics of some pissed up charvas who got excited mummy and daddy weren't around to tell them off.
  17. Much like the Darlo game had a knock on effect on attending away games I'm sure this will mean future reserve and u18 fixtures being played behind closed doors, which is a shame as the young'uns really deserve to play in front of some of our supporters.
  18. I can't believe the bastard has began to put signs on the inner roof.
  19. Because that description sounds nothing like a reserve team, mate. You know what I mean, man We've got Phil fucking Airey playing at right back tonight.
  20. Am I right in thinking we don't actually have a proper reserve side at the moment because we've fucked them all off on loan? There's basically Abeid, a load of under 18s and a handful of first team players?
  21. You'd have thought so, but unless they can find a benefactor who is willing and able to fork out £1 million a month, in addition to settling a tax bill that could reach in excess of £70 million, and is happy with the fact that the only meaningful income the club will generate for the next few years is through Scottish football's meagre TV deals due to Craig Whyte selling the season tickets to actually buy the club, then they're fucked. Oh, and that's discounting the fact that Rangers are also being investigated for fielding ineligible players due to this not-so-clever set up they had regarding player contracts. There's been talk that they could've fielded at least one ineligible player in every game this season, which would see their points wiped and the club relegated, however the SPL and SFA have dragged their feet on this one and only really decided to look into it when a Scottish newspaper actually saw a hard copy of one of these alleged contracts.
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