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Everything posted by James

  1. Ince and Barnes are a complete red herring though because they have been able to use their playing career to open doors. Where is the black David Moyes for example? I've had a think about the David Moyes example, could Jean Tigana be the David Moyes example ? Tigana was a helluva footballer though apparently. Hardly used his playing career to open doors over here though. The issue here is getting into the game. Not getting into another job when already established. Although must remember too though that Fulham don't have the typical chairman, so I don't think we can look at Tigana as a counter argument.
  2. Ince and Barnes are a complete red herring though because they have been able to use their playing career to open doors. Where is the black David Moyes for example? I've had a think about the David Moyes example, could Jean Tigana be the David Moyes example ? Established in France before he got the Fulham job. And he played 52 times for France making him very much a 'name'
  3. Yeah, I can't say its anything to do with racism, or whether there is some other issue going on here, but I think those saying that Ince and Barnes would get better jobs if they were any good are completely missing the point.
  4. Ince and Barnes are a complete red herring though because they have been able to use their playing career to open doors. Where is the black David Moyes for example?
  5. No the stats do show that not only are there less black managers in the game, but less sacked black managers manage to find another management job in the UK. Right now, it is only really those top players like Gullit, Barnes, and Ince all of whom were one of the best in their position in the world during their prime that get the management look in. Like lower down Noel Blake and Liam Rosenior got a go, but they say that the best managers aren't the best players, so where are these average black players that go on to get considered for the top jobs?
  6. Well he was suppossedly on Shearer's list. It was probably an easy thing for everyone to agree on.
  7. No offence to the man, but Hughton is ultimately irrelevant in all this. He just coaches the team and picks the team, and isn't parley to anything else.
  8. To be honest, I just want to see Campbell sign for us, so we can see Phil Brown's reaction when he finds out Campbell would rather take a pay cut and come here, than go there.
  9. No problem myself like, but I just wanted to bring the possibility up to see who gets riled by the idea.
  10. If signing Campbell meant Shola as No. 9, would you still want it?
  11. Most shortlived transfer rumour ever. Started and killed in three consecutive posts by the same poster.
  12. James

    Jonas Gutierrez

    When he can be arsed he's definitely worth having in the team. Not close to justified his fee, wage or reputation though. Also I think his all round passing is poor, and whilst his running relieves pressure elsewhere his reluctance / inability to start anything that looks like it might turn into a goal he doesn't exact very much if any pressure on the opposition. I agree. He is of use though against the defenders in this league if we manage to keep him.
  13. sounds like insider dealing if they are betting on him buying a house in newcastle when he's helping him to do it. edit...i've searched betfair and ladbrokes and there is no housepurchase books being ran. Sorry I meant the NUFC job. This betting did actually occur a few years ago though, glad I didn't put money on this myself tbh. Am still convinced though that Mancini was in advance talks to become NUFC manager a few years ago though.
  14. My friends housemate's brother is an estate agent, and he's helping Roberto Mancini buy a house in Newcastle. The housemate has put £1000 on it, and my friend put £100 on. they seem very sure of it.
  15. James

    RIP sale thread.

    I can't see why we couldn't negotiate the following with a bank: You give us the money we need, and the club will give you 5% of stadium revenue for as long as it takes to pay off 125% of what you gave us.
  16. James

    RIP sale thread.

    To be fair to Shola, what he actually means is: Please don't bring Kinnear back.
  17. Little does Mike Ashley know that the man behind them is Thomo.
  18. James

    RIP sale thread.

    No way the wage bill is under £30m, more like mid to high 40's. I definitely agree with the rest though. yeah by my rough calculations with duff gone some 23m a year has gone off the wage bill since the end of last year so that would leave it in the 40-50m bracket I dunno, I couldn't remember figures for what it was before, so tried counting upwards, as as far as I'm aware, the likes of Rozehnal were on the last wage bill estimate and we know that more have gone out than in since then: Harper £40,000 Colo £50,000 Enrique £40,000 Nolan £40,000 Barton £50,000 Guthrie £20,000 Simpson £10,000 Taylor £30,000 Smith £50,000 Jonas £40,000 Xisco £40,000 Geremi £50,000 Butt £50,000 Shola £35,000 Carroll £15,000 Taylor £25,000 = £495,000 a week x52 = £25,740,000 Obviously plus youngsters and staff,
  19. Oh dear, Butt is bound to find his way into the team somehow.
  20. James

    RIP sale thread.

    I have a feeling that if Moat gets the gig as owner, Llambias will stay. How many times though has Ashley made a statement on the club's secrets by what he does at the match eg. names on the back etc. Which again was something else I wondered about, the fact that he wasn't in his usual kit.
  21. I don't know why people are so worried about pace in this league. So far, the quickest players in this league have been the likes of Jonas and Enrique. Even Shola looks quick with the players he is up against. Campbell would have no problem with the pace, well maybe he would against Earnshaw, but you can get around that just for one game. Good organisation at set pieces is what we need right now, and it is something Campbell would be perfect for.
  22. James

    RIP sale thread.

    We've got the wage bill under £30m by my best estimate, and these players, with a couple of loans, freebies and cheap deals to reinforce the squad will win the Championship. Then the owner will have a Premier League club that wont need a new stadium to be built, and will collect the third highest matchday revenue in that league, and with all that has come to pass, the owner would have a completely blank slate with regards to what he can do. Even though we are in a division below, you can do more with us in 10 years than you could ever do with Everton, West Ham, Aston Villa, Blackburn, Wigan, Sunderland, even Man City if you were rich enough. We should be the best value for money purchase ever made in football if someone had money, ambition, and foresight.
  23. Why would you play a stupid defensive formation and not have our new signing and best player in the team?
  24. Could be fans making shit up, but it could be a goer...
  25. Some players will take a massive paycut to carry on their careers in the lower leagues if they love football. Perhaps Campbell would?
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