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Everything posted by James

  1. It is, in January clubs need players but clubs don’t want to sell first team players. creates an imbalance to exploit.
  2. Just to qualify the above statement, they are disgracefully good, and by ‘boo them’ I mean boo Southampton
  3. PIF, Howe and Ashworth are a disgrace. Heading to the match now to boo them for 90 mins.
  4. we are losing 6-7 on aggregate? Or on penalties? Or over 90 mins and going out in away goals????
  5. we won’t because Murphy will be there
  6. Things are lining up for Karius to start the cup final when Pope traps his finger in a door
  7. James

    Jeff Hendrick

    I’d rather have him back for a few months than let Shelvey get the multi year contract extension that Ashley had put in his contract
  8. we should all know by now that Howe does not like throwing a new player in if he is already getting what he wants from the team.
  9. That would be infinitely better than having to give Shelvey a new multi-year contract
  10. Depends whether Howe judges Gordon as ready to implement the team game plan.
  11. Love the bit about us actually sensibly ringing around before making a decision.
  12. He gets a new contract if he plays two more games, so I’d rather play Karl Darlow central midfield
  13. Someone else posted it on here so I’m only going off what they said!
  14. Apparently because he is a player on the bench, Ritchie is allowed to be in the pitch until moments before KO and leads the last minute press exercises, which we are then actioning from minute one. If true he is invaluable.
  15. We are going to be in Europe and want to compete for every cup. Trippier is already knackered
  16. James

    Garang Kuol

    he is basically doing what he was doing in Australia, but in a higher level league against higher level opponents. if a manager in Australia doesn’t think he is ready yet, how far down the leagues does he have to go. he is now training with a higher quality first team, we’ve kept him close to us and probably having his own training plan to get him up to speed. He is 18 FFS
  17. James

    Garang Kuol

    Couple of really incredibly thick posts above. He only started a very small number of games in the A-League as deemed not physically ready. Yet people are throwing their toys out as he isn’t starting the game in a much tougher league less than one month later.
  18. he’s at the point of his career that he needs to be starting 15 games a season. He won’t get that at West Ham or Chelsea, but if he’s good enough he will here
  19. James

    Anthony Gordon

    With a touch of Quasimodo
  20. James

    Anthony Gordon

    Going to go out on a limb and guess that you are Ant
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