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Everything posted by Pata

  1. Pata

    Copa América

    Even CRonaldo looks like a nice guy next to Di Maria.
  2. Pata

    Copa América

    Shame for the game.
  3. Pata

    Copa América

    It was already from the Forlan delivery.
  4. Pata

    Copa América

    Uruguay is not finishing this game with 11 men.
  5. Pata

    Copa América

    Sergio Batista=Peter Stormare
  6. Pata

    Other clubs' transfers

    To be fair Tiote has had one good season, looked classy and got a new contract, this doesn't mean to say he will stay for 5 years, he could still have another class season and leave next season for 20 million and that point what can you do if Man Utd or whoever are making big bids. Carroll proved one good season, 5 year contract then gone for a big transfer. If a player doesn't want to play for your club anymore your best off without. Man Utd done the same with Ronaldo, Arsenal have done well to keep Cesc and he has been a true professional through out but it's inevitable he will play for the club he loves one day. the difference with ronaldo was man ut'd got a very good deal out of it, with the modric situation thats not happening. if players sign contracts they ought to be prepared to abide by it like the club has to if they turn out to be s***. it's that sort of attitude that is f***ing football up. 22 million surely it's a good deal? What's f***ing up football is the transfers around that and getting compared to it. I'd rate Modric at around 20million and i think he's in the top 5 premiership central midfieders. Otherwise pretty correct but Jordan Henderson says hello.
  7. Pata

    Copa América

    I didn't say Robinho is bad player. Neymar just looks similar to Robinho to me ie. skillful and full of tricks but not really end product. And I even said that I'm basing this on 2 games. Incompetence ffs. Just stating my opinion based on 2 games...
  8. Pata

    Copa América

    Still looks ineffective after all the hype.
  9. Pata

    Copa América

    Neymar looks like just younger Robinho...(by two games mind)
  10. Pata

    Copa América

    What a finish!!
  11. Pata

    Copa América

    Santa Cruz should have scored already.
  12. Raylor against Accrington was sensational strike no matter the opposition.
  13. He looks "normal" when he runs/shoots/controls the ball. Exciting.
  14. My heart is broken if Drogba leaves to Turkey (or any other place). Easily one of my favourite non-NUFC players. And he's still in the top-10 strikers in the world IMO.
  15. How Knight survived with yellow? He was choking Taylor-Fletchers fat neck...
  16. Shola is just awful. There's no other striker in the world who stays laying on the ground after his header when the ball is still in danger zone.
  17. Bad wording, meant brazilian was fouled...
  18. What the f***? Eh, brazilian got hurt? Never a red. Pepe is brazilian too you know Brazilian still got hurt.
  19. What the f***? Eh, brazilian got hurt? Never a red.
  20. Krul has been amazing. The way he dealt with the Jose to DJ Campbell was amazing. Also very quickly off his line when Campbell was played through. If he continues like this, he should be number 1 next season.
  21. If you can replace Van Der Sar, I'm sure you'll be in competition for European places next season too.
  22. Can we clone Colo? Would be worth it to ship some research company +20m of the Carroll-money...
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